Hi. Please calm down. Or as my shirt says
"Keep Calm and Walk the Dog."
You are not alone. Many of us, myself included, had some tough times in life and I was born with many disabilities that put me at a disadvantage from Day One. I have mental illness too. On this forum, you are NOT alone.
I believe in a higher power, something much bigger than me, and that we have chosen our paths as challenges to overcome, as improbable as it sometimes seems. Since you also have a higher power, believe that He is trying to teach you both and lean into your pain, don't resist it. Accept it and take it for what it is...and then maybe do something different to try to change it.
Remember that we all have free will. If we make mistakes, we can learn from them and correct them so that we don't do it again. If we keep repeating the mistakes, we are not learning. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again that doesn't work."
I do not know what your problems are now, but you deserve a good life, just like all of us do. And to have a good life sometimes we have to change the way we look at our challenges and change the way we THINK about our challenges too. I have had to start all over and begin again, looking at life in a totally new way. If not, I'd have ended up sixty and stressed and sick and old...just like I felt thirty years ago, even though I wasn't sixty. Here are some changes I made that helped me enormously. As with everything else, take advice you find useful and throw the rest in the trash. This is YOUR life and YOUR walk. We can share, but we can't force.
1. After much denial, was ready to face that my beloved first child had been born with a rather negative, self-destructive and not-so-nice disposition and is basically...(this was hard for me because I value selflessness)....selfish. After a good cry when I faced it, I was able to see him in a different way and to stop trying to change him because he is who he is and I can not change him.
2. Faced who I am and the mistakes I made. Joined a Twelve Step meeting called Coda pendents Anonymous where I learned things, such as that my abusive husband is not allowed to abuse me just because he had/has a chronic and incurable illness that could shorten his life. That nobody has a right to abuse me, even if they are sick, even if they are my family. This took me a long time to accept. I rejected it at first and considered those who told me to not accept it to be cold-hearted jerks who didn't care about their loved ones.
3. I had to learn to put myself first, which goes against every grain in my body. I was always a giver, the one who went out of my way for anyone in need, the one who stuffed ten dollar bills in beggar's cups, the one who cried about injustice overseas and always sent my money to a good cause (I have learned to be more careful...that not every good cause is good or even a cause).
4. I had to fight the urge to think I was cursed too. I had my parents telling me I was a curse to them so it was doubly hard. I had to learn that this was THEIR problem, not mine. I had to, as the family black sheep, learn that they needed me to be their bad guy and that I really was not and to detach from my own family of origin for their sake and mine. I had to learn not to take the thoughts of others as reality. If somebody calls me a selfish jerk, does that mean I am? No, it doesn't. Even if my own adult child calls me one, it doesn't make me one. I have learned to detach from him when he is being.....a selfish jerk???? I call it abusive. When he is abusive, I have learned I can walk away without feeling guilty. This also took a while to learn. I did feel guilty for a long time.
5. There are times, due to my mood disorder, that I did feel suicidal. I was always in control of my illness and took care of myself and when I would get to the level where I simply could not take it anymore, I continued to take care of my illness and I would go to ER. I hope you do too if it gets that bad. Do not do anything rash. You WILL be glad later that you are here. Take care of yourself. I've been in a psychiatric hospital, once for ten weeks, at a time when they allowed one to heal in a medical setting, and I learned a lot there and got significantly better. Other times I was in for medication adjustment. I admit I have a mental illness and do what is needed to treat it. I hope you do too. If you have a mental illness, you have to be TWICE as good to yourself as somebody who is not ill. Please be sure you contact your psychiatrist, even though it's Sunday, or go to ER, if necessary.
You are not alone. Everyone does not have an easy life. Some fake an easy life for outsiders. We all have battles to fight and you are here and you are fighting them and we are with you and you can do it. This bears repeating: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! If you are suicidal seek the same help you'd seek if you were having a heart attack. And we will all hold your hand and support you.