Huge Families..The Duggars and The do they do it?


Well-Known Member
Well I cant even imagine a family that large but I know years ago when it was customary for families to have very large families because they needed the kids to help work the family farms. Tony's grandmother was one of 23 kids but that was from 2 different mothers. One father. Sadie was the youngest child. Trust me, some of the names were wild. One was simply Boy. However this was in the very rural south with Lumbee Indians who were very poor people who were farming tobacco and family plots of food to survive each year. Tony's mother actually actually gave birth to 8 kids and only 5 survived. They took Buck in but he was never formally adopted. My father was in a family of 6 kids but they were Catholic. I think there were more kids but she lost some too. This was back in the 1920s.


call 911
My Grandmother was 1 of 13.
They were all Christian
ALL went to public schools
ALL served in some branch of the military or volunteered during war times.
NONE were EVER crooks or criminals, or disgraced their family
And no one ever paid them money to