how often do you talk to your difficult "child" now adult?



Sorry, nothing about you. System keeps logging me out for no reason. "Keep me logged in" button useless.

So visiting him in prison worth every hour on the road, security clearance, etc. Tough finding 2 hours of stuff to talk about with your kid in prison every week. At first I sent books so we could read the same book and talk about it. Started talking to him about his sibs, extended family, my life as if he was a peer.


Little more difficult when he's out cause just him and I for dinner seems to exclude sibs and his girlfriend. But keeps our relationship intact.

Actually came here because there's been 2 major things in my life lately I thought the board might give me some comfort with. Well, with him anyway. The other is only about money, SSDI. But being here I realized that he's never like others. Somehow my situation always ends up being unique.

His recent issue has created a rift between us. A rift that isn't going to heal. Its going to have to be one of those topics we can't talk about. Its painful and as always, I can't change it.. Wisdom to know the difference,... Serenity.

Its actually all come up again because his best friend of 15+ years was killed July 16. My reaction of course is to be grateful mine's in prison for years. Better chance of being alive after 10 years in prison than another 10 years on heroin. Can't say that to him...

Anyway....keeping lines of communication with them always difficult but if you want it badly enough you'll find a way. Find what motivates him to want it Find a way to do something with him that has nothing to do with your reason for doing it. If you must take him shopping at the dollar store LOL. Find a joint hobby. Wish I could say I've been successful with my middle one on anything like this. But mine needs me occasionally so I just wait for the call.
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