Good Wednesday Morning!

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good Morning Sleepyheads!

I wish I was still sleeping but difficult child is up which means everyone is up! At least the next couple of weeks after he gets on the bus for day camp I can come back and go back to sleep! :dance:

It's hot and muggy here-75 right now but storms are supposed to go through at some point this morning and then the temps are supposed to drop!

Today difficult child has a psychiatrist appointment. and then swimming lessons. Other than a nap and a trip to the health club :smile:I'm not sure what we're going to do today.

I hope everyone has a peaceful day and finds reasons to laugh! :flower:


Well-Known Member
Good morning on a beautiful Tuesday morning. :coffee:
Duckie and I have to go to the allergist this morning :doctor: and I have to send out a 3 page Christian Ed letter to the parishioners of my church :angel: , plus buy paint and a ceiling fan for my bedroom. :smile: We go to the members' picnic at the zoo this evening. :thumb:
It's supposed to be pretty sultry today, a high around 90 coupled with high humidity. It may rain at some point, which would be good because we desperately need it. The grass is already browning up around here! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hot.gif
Have a great day! :salute:


Good morning

TM you are always so busy. Sounds like a fun picnic.

I have nothing fun planned. Have to go to the cell phone store because the puppy ate my cell phone last night! Then I need to go to the cable store because the puppy chewed the remote from the cable company the prior night. I am ready to send this puppy away! difficult child cried when I mentioned it. Phone calls to doctors. Everyone have a Great day.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Good morning friends,

Sharon, we had that weather yesterday - the storms went through & it's a beautiful morning. by the way, I think you've enough scheduled - hang out & relax.

A quiet day here - other than my personal therapist appointment, nothing on the schedule. Need to catch up on laundry & would like to run to the library this morning.

Enjoy your day; keep it calm.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Okay, ladies - I'm confused! :smile: It's far too early in the morning to be messing with my mind! :rofl: :crazy:

Again, have a calm day. :beach:


Former desparate mom
<span style='font-size: 11pt'>Good Morning everyone. I thought it was Tuesday too, TM.
I'm not ready for Wed. yet. We woke up to more rain. :faint: You would think it would be disappointing but it's such a welcome relief after two or three years of drought. All my wonderful plants died last year and I replanted hardier drought resistant plants, so now it's raining buckets several times a week or even a day.

difficult child helped us move boxes of stuff to the garage, to eventually go to storage, until the move. Busy, busy. He seems happy enough. Work is going well but it's still part time. I'm happy with it and he is happy with it although he talks of wanting to do more than push grocery carts. :thumb: So now he has to make a plan.

The realtors are coming by and we have errands to do. husband is on vacation of sorts but I'm working him hard. LOL.

Hope you all don't melt in the heat and I'm going to be paddling my car soon. Have a good day and hope for a no meltdown Wed. </span>


Going Green
We also had storms go through yesterday evening and it's supposed to be hot again today. It's been pretty dry here so the grass has perked back up again somewhat. Still not back to its usual green but definately better than the dry brown it has been.

husband is off today and tomorrow (aside from a meeting he had to attend this morning) so we may actually get to see each other! He's planning on taking difficult child to the license branch to take his written test for his permit. :faint: I still don't think he is in anyway ready to drive so I've found myself hoping he doesn't pass. At least that way if he can't drive it's not my fault for once! :smile: I, however, have to give a talk today to the board of a foundation that provides grants in town. Ugh. I am so not a public speaker so I'm not really looking forward to it. But, as they give my organization money and my boss "volunteered" me to do it, go I must.

Here's to a melt down free Tuesday, :wink: Hope everyone stays cool!


New Member
I'm in TX too and the rain is driving me nuts. Can't it just rain at night so I can get out during the day and not get soaked? I know, I'm a picky witch.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hey, send us some of that Texas rain. We are in a severe drought situation here in Georgia.

Hope everyone has a great day.
