He is in the hospital


Well-Known Member
He is awake and in pain. The doctor will be here around 10. I have been? about his injuries and I can't give them any information because I don't have any and he is in no shape to answer any ? right now.


Well-Known Member
He's sick as a dog and they don't do anything and then release him needing hospitalization? For some things there is detachment. For this I think I'd go to war over.

Surgery and ICU?!?! As a D.O.C. employee, I can tell you with complete certainty that no offender should EVER be released in this condition. While they are here WE are responsible for their well being and their health. At a glance, what has happened to your son could be considered criminal. This facility needs to be investigated VERY thoroughly!


Well-Known Member
So, the hospital is calling this 'injuries' not 'illness'?

Someone seriously injured him (while in the corrections facility)????????

Should the police be called in at some point?

This sounds really serious.

My step-brother had his spleen injured in a motorcycle accident when he was thrown off and hit a fence. It was a violent blunt-force trauma that caused his injury.

It was such a blessing that your son got out of that facility when he did!

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Update us when you can.



Well-Known Member
Injuries? Make sure to document everything. You could call the police to get a report. Get the Feds involved. I'm sorry this happened to you and your son. A lot of us have had or have Difficult Child's locked up and that's why I'm so angry just reading about this.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oh Pasa, I am just catching up here, what a nightmare. I'm thinking of you and your son and sending prayers. I'm sure you're overwhelmed right now -- just know we're all here pulling for you and your son, and we'll be here to listen/read when you're ready to talk about it. Take your time and focus on what needs to be done there, first.


Well-Known Member
I almost wonder if they didn't release him early because they knew there was an issue. I remember he got in a major brawl and they thought he wouldn't be released until 18. Then whamo they release him with next to no notice. Maybe they realized he had a major medical issue and they released him to avoid it?


Well-Known Member
He has 2 cracked ribs that are partially healed. A hairline fracture of the brifge of hid nose and his right eue socket, thats why he had black circlrs under his eyes removal of spleen. There are even older injuries knocked out tooth.

He did not say snything to me because he thought i would. Tell him it was all his fault and not listen to what had happened. I took him home and knew domething was wrong but did not want to go to the emergency room. There is more to this. Right now I can honestly say he has every reason to not like me very much.


Well-Known Member
Oh Pasa, I'm SO sorry to hear this. You need to make a police report if the hospital hasn't. This is so wrong! Please remember YOU did not do this. You had no way of knowing this had happened if no one told you; you aren't a psychic. Hang in there.


Well-Known Member
Pas, it sounds to me like you did exactly what should be done. From your first post about the bad shape your found your son in upon his release, I was thinking along what has been written since.....that this was totally horrible and unacceptable.

Yes, there is detachment and then there is this.

How in the world would you possibly have expected your son to be released in such condition?? This is horrific.

I hope you get good guidance and find the strength to follow through. This is as about as bad as I have ever seen as far as an inmate being released. There is no excuse--totally inhumane. Disgusting. I am so sorry that your son and you are dealing with this.


Well-Known Member
Right now I can honestly say he has every reason to not like me very much.

Lay off yourself, please. I for one would not have done anything differently, than did you.

You did not do this to him.

Go home if you are not there already and be kind to yourself.

He loves you.


Pasa, no self blame allowed! You did not do this to him. You are making sure that he is receiving the care he needs. There is blame to be laid, but NOT upon you, sweetie.



Well-Known Member
He has 2 cracked ribs that are partially healed. A hairline fracture of the brifge of hid nose and his right eue socket, thats why he had black circlrs under his eyes removal of spleen. There are even older injuries knocked out tooth.

He did not say snything to me because he thought i would. Tell him it was all his fault and not listen to what had happened. I took him home and knew domething was wrong but did not want to go to the emergency room. There is more to this. Right now I can honestly say he has every reason to not like me very much.

This is a juvenile facility, right? In any setting this would be an outrage, but in a juvenile facility? Some heads need to roll.

Please don't blame yourself. We don't know the details, but the people running that place are at least guilty of criminal negligence. Please get legal counsel and make sure there are consequences for the people responsible for this absolute outrage.


Well-Known Member
Do not blame yourself. It's understandable that your son, with his issues and limitations, can't really make a difference between something that is his own doing and appropriate consequences of that and what is just plain wrong. And especially how you see those things. But you would not had just brushed off something like this if he had told, even though you would had likely took it with a grain of salt and it is even possible that staff could had fooled you by telling he was just making up stories. But that doesn't mean you would not had cared. Situation was out of your control and that was his doing.

However now he will need your help in sorting this out.

My prayers are with both of you.