G'day, everyone.
TM, I was late on this evening because I was helping easy child 2/difficult child 2 help her little brother to do some reading. he's actually a very good reader, but finds novels very confronting. Then just as he went to bed, having read two chapters as a group effort, a cracking good program came on TV, part 3 of a series of three by Lord Robert Winston. It just finished, I have to get the DVD (so husband can watch it again - he fell asleep!)
Jen, I'm glad the baby shower went well, especially for difficult child. Not so good for your niece, but sometimes you need to know how reliable your friends are (o aren't).
Sharon, the scrapbook sounds great. I'm glad it went well for you. Maybe you will have the confidence now to keep going? Scrapbooking can be infectious!
Linda, I'm glad the weather is warming up for you.
We had a moderately restful Sunday. I should feel guilty for skipping out on church (again) but I don't. husband spent a lot of time working on our passports, I visited a friend to get our photos signed and later this evening we went back to get our signatures witnessed for difficult child 3's passport.
I could have a problem with my passport - I changed my name when we married, but back in those long ago days the marriage certificates weren't numbers. The passport office is insisting we give them a number, or my name change is not valid. It seems the number of people with a current marriage licence as old as ours is very low - sad, really.
husband is now ordering a new marriage certificate. I asked if that meant we go for an expensive wedding all over again - he wasn't impressed! We're likely to have two weddings to pay for in the next few years.
We got a bit more gardening done - filled in a hole in our wall hedge where two plants had died. I still have to train the plants and do some pruning, but a thunderstorm interrupted us. Unfortunately, there was only enough moisture to dampen the path, we got nothing more and still had to fill buckets to water the garden.
I can hear a bit more rain now - I think it's because I just got a load of washing on, and we have no dryer (other than the sun, in the morning).
Yep, it's getting heavier. We need it. I love going to sleep with the sound of the rain, especially if it's a tin roof. Now I can hear the gutters overflowing - and now it's stopping. Still, we must have got a few mm of rain in that bit.
Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.