Heard back from school after my request-HELP!


New Member
I got a letter this morning handed to me by difficult children teacher. They sent me "Procedural Safeguards, Parent Input form to fill out adn send back soon and a Student Health Inventory to send back to nurse". says they will be working with the special education team at our school, gathering information from our class teacher, and reviewing his educational records. they will review all the information and then determine if a disability is suspected within 30 days. also, that it is for purpose of determining if there is an educational disability, and not to determine or eliminate specific medical conditions such as ADD/ADHD, bipolar, ODD or personality disorders. (which is our main problem). If i have medical information regarding an outside agency evaluation regarding a diagnosis that i would like them to review and consider to please submit it.

so...also, to catch you guys up since my last post, we did have one meeting with a neuropsychologist one and a half hours of goign thru history adn talking to difficult child and filling out paperwork. before the end of teh meeting he said at first glance its classic early onset bipolar disorder., but that it would take him a coupel of week to put together his report and contact my ins. company, then he would get back with me about his thoughts and refer difficult child to psychiatry.

the next week, we had an appointment with our reg psychologist and i mentioned this to her. she agreed. she said she had been thinking bipolar as well, was just trying to wait a bit, because she thought we were a little hesitant to start some medications. so seh referred us Occupational Therapist (OT) psychiatric. i am waiting for them to call to set up the appointment.

so, we have went from behavior disorder, to not meeting all criteria for ODD, to now they think its Borderline (BPD) (runs in family).

his report card, (remember only first grade here), which we just got for the first quarter about 2 weeks ago, shows that he is reading at a second quarter grade level "advanced", but everything else was a ND (not demonstrating), which he can do all fo the criteria. he doesnt have learning problems, its his behavior. he wont do it for her, he is distracted... so its totally affecting him academically.

also, he goes for sensory intergration testing november 27.

so, whats my next step?



New Member
okay, well i guess my question here is if they already told me in teh letter that they arent going to be testing for medical conditions like ADHD/ADD, ODD, bipolar,...then that means they arent going to help my son, right? because he has a mood disorder, exactly what, no one really knows yet as you can read in my sig.

i thought i read in teh IDEA that they do test for those conditions because it does affect them academically...am i wrong?


I hope you asked for a " Full and Initial Evaluation in conjunction with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)" via certified mail.

Read your documents carefully, but I interpret your information to say that they are not doing the evaluation presently, rather that they will decide if they are going to do it in 30 days.

They are also asking for "parent input" and any evaluations you want to share.

Under IDEA, the school district is required to evaluate in all areas of suspected disability -- period. If some type of medical doctor is required to do the diagnostics, it's part of the evaluation process. Sometimes the parent has to help with the "suspected" part. Also, they need to know about the bipolar disorder -- it will help them "suspect."

ADHD, bipolar, ODD, etc., would typically be evaluated via a psychologist or psychiatrist, therefore, if the school district "suspected" this type of disability the diagnostics (psychological evaluation) should be part of their evaluation.

From: http://idea.ed.gov/explore/view/p/%2Croot%2Cregs%2C300%2CD%2C300%252E304%2C

"Regulations: Part 300 / D / 300.304

Sec. 300.304 Evaluation procedures....

(4) The child is assessed in all areas related to the suspected disability, including, if appropriate, health, vision, hearing, social and emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative status, and motor abilities;...

(6) In evaluating each child with a disability under Sec. 300.304 through 300.306, the evaluation is sufficiently comprehensive to identify all of the child's special education and related services needs, whether or not commonly linked to the disability category in which the child has been classified...."


New Member

this is exactly the letter i sent to them:

CERTIFIED MAIL # ___________________

November , 2007

Mrs. _______________
Special Education Director
XXX School District
XXXX Chestnut Expressway

RE: ______________
Parent referral for Multidisciplinary Evaluation.

Dear Mrs. HXXXX,

Our son is experiencing academic and behavioral problems in school. He is 6 years old and attends ________ Elementary School. I am requesting that ________ be scheduled for a Full and Initial Evaluation in conjunction with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to determine if he is eligible for special education and related services. It is my understanding this is a multidisciplinary evaluation. We would also like to request a functional behavioral assessment as well as psychological evaluation for determining or eliminating possible bio-neurological and/or behavioral disorders such as ADD/ADHD, bi-polar disorder, ODD and personality disorders.

