New Member
Feeling extremely distraught, embarrassed, overwhelmed, and so sad! Just learned that my 26 yo son used my credit cards unauthorized for lots of money. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, for which we have advocated and helped him with for many years. He works full time and side jobs for many hours per week, but never has money. We know he smokes pot and drinks, but suspect he is doing other drugs too, but he will not take a test or admit he needs help. He has isolated almost all of his friends and will have nowhere to go if we throw him out. Don't want him to get a criminal record, but can't rescue him any more. feel like failures for parents, except our daughter is an accomplished and honest attorney. I am a social worker who should know what to do, but can not stop crying! He apologized and says he wants to kill himself when we threaten to throw him out. Here are immediate questions:
1) How have others been able to get their adult kids to get treatment?
2) Will he get arrested and criminal record if I tell credit card companies? How much is felony amount in MA?
3) How do people cope with worry when they threaten to kill themselves if you throw them out?
4) Is AlaNon really helpful? Thinking about attending first meeting tonight if I can stop crying.
5) What do you tell your family and friends?
Thank You!
Feeling extremely distraught, embarrassed, overwhelmed, and so sad! Just learned that my 26 yo son used my credit cards unauthorized for lots of money. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, for which we have advocated and helped him with for many years. He works full time and side jobs for many hours per week, but never has money. We know he smokes pot and drinks, but suspect he is doing other drugs too, but he will not take a test or admit he needs help. He has isolated almost all of his friends and will have nowhere to go if we throw him out. Don't want him to get a criminal record, but can't rescue him any more. feel like failures for parents, except our daughter is an accomplished and honest attorney. I am a social worker who should know what to do, but can not stop crying! He apologized and says he wants to kill himself when we threaten to throw him out. Here are immediate questions:
1) How have others been able to get their adult kids to get treatment?
2) Will he get arrested and criminal record if I tell credit card companies? How much is felony amount in MA?
3) How do people cope with worry when they threaten to kill themselves if you throw them out?
4) Is AlaNon really helpful? Thinking about attending first meeting tonight if I can stop crying.
5) What do you tell your family and friends?
Thank You!