Well-Known Member
I never brought this up before because parents use Wilderness Programs and the like to try to change their children, but I have both read about and heard such horrifying abuses in these types of settings that it scares me when somebody wants to send a child to one of these facilities. I'm sure not all are dangerous, but you don't know what goes on behind their closed doors.
It does not surprise me that prisons are also corrupt. Who really cares about criminals? They are abused all the time. It is wrong. Whatever they have done (and some have done nothing but are wrong accused) that does not make it right for our system to treat them like trash. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that true stuff...
It does not surprise me that prisons are also corrupt. Who really cares about criminals? They are abused all the time. It is wrong. Whatever they have done (and some have done nothing but are wrong accused) that does not make it right for our system to treat them like trash. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that true stuff...