It is also my understanding that there are various timelines involved in the overall IDEA process. At your earliest convenience, please forward them to me at the address below.

We look forward to receiving an evaluation plan within 10 days of this request. It will be necessary that we receive a copy of the Full and Initial Evaluation Report together with subtest scores one week prior to the IEP meeting being scheduled. Depending on the language utilized in the reports, for clarification purposes, it may also be necessary to schedule a pre-IEP meeting with the diagnostician and other evaluators.

This letter is parent consent for the evaluation. If additional information is needed, please contact me immediately.



Cc: Mr. __________
XXXX Principal.

and they stated "We will review all the information and determine whether a disability is suspected within 30 days".

so, i take that to mean that it could take them up to 30 days to decide whether there even is a disability suspected, not that they will or won't do the evaluation. Just as you stated.

Obviously after 3 suspensions, multiple calls and problems, plus basically failing on his report card (especially compared to last years grade cards and tests), all my verbal communication with the staff about us seaking behavioral counselling, him have signs of ODD, his teacher stating "my biggest concern is difficult child hurting other children"....surely thats a suspect for a disability right?...

i havent mentioned to them about teh bipolar topic yet as its fairly new. so, I need to call our psychiatric and sign a release of info and have all that sent to me so i can review and send to them, fill out the parent input....and just hope for the best.

difficult child hasnt started medications yet. our first appointment with psychiatry is dec 19, but i know she (child psychologist) told me they wouldnt start medications on the first visit.

so, since we are in the process, well actually right in teh middle of the process,...how do you this is going to work out? i am sure its hard to say, but you guys have a lot more experience than i do by far.

his teacher also said she didnt think it would hurt us to request an evaluation, and that if he were her child she would do everything she could to try and help him but that the schools budget may not allow it.....

well, i just hope i have done the right thing.


I edited your post because of privacy issues, however, I'm at work and will reply to your most recent post ASAP.


Active Member
Question: how do they know he can do it but is "not demonstrating". Alot of times kids with issues hide them well with resistant behavior.

This is a time where a thorough neuropsychologist evaluation is important, to try and surface any possible problems as opposed to assuming there aren't any.


New Member
during our confrence when receiving the grade card, i told his teacher that "he can do all of this....he just doesnt want to do it for you, he already doesnt like you, he tells me he doesnt want to go to school, you hate him, he literally has diarrhea before school on certain days, will vomit the night before, and when i finally get him in the car he take deep deep puffing gasping breaths....anxiety". i told her its almost like its too late. he doesnt think he can do anything to change what has happened.

she stated that she takes everyday as a new day and she wanted me to tell him that.

she looks at him like a "demon", seriously. i am a pretty good reader of ppl,like dr. phil says and thats exactly whats happening. he CAN be a little demon, with-o his mothers love, i dont know where he would be, mind you we are talking about a 6 year old here.

my daughter, listed in my profile below, she got a 98% on her MAP testing last year for the state of missouri. she even is overweight, and the top of her class, one of the most popular students of the entire elementary school. my difficult child compared to her, at first grade is learning at a rate that blows her out of the water. he is reading, writing, mathing, all of it. he only has to be shown one time. he has been this way since the beginning. he will go beyond her if MY work pays off. (not with any OFF feelings between the two, i just dont want him to slip thru the cracks and always wonder.... what could have been) he just doesnt know what is goign on with his actions. he doesnt mean to hurt ppl or "snap" and he shows great, deep remorse with physical signs of shortness of breath, vomitting, diarrhea...anxiety.

last year in kindergarten (angel of a teacher) pretty much all of the initial first quarter criteria when reviewing the last grade card from kindergarten is a repeat. he soared through them last year and i have the paperwork, i.e. testing, grade cards to prove it.

they have to know there has been a great decline in academics with difficult child....right?

if not, what should i do to prove it? thanks, p.s. i am in tears and am seriously wanting your advice. thank you.


New Member
thanks a lot, sorry about that. wasnt thinking. cant wait to hear from you.
I edited your post because of privacy issues, however, I'm at work and will reply to your most recent post ASAP.


Sorry for the delay. I know the frustration you’re going through, but try to pace yourself. This process takes a while.

Your letter is good. There should be no confusion on the sd’s part as to what you asked for.

