
Shooting from the Hip
Aeroeng...Thanks for the reminder on plan B... I'll keep trying on the negotiations... When the television part of the grounding was over, she glued herself right back to it. Now, being warned that it would be turned off at 9:30 PM when she went to take a shower, and agreeing to that (we expressed our concerns, she said that made sense to her...), husband mentioned at 9:00 when we put easy child to bed, "don't forget 9:30"... No response. He went over to her, said her name, and when she looked up, repeated himself, and..."I KNOW I KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME!" Wow.
9:15, I went in, "hey baby girl, just your 15-minute reminder." "Okay, as soon as I'm done watching this." (Wait a second. How long is the show? And why is she being nice?)
9:29, husband goes in, says nothing till the clock changes. He opens his mouth, but before any noice comes out, she explodes. "MY SHOW ISN'T OVER YET YOU CAN'T MAKE ME TAKE A SHOWER WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM GO AWAY!"
The show was, in fact, over, and there was a commercial on. She waited until the clock said 9:30 to explode, with no real prompting. I walked over and turned the stupid thing off.

This isn't every night, nor is it always directed at husband - that was just one night. Problem with me is, I just don't watch TV. Not interesting to me. So I don't get the glued part...

It will be fun to find out how this afternoon went with my Dad. I had some stuff she needed to do before TV. Wonder if she blew up at HIM?!


Another thought...the natural stuff at night...
warm milk, melatonin...
heard lately b12 at night is relaxing esp. on empty stomach


Well-Known Member
Thank you all.

The TV cord is going to be spliced into a computer cable, the old fashioned kind that are white plastic with-about five cylindrical holes in them. They're called Molex connectors. There is absolutely nothing else that it can be plugged into it except another connector that matches it.

difficult child wakes up and specifically goes downstairs to either play video games or watch TV, whichever is available. He either falls asleep right away and wakes up later, or he fakes that he's asleep and waits until we're all in bed.

He's only on 1/2 a 0.5 mg tab of Clonidine so I'd be surprised if taking him off of it caused high blood pressure but I will ask.

A local friend whose son is an Aspie said her son did well on Iprimamine. So I can add that to the list. :) (I found it online and it's also called Tofranil. She said it's also used for bedwetting but I couldn't find that info. Maybe I misspelled it?)
We have an appointment on Mon.


Roll With It

I think changing the connector the way you have planned is GENIUS! I have hated the TV Wars for a long time. Luckily my younger two realize that I have NO problem getting rid of EVERY video and dvd that they like if they give me too much grief. Usually I put them in storage when the kids get obnoxious about the tv. They hate that, so being pcs (mostly) they have learned not to give me grief.

I cannot imagine a B vitamin at bedtime. They always rev me up (I even used to take them to get through big projects or finals week!), but I may not react like a normal person.

Warm milk and melatonin, even chamomile tea or catnip tea (don't laugh - it is magic stuff. Is AWESOME for colic (couple ounces subbed for the water for formula in a bottle 2 times a day) and for insomnia. thank you loves the stuff when we have it. Tension Tamer Tea by Celestial Seasonings is also great. (Good for times when they are wound up too. We make it iced and it is great when thank you is overstimulated.)

I do think some kids just have strange sleep cycles, but if he has been not getting up for school then the night time awakeness is a problem. Jess is up half the night, but she does schoolwork then so I don't complain. She does it better at night than in the morning.

Good luck with this. I bet difficult child will have a late night meltdown when he discovers the plug is gone and the games are locked up.


Melatonin helped my son sleep...I think they have to want to sleep for it to work though...If he's manic...he needs something more...A Rubber mallett might suffice...sounds like a big PITA...Mines sometimes up pacing in circles in the living room but at least he's quiet. He tries not to let me hear him because he doesnt want me to know...he's anxious and pacing.


I've been experimenting with the B's really confusing and not everyone is the same.

Generally, it seems that the B50 (or some kind of combo B tablet) revs people up.

The B12 alone ...mixed bag...but I think many people are relaxed by it might be a good experiment to take at night.