Happy Holiday!


Active Member
I'm wondering if the extra day for those not in Israel, is the need to travel in spirit. Got to take that extra day to keep hitting yourself on the head and saying, "NEXT year, I'll be in Jerusalem for this..."




Well-Known Member
It's a bit complicated, this business of having an extra day outside of Israel. It's connected with the sighting of the new moon. Abroad they didn't know the exact day, so they kept two days instead of one, and it started from there. From olden times until today that has been the tradition and it continues even though today we do know the exact times. That's the whole difference.

My first great invasion is over. I am left with three grandchildren who will be picked up tomorrow morning, and then the last day of the Passover is Tuesday night and Wednesday, when we will undergo another invasion, not so drastic this time. And then we will get back to normal (what is normal?).

Love, Esther

Oh, and by the way, I DID have a lot of help, and they did all the serving and the clearing up and cleaning up.


Active Member
Esther, all that help - it's the reward for finally becoming an elder in the family community, it means that they all recognise (at least at such special times) that you've paid your dues and are worthy of respect. But not yet quite so much that they chase you out of your own kitchen!

Oh, that I could eventually earn as much respect...