I perceive this as a stall tactic, e.g., the sd has not out right refused to evaluate and have indicated that they are gathering data. There’s a lot that goes into a full evaluation and gathering data is part of the process.

The regs state that when a parent refers for an evaluation, the school district must perform the evaluation or refuse to do the evaluation. When they refuse to evaluate, they must notify the parent in writing (Prior Written Notice). Because we said so is not permissible. The letter must address the following:

(b) Content of notice. The notice required under paragraph (a) of this section must include--
(1) A description of the action proposed or refused by the agency;
(2) An explanation of why the agency proposes or refuses to take the action;
(3) A description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report the agency used as a basis for the proposed or refused action;
(4) A statement that the parents of a child with a disability have protection under the procedural safeguards of this part and, if this notice is not an initial referral for evaluation, the means by which a copy of a description of the procedural safeguards can be obtained;
(5) Sources for parents to contact to obtain assistance in understanding the provisions of this part;
(6) A description of other options that the IEP Team considered and the reasons why those options were rejected; and
(7) A description of other factors that are relevant to the agency's proposal or refusal.

Regarding the, “already told me in teh letter that they arent going to be testing for medical conditions like ADHD/ADD, ODD, bipolar,” that would not be part of the “gathering data” step. The actual psychological testing would be one part of the Full and Initial Evaluation.

If the letter reads something to the effect that “we don’t do” this type of testing/evaluation, it’s a different story and a non-compliance issue. They must perform the evaluation with qualified school district personnel or contract with a professional that can perform the psychological evaluation for them.

You might want to consider helping the school district “suspect.” You can do this with a Parent Report – just retitle it “Parent Input.” (School district’s must consider “input.”)
A Parent Report is not something that can be done in one sitting. If you decide to do one, be sure and send it to the Sp Ed Director via Certified Mail.

If you want clarification for any part of the letter you were given, ask for it in writing and via Certified Mail.

Seems like there was something else I wanted to say, but cooking and responding is definitely not my strong suit this morning.


New Member
thanks so much for all your information and support. i have finished filling out all of their paperwork...but most of it is blank because he doesnt have physical health problems, vision, hearing, motor, coordination.... the only part of the entire packet that has anything to do with difficult child and my requesting teh evaluation is the section where i listed the services he has recieved outside of teh school such as behavioral therapy and such. so, i need to create an additional parent input, and that is so difficult. i have been stumped. i am not very good at writing anything. i find myself getting lost in his history and adding in so many irrelevant things which makes it very long and off track. the most important part is him being in teh middle of psychological evaluation currently for possible bipolar. like i said before, he has his first appointment with psychiatry on dec 19, to talk about mood stabilizers., i need to call their office and have the psychologist release her records to the school,...right? or to me, and i give them to them??? their statement in their letter said (word for word)

"A Special Education Evaluation is for the purpose of determining if a studnet has an educational disability and not to determine or eliminate specific medical conditions such as ADD/ADHD, bipolar, ODD or personality disorders. If you have any medical information regarding or an outside agency evaluation regarding a diagnosis that you would like for us to review and consider, please either provide copies or sign a release of information for that agency."

So, I need to help them to suspect that he might have a educational disability by proving to them that he is capable of performing at a much higher academic level than current, but that his behavior and or other unknown underlying conditions are keeping him from performing at his full potential.

the more and the more i ponder what information i should be stating in my "input" and what i should leave out, the more confused i become. i truly am not aware of the underlying conditions. everything thus far has been speculation and nothing concrete with difficult child. for all i knwo he does have audiological deficits, or sensory or i really have no idea. so should i just stick to the academics and his behavior, anxiety and depression getting worse because of him not being able to control himself and his behavior at school??,and the things that i see...and suspect????


but most of it is blank because he doesnt have physical health problems, vision, hearing, motor, coordination.

Don't leave it blank -- write "unknown" or "none known."

"A Special Education Evaluation is for the purpose of determining if a studnet has an educational disability and not to determine or eliminate specific medical conditions such as ADD/ADHD, bipolar, ODD or personality disorders. If you have any medical information regarding or an outside agency evaluation regarding a diagnosis that you would like for us to review and consider, please either provide copies or sign a release of information for that agency."

