Here we go again :(


Active Member
Oh boy....I feel badly about this.
Emotions are high, I guess....understandly so.

The moral of the story is take what is useful to you and leave the rest. (I stole this from might even have been MWM)

Sometimes the written word is taken the wrong way because we can't express a tone of voice.

If you're there Scared of Him, I encourage you to stay with us! If you choose not to, I wish you and yours well. Take care. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. I have tried to help. Tried HARD to help. I can't anymore.

I did not mean you are weak. I am simply saying that if you don't change what you do, nothing in your marriage will change. And you do know that you are afraid of SS and your husband does not seem to acknowledge this. I did not mean to hurt you; just frustrated that you will not take a stand that is good for YOU. I am worried about YOU. From what you have said, that is a valid concern. Sometimes we have no choice, if we want to stay safe, than to make drastic changes in our behaviors, but you do not have to. It is 100% your decision. I do hope things improve for all four of mom, husband, you, step child, but I fear step child needs more help than he is getting and you are not strong enough to fight him off. That does not mean mentally strong. Physically strong is different. You have a lot on your plate. If nothing changes within you, and that doesn't necessarily mean a can mean simply leaving the house rather than being there when you are alone with dangerous stepson, well, yeah...nothing will change and as he gets bigger and stronger it could even be worse.

I will hope you stay. Since I've given all the advice I can think of, I won't bother you again with an answer. I do wish you the very best.
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Active Member
Hey scaredofhim, I could have had the alias scaredofher when my difficult child was a teen. She is bipolar and would have meltdowns about school and homework. She attacked me physically, broke things, and made life h3ll. She's older now, and far from perfect, but medications have made a difference.

It seems you are in a nightmare. I can't imagine living with an unmedicated, 200 lb bipolar teen. I, too, would be scared.

Maybe a mental health professional could help you find a solution? Maybe have him admitted to a psychiatric hospital focusing on adolescents?

I am so sorry for you having to deal with this. My prayers are with you.


Just wanted to let everyone know that SS came here and stayed only four days. Said he wanted to go home and that he never wanted to come for the visit in the first place. I asked if he told bio mom he didn't want to come here for the long visit and he said yes he told her but she forced him to come. He then said that bio mom doesn't force his 16 year old half brother to go visit his dad and it's not fair that she forces him to visit and said that he is old enough to decide whether he wants to come here or not. He doesn't have a problem with coming here every other weekend but says it's too boring here to stay any longer than that. So I called bio mom and told her he wanted to come home and that husband was not here most of the time anyway and I am the one that has to deal with and with my stress that I am under I don't need to be dealing with HER son too. I have enough on my plate with my health and a seriously ill sister and my oldest daughter is having serious problems too. I am stressed to the max! So she came and got him. Thank God!


Well-Known Member
Good for you! I am proud of you for making that call. It may have been what he wanted you to do but it was also the healthy thing for you to do. A win win situation.

Dont expect this to be the last you hear of bio mom though. It wont take her long to get tired of him and try to ship him back.