Well-Known Member
Please bear with me as I try to piece this together. I am not a prolific writer.
February 2014- Locked up for probation violations
March 2014 - Sent to intake evaluation/intake unit. I was notified of every visit to medical, dental, psychiatric, and
any violations that would have sent him to security (solitary supervised custody)
May 2014- Sent to his "home" unit. I received a written report detailing his progress at intake facility, He had
one self referral to security for suicidal thoughts.
May 2014- First visit with son since being sent over 300 miles from area. No weight loss, looked healthy,
optimistic about going to halfway house in 4 months time upon completion of programs.
3 DATS LATER- Phone call son sounds off says he has not eaten for several days because his food is being taken by other kids. Did he tell anyone no did not want to draw attention to himself or get beaten up.
I called case manager she will look into it. Son put on security watch. 2 days later phone call from medical son was assaulted in his cell by another kid has tooth knocked out. Got hold of case manager asked how this could happen when under security watch. Her answer was less than satisfactory.
I called the ombudsman in Austin and an investigation is launched. Staff suspended pending investigation
Son remains in the same dorm- environment is tense and hostile. Son has many referrals to security.
Investigation is completed. Staff was found guilty of setting son up and recruiting youth to attack son in cell. Staff fired including dorm manager.
Son remains on dorm. Next visit son is visibly thinner looks stressed and jumpy. Phone call to ombudsman about my visit. Received phone call from unit director son will be moved to another dorm. I was not satisfied I wanted him moved to another facility it was denied.
July Visit- He looks worse. He is being retaliated on by staff because their friends got fired. I say that I will call the ombudsman he says don't I have caused enough problems by being a MOM and now he is being labeled weak hat makes him a target. He says he will be out of there in 2 months as soon as he starts and finishes his 2 programs.
September- he has not even started programs staff gives him one excuse after another. I feel it is more retaliation. In the meantime he is being sent to security right and left for petty infractions. Each time he is sent security says it was necessary to use force once they got him out of range of the cameras because he would begin to fight (they in leg irons and cuffs when escorted to security)
He says to leave it alone he looks worse and worse still no program space for him
I had had it I contact a well known juvenile defense attorney. He launches his own investigation. Program "spaces" open up. Son completes programs. Does not get moved because he has so many "violent" encounters with staff.
Son is no angel but takes his anger and frustration out on himself first and then property. He will cuss you out and puff up making bull snorting sounds can be intimidating as he is over 6 feet tall and when he weighed close to 300 pounds. He now weighs 145.
We are now in May of this year. I am getting negative report after negative report refuses medication beligerant with staff will have to age out of the system.
Son's attitude with me is less than pleasant. My ptsd is kicking in. I don't want to deal with this anymore. I just want the whole thing to go away.
We are now up to recent events and every encounter I have with my son is hostile on both ends.
I get the call from current case manager about his going crazy in her office. This is where things get much uglier.
!. She was not on duty that day. She called me 2 days after the incident.
2. He could not have punched out ceiling tiles. He is tall but even jumping up he can't reach them.
3. He did curse out a male staff member.
4. He did become physical with a staff member. He intervened between the staff member and a younger smaller newbie who was getting hazed by the staff member son got between them and elbowed the officer. They called a code he was wrestled to the ground by 4 security officers who needed to use force to subdue a 145 pound kid. He was not taken to medical even when he said he was hurt.
5. I get the call frm our local juvat he will be released.
6. I pick him up He has the folder that according to policy should have a discharge plan, medical, dental clearance it had school papers and that was it. The ombudsman was scheduled to there on Friday to meet with kids who had filed complaints as a follow up.
Why did he do it. "He was a little kid like Jalen (Jalen is his nephew) and he was scared. I would not let anyone hurt Jalen.
Do I believe him? Yes, because of the things that had happened prior to this and the way him getting Occupational Therapist (OT) happened yes , I believe him. Do I think he should have taken things into his own hands? I would like to think I would have done the same thing.
I am going to sleep now. He is doing better. I am not. Things will happen.