#1 -- The author is smooth. lol It's true they are evaluating to decipher educational needs due to disability. HOWEVER, it's also true that if a medical evaluation is needed, they need to have it performed. Just like if a psychological evaluation is needed, it needs to be done by a licensed professional. Same with any other areas of "suspected" disability, Occupational Therapist (OT), Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), audiologist -- whatever.

Dear Mr/s XYZ:

Pertinent to our evaluation request in accordance with IDEA regulations, your letter dated Nov __, 2007, states, "A Special Education Evaluation is for the purpose of determining if a studnet has an educational disability and not to determine or eliminate specific medical conditions such as ADD/ADHD, bipolar, ODD or personality disorders."

I'm new to this so I find your statement confusing when I locate information regarding IDEA from the US Department of Education. For instance: "In evaluating each child with a disability...the evaluation is sufficiently comprehensive to identify all of the child's special education and related services needs, whether or not commonly linked to the disability category in which the child has been classified. The child is assessed in all areas related to the suspected disability, including, if appropriate, health, vision, hearing, social and emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative status, and motor abilities."

Related material from the US Department of Education clarifies that, "...there is nothing in the Act that would prevent a State
from requiring a medical evaluation for eligibility...provided the medical evaluation is conducted at no cost to the parent."

Would you mind clearing this up for me?


#2 - Share your reports if you feel comfortable doing that. Some people do, some don't. It's not a requirement. BUT be VERY careful about signing blanket releases for a School District. I personally do not allow communication between difficult child's professionals and the sd without me being directly involved -- school of hard knocks taught me that. Your school district may not do it, but ours took bits of pieces of what difficult child's psychologist told them and used it out of context to their benefit and against difficult child's best interest. If they want copies of reports -- no problem. I've provide them when they did not want them. lol They want to consult with- difficult child's professionals, fine -- set up a meeting at which I will attend, set up a conference call, etc. I'm flexible and accommodating.
the things that i see...and suspect????



New Member
thank god for you, seriously. thank you so so much.

on another note, in the mail yesterday i recieved our neuropsychologists report. it states:


1. Mood Disorder (Pediatric Bipolar Disorder).
2. Underachievement in School.
3. Rule/Out ODD vs. Disruptive Behavior Disorder not otherwise specified.

he also has a list of recommendations which is for psychotropic medications, continuing behavioral therapy... "After achieving the goal of mood stabilization, further consideration can be given to whether a school accomodation plan such as a Section 504 plan is needed".

so, there is some concrete information.

also, we had our first Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) appointment yesterday. she thinks he is hypersensitive to touch and noise. he also has the swinging and movement sensory, where he craves it. we will be goign weekly 30 minutes for Occupational Therapist (OT). Then she said after a while when they see what works she will contact the school and relay all the info to them and make modifications and recommendations. yippee....!!!!

now i dont feel so alone.

plus, our child psychologist referred him to psychiatry for mood stabalizing medications.

so,....thanks again for the specific information, i am on my way to writing the letter.


New Member
can you believe i just got a call from the Special Education processing coordinator and she wanted to make sure i got my packet to fill out, wondered when i would be able to get that turned back into the school...or if i just wanted to do it over the phone?????

i told her i would have it in by this friday, and that i was still gathering all of my information.

then we set up an appointment to meet dec 12 at the school to go over everything....


After achieving the goal of mood stabilization, further consideration can be given to whether a school accommodation plan such as a Section 504 plan is needed"

I personally wouldn't share this type info with- the sd -- but that is your call. Too many school districts would jump on the "wait and see." Many would also jump on the 504 because they don't require much on the sd's part.

Just something else to factor into your decisions. Getting medications under control is a whole other process sometimes. The right medication might be lucked upon immediately, or there may be some trial and error required. "Waiting" to get an IEP in place isn't a good way to go in my opinion.

I'd just tell them that he's been diagnosed by Dr. ABC with:
1. Mood Disorder (Pediatric Bipolar Disorder).
2. Underachievement in School.
3. Rule/Out ODD vs. Disruptive Behavior Disorder not otherwise specified.

They can perform their own evaluation.

Occupational Therapist (OT) info that you have presently is something you need to put in the "motor" section of your paperwork for the school district.

Is this the school district Occupational Therapist (OT)? If not, neither you nor the Occupational Therapist (OT) will likely make much progress by calling the school to have modifications made -- that's done by the IEP Committee after appropriate evaluation. (Also, all professionals' recommendations should be included in the written report.)

