Granddaughter update...


Well-Known Member
Today I decided to call the facility for the first time since I took her there on Thursday last week. I had sent information with her that had a fax number for the local Court as she had two cases and dates to show up for this week. I asked the person who answered if she knew if they had sent a fax to our court house. She transfered me to her manager. The manager said they had given her a release form to sign but never got it back. Then she told me that she is no longer there. I asked if she had a friend pick her up and the supervisor said a graduate of the program stopped by to visit and then she was returning to our town. And Alyssa left with her.

I haven't heard from her since a couple texts last night. She said she was on the phone with her mom and couldn't take a call so she was texting me... but I called her mom a little while ago and they didn't talk yesterday... our last text was that she had decided it was best not to have her child visit this Saturday. She said she thought it would be hard on him to spend several hours with her and then have to go home.. I was thinking she was finally putting him first instead of herself It! It was a special day with kids activities, grilling food, live music from 11 to 4. She had already told her son all about it and he has mentioned it a couple of times and was excited to see her. But no, she didn't want him to come because she wasn't there!!

The supervisor said she would be notifying the diversion officer. She said she didnt know if they would offer her snother option or put out a warrant.

I am so done.



Active Member
I so totally get that Ksm! I'm so sorry! Mine just took a taxi to a hospital for inpatient admissions for mental health evaluation. Pray he stays there too for help but I'm going to try not to get my hopes up. I'm shocked he actually went but we shall see.

Keeping you and your family in my prayers!


Well-Known Member
I am sorry ksm. The lying really gets to me. I hope she feels shame. My son seems not to at all. Being caught in lies doesn't seem to phase him at all.
It is so sad.


Well-Known Member
One other issue is that Sunday night after she video chatted with son, she told me that she didn't think she could stay there. She said about an hour ago the sheriff showed up with the drug sniffing dog. All the clients had to leave the building and wait outside. And then they called her and her roommate back because the dog signaled from their room, specifically from Alyssa's bed, but they didn't find anything. Alyssa said she was afraid that after she was singled out the other girls wouldn't want to be around her, even though nothing was found.

I told her I know you were using before you went there for several days and you took dirty clothes and items from your car and took them with you. Maybe there is enough scent left on them that the dog picked up on it.

This morning after the manager told me she had left I asked her about the sheriff and dog incident. She said she had a couple clients come to her and told them Alyssa was offering them meth. So they called the sheriff to check the facility. All the girls had to wait outside. But she said Alyssa made a quick trip into her room before she went outside. So it's a different story than what she told me.



Active Member
So sorry Ksm. Unfortunately, addicts twist the truth. I hate that I can't believe a lot of what my son tells me. Their perspectives are so distorted and unfortunately they lie a lot. I have a feeling she will be arrested soon which will be a good thing. It's always easier for me knowing where my son is when he's in jail that he's safe, cannot drink and has a place to sleep.

I hope you know that you're not alone and I'm sending you love and a big hug.


Well-Known Member
told them Alyssa was offering them meth.
Why would she do such a thing? It's one thing she doesn't like it there and isn't interested in recovery. It's another thing to sabotage herself and others so severely.

I am shaking my head here. And remembering her bringing your great grandson to that house where the man was arrested, where he painted his eyelids with nail polish. I am re-thinking all of this. Your grand-daughter tried to dodge any responsibility for that. What is your thinking? Is she lacking a sense of right and wrong? Is it self-sabotage? Is it poor judgment? Can she not see consequences of her actions? Each of these alteratives has serous repercussions with respect to her back in your house, around her son, or a custodial parent for her son.

I mean, she could have just left the facility. Offering women in a treatment facility meth is a leap into a place she did not have to go. Why did she? Do we know?

I am so sorry ksm.
I think we are past the idea that inpatient drug treatment is an answer. At least now. That is worth knowing.