I don't know why it says Occupational Therapist (OT) it should say way he got out
February 2014- Locked up for probation violations
March 2014 - Sent to intake evaluation/intake unit. I was notified of every visit to medical, dental, psychiatric, and
any violations that would have sent him to security (solitary supervised custody)
May 2014- Sent to his "home" unit. I received a written report detailing his progress at intake facility, He had
one self referral to security for suicidal thoughts.
May 2014- First visit with son since being sent over 300 miles from area. No weight loss, looked healthy,
optimistic about going to halfway house in 4 months time upon completion of programs.
3 DATS LATER- Phone call son sounds off says he has not eaten for several days because his food is being taken by other kids. Did he tell anyone no did not want to draw attention to himself or get beaten up.
I called case manager she will look into it. Son put on security watch. 2 days later phone call from medical son was assaulted in his cell by another kid has tooth knocked out. Got hold of case manager asked how this could happen when under security watch. Her answer was less than satisfactory.
I called the ombudsman in Austin and an investigation is launched. Staff suspended pending investigation
Son remains in the same dorm- environment is tense and hostile. Son has many referrals to security.
Investigation is completed. Staff was found guilty of setting son up and recruiting youth to attack son in cell. Staff fired including dorm manager.
Son remains on dorm. Next visit son is visibly thinner looks stressed and jumpy. Phone call to ombudsman about my visit. Received phone call from unit director son will be moved to another dorm. I was not satisfied I wanted him moved to another facility it was denied.
July Visit- He looks worse. He is being retaliated on by staff because their friends got fired. I say that I will call the ombudsman he says don't I have caused enough problems by being a MOM and now he is being labeled weak hat makes him a target. He says he will be out of there in 2 months as soon as he starts and finishes his 2 programs.
September- he has not even started programs staff gives him one excuse after another. I feel it is more retaliation. In the meantime he is being sent to security right and left for petty infractions. Each time he is sent security says it was necessary to use force once they got him out of range of the cameras because he would begin to fight (they in leg irons and cuffs when escorted to security)
He says to leave it alone he looks worse and worse still no program space for him
I had had it I contact a well known juvenile defense attorney. He launches his own investigation. Program "spaces" open up. Son completes programs. Does not get moved because he has so many "violent" encounters with staff.
Son is no angel but takes his anger and frustration out on himself first and then property. He will cuss you out and puff up making bull snorting sounds can be intimidating as he is over 6 feet tall and when he weighed close to 300 pounds. He now weighs 145.
We are now in May of this year. I am getting negative report after negative report refuses medication beligerant with staff will have to age out of the system.
Son's attitude with me is less than pleasant. My ptsd is kicking in. I don't want to deal with this anymore. I just want the whole thing to go away.
We are now up to recent events and every encounter I have with my son is hostile on both ends.
I get the call from current case manager about his going crazy in her office. This is where things get much uglier.
!. She was not on duty that day. She called me 2 days after the incident.
2. He could not have punched out ceiling tiles. He is tall but even jumping up he can't reach them.
3. He did curse out a male staff member.
4. He did become physical with a staff member. He intervened between the staff member and a younger smaller newbie who was getting hazed by the staff member son got between them and elbowed the officer. They called a code he was wrestled to the ground by 4 security officers who needed to use force to subdue a 145 pound kid. He was not taken to medical even when he said he was hurt.
5. I get the call frm our local juvat he will be released.
6. I pick him up He has the folder that according to policy should have a discharge plan, medical, dental clearance it had school papers and that was it. The ombudsman was scheduled to there on Friday to meet with kids who had filed complaints as a follow up.
Why did he do it. "He was a little kid like Jalen (Jalen is his nephew) and he was scared. I would not let anyone hurt Jalen.
Do I believe him? Yes, because of the things that had happened prior to this and the way him getting Occupational Therapist (OT) happened yes , I believe him. Do I think he should have taken things into his own hands? I would like to think I would have done the same thing.
I am going to sleep now. He is doing better. I am not. Things will happen.
I don't know why it says Occupational Therapist (OT) it should say way he got out
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