And, you're welcome. :smile:


New Member
thanks again. yes, that does make more sense to leave that info out.

i will do everything you said. thanks again for everything.

and no its private Occupational Therapist (OT) through our private insurance. everything we have done so far has been through our private insurance and i am running out of money!!! ::money::


New Member

here is my parent input. wondering if you could find a minute to read over it and give me your opinion. would greatly appreciate it. if i need Occupational Therapist (OT) delete or add to it...and so on. i know i am asking a lot and i am sorry, just trying to do the best i can.

Introduction to _______ _______
_______ is an average appearing 6-year-old boy who is presently 48 inches tall and weighs 45 pounds with blonde hair, green eyes and is left hand dominant. He is very energetic with a passion for physical activities such as bike riding, skate boarding, racing, swimming, running and jumping on his trampoline. _______ enjoys playing gameboy, watching movies, reading, collecting baseball cards and doing puzzles just to name a few.

In our home _______ has a guinea pig that he is fully in charge of. Also, he has a daily chore chart that he completes in order to earn his weekly allowance.

Family History
_______ lives in a 4 bedroom, 2-story home with his father, mother, sister and a stepbrother that visits every other weekend and usually most of the summer time. _______’s parents have been married for 11 years and have lived in the same home since before _______ was born. For the past 9 years his father has been a welder for a limousine company which _______ loves to hear about and help out on. _______ and his father spend a great amount of time together working on limo’s, walking our dog, reading together and doing homework. His father is his biggest role model. I (_______’s mother) have been working from home for the past 4 years as a medical transcriptionist. Prior to that I ran an in-home daycare for 5 years. My interests are gardening in the spring and summer and cooking and decorating our home in the fall and winter. I am also very passionate about parenting my children. _______’s sister attends _______ Elementary in the fourth grade. She has always been an A and B student with no concerns in academics, behavior or social skills. _______’s stepbrother _______ lives with his mother in Waynesville, MO and is 13-years-old. He is one of _______’s biggest idols. They enjoy skateboarding and playing PlayStation II together. In our family we have one Boxer dog named Sadie. She is just over 1-year-old and loves _______ to death. This is _______’s best friend. He is very protective of Sadie and shows great compassion towards her. As mentioned above _______ also has a black longhaired guinea pig names Tiger. He has been raising Tiger for about 9 months. Tiger lives in a cage in _______s room. _______ is solely responsible for feeding, playing and grooming Tiger and has done a wonderful job at it.

We are very proud of _______ and our entire family. We value the importance of school and remind our children frequently exactly why school is to be respected. We are very involved in our school volunteering for nearly every event and I have given my time for the past 2 years creating the school yearbook. We do this in hopes of showing our children that we value their school and how important their time spent at _______ truly is. We also attend Cherry Street Baptist Church and enforce the importance of our faith by talking to our children about God. _______ was Saved during our summer Kidz Blitz festival this past year and is looking forward to being baptized soon.

Medical History
Pregnancy and Birth History: During the pregnancy of _______ there were no concerns. He was born by scheduled C-section full term with no difficulties. He was 8 pounds 9 ounces, 21 inches long. Approximately 24 hours after birth _______ was noted to have erythroblastosis fetalis, which is a rare blood disorder, called Rh incompatibility. This is a genetic disorder, which caused severe anemia resulting in blood transfusions and a 4-day long stay in ICU. Due to his blood not being able to clot adequately his circumcision was not completed until after his 1-year-old birthday. He has recovered from this disorder fully as far as we are aware of. At around 13-months of age he had a febrile seizure, trip to hospital via EMS. Only known cause was high fever.

Developmental: We had been involved in the Parents as Teachers program since our first daughter was born and continued it throughout _______s development. He always met his developmental milestones within appropriate limits. There were no notes ever made on developmental delays and no concerns.

Medications and Immunizations: He is up to date on all of his immunizations. He did have quite a few ear infections from age 6 months through age 2 never having the need for ear tubes. _______ has had many antibiotics given, and the regular Tylenol and Motrin for febrile illnesses. No medications other than that. No known drug allergies. He has never been hospitalized. Only procedure was an in-office circumcision without complications.

Mental/Emotional History
Family History: Father side: Father was in Learning Disability (LD) classes throughout school years. Grandfather with history of alcohol abuse. Has a second cousin with diagnoses of Attention Deficit Disorder/Mood Disorder/not otherwise specified. Responded well to medication. Mothers side: Mother with diagnoses of depression and anxiety. Grandmother with diagnosis of depression and history of alcoholism. Grandfather with explosive mood disorder, not diagnosed. Aunt with diagnosis of Bi-Polar disorder and history of Learning Disability (LD) classes in school years.

Social History
In the beginning we were not concerned with any deficits or abnormalities with _______’s social interactions although looking back, he was very angry and through massive temper tantrums beyond what would be considered normal. _______ did not like being held. I do not remember a time I rocked him to sleep, although I tried, he just did not like it. At about 2-years-old _______ was potty trained fully and started talking more and more. To sum it up in one word, _______ was very angry. He would bite, spit, slap, swear, hurt himself. I was not able to let him play safely with other children.

He did have strange quirks like not putting bare feet on grass, not feeling comfortable with dirty hands. As he got older, he did not like certain clothes like if the tags scratched him in the back of his neck or if the pants were not long enough…the list goes on. He wasn’t afraid of strangers and would often run away from our home or in stores. Very stressful. For disciplining at this point we really had not studied all the different options therefore we used spankings and time outs, which only seemed to make him angrier.

_______ started going to preschool at age 4 at _______ Elementary school in the Wonder Years Program. The entire year was horrible. I should have kept all the documents and behavior slips but I did not. He disrupted the entire class all year long and his teachers were pulling their hair out with him. I had many meetings with the teachers and principal over _______’s behavior, none of which resulted in any kind of advice or positive outcome. His teacher mainly used these words to describe _______ “disrespectful, lack of conscious, angry.”

Finally, after the school year had ended our pediatrician Dr. RXXXX after many complaints of _______’s behavior over the years scheduled us to meet with a child psychologist through BXXXX BXXXX. We as a family met with the counselor once a week for 3 months. She stated many times that he showed symptoms of ODD clearly, but was not seeing any ADHD. We were taught the importance of not showing too much negative emotion, not to spank, consistent parenting, time-outs, reward systems, 1-2-3 Magic, and using behavior charts.

We were very pleased with our progress and _______ responded rapidly to the positive disciplining techniques. We thought the concern was over until we witnessed his mood states cycling rapidly for no apparent reason. We have shown _______ stability in that we stick to a strict daily routine with no major changes and that seems to be very important in his daily success.

Scholastic History
_______ is in the first grade at _______ Elementary. Throughout his school life, he has always gotten bad marks for behavior and impulsive tendencies but has remained within the basic or proficient range in academics until this year. Although he is able to perform at home in quiet, organized, calm settings most of the criteria listed on his latest grade card such as reading, writing and comparing whole numbers up to 100, skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, adding/subtracting, simple patterns and making exchanges between coins, his teacher noted ND (not demonstrating) on most of them. This is one of my biggest concerns. In comparison to his last years grade card he had been performing those tasks better than at current. He has the ability to perform, but he either refuses or is unable to in his current setting at school.

This is reason to suspect, in my opinion, an underlying unknown disability preventing him from reaching or receiving his full educational potential. This year he has been described by his teacher as showing signs of bullying other children. He also has been showing signs at home of anxiety and depression by stating that “his teacher doesn’t like him”, “he will only get on red today anyway” which are only getting worse. He is “sat out” most of the time during lunch periods, recess, movie times due to poor behavior. He has been pulled out of assemblies and his classmates have told _______ he is the “worst kid in the class”. In addition, he has been suspended from school for one day for Assaultive Behavior/Class I, has had in-school suspension twice, once for disorderly conduct, the second for Assaultive Behavior/Class I. At home he is now not wanting to go to school. He has physically vomited before going to school, and now he has picked up a calming mechanism of deep breaths to try to relieve his feelings of anxiety.

Assessment History
1. BXXXX BXXXX XXXXX (Summer of 2006) with child psychologist Dr. _______ _______. Her assessment was that _______ was not meeting the full criteria of ODD but showed classic symptoms. She believed to have ruled out ADD and ADHD through some individual meetings with _______.

2. BXXXX BXXXX XXXXX (Oct 2007 through present) with child psychologist Dr. _______ _______. So far she believes he does not meet the criteria for ODD but that he does have a Disruptive Behavior Disorder. Recently she has just mentioned Pediatric Bipolar Disorder and has referred _______ to psychiatry for consultation regarding mood-stabilizing medications.

3. Dr. _______ (_______s PCP) referred him for Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) (Sensory Integration Dysfunction Testing) on Nov 1, 2007. He attended the Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) testing at the MXXXX Center with an occupational therapist, which we will be continuing to see weekly for 30-minute therapy sessions. She believes _______ would benefit from Occupational Therapist (OT) given his hypersensitivity to loud noise, and touch. He also craves the stimulation of movement i.e. jumping bike ramps, running, swinging, bouncing. It is a comforting mechanism for him.

4. On Nov 10, 2007 _______ was seen by Dr. _______ a neuropsychologist. A few weeks later, we received his report, which lists the assessment results to include:
A. Displays abrupt rapid mood swings.
B. Has irritable mood states.
C. Has elated or silly, goofy, giddy mood states.
D. Argues with adults, is willful and refuses to be subordinated by others.
E. Is easily angered in response to time setting.
F. Has protracted, explosive temper tantrums.
G. Displays aggressive behavior towards others.
H. Destroys property intentionally.
I. Makes moderate threats to others and self.
J. Has made clear threats of suicide.
K. Is fascinated with gore, blood or violent imager.

His diagnoses include:
A. Mood Disorder/Pediatric Bipolar Disorder.
B. Underachievement in school.
C. Rule out Oppositional Defiant Disorder vs. Disruptive Behavior Disorder not otherwise specified.

Concerns Present and Future
We see _______ is loosing his enthusiasm for learning, his confidence and if not addressed will only get worse as academics become more demanding. We want him to be a productive, independent member of society. We wish for him to have a great support network of good friends, and hope that by the time he is an adult, _______ will have the ability to read social situations realistically and problem solve appropriately.

While he is very motivated to make friends, he has a hard time knowing how to appropriately interact with the few children who will play with him. He has a serous deficit in social skills that impact him both at school and at home.

It is time for an early intervention to help my son. In my opinion, chronic school failure demoralizes children, can cause loss of status and rejection by peers, destroys self-esteem, and undermines feelings of competence. As a result, it can undermine a child's attachment to teachers, parents, school, and the values they promote. It also generates hopelessness and helplessness. Children cease to believe that their efforts make a difference in outcomes and this is what I am seeing in _______. Although schools cannot change underlying impairments that affect children's cognitive, social, and emotional performance, they can help prevent impairments from causing academic and social failure by providing appropriate accommodations and early intervention.

We respectfully request our goals be included as part of our parent input.



Looks good!

They only suggestions I might have are minor, e.g., not everyone reading your input would know that Learning Disability (LD) is learning disability. Spell out?

You might want to change your chronic school failure paragraph to reflect that you agree with- the author.

I’ve just started my coffee, so may have missed it, but I was confused by your closing regarding goals.


New Member
i totally see what you mean in closing about the goals. well, that is where i got stumped and added in other peoples words. i am not real sure what our goals are to be exact. i just want to know what all is wrong with my son to keep making the decisions that he is, all the suspensions... i just really want to know what all could possibly be going on in his head and what we (me, and the school and health care professions) can do to improve his current situation.

i really dont know what i am wanting them to do, should i just say things like "i just want him to have an equal opportunity at his education like ever other child...?"

just stumped.


New Member
i went ahead and deleted the entire concerns portion and replaced with this:

Concerns Present and Future
1. We are concerned about difficult child's academics.
2. We are concerned that difficult child will either hurt another child or himself at school.
3. We are concerned that without some type of early intervention difficult child will only get worse and will completely loose his enthusiasm for learning if not being expelled first for some impulsive behavior that could have been prevented.
4. His confidence is deteriorating.
5. Chronic school failure with difficult child is demoralizing him.
6. He has absolutely no self-confidence in himself to ever turn the situations around.
7. I am afraid he is going to slip through the cracks of the ________ Public School System.

We respectfully request our concerns be included as part of our parent input

let me know what you think. thanks.


We respectfully request our concerns be included as part of our parent input

This statement tends to dismiss everything you've written prior to your concerns.

You might want to consider rephrasing it to say something to the effect of, "This is a supplement to the XISD's "Parent Input" form completed by us and dated XXX."

If you still have the sd's form, write "See attached supplement" on it and staple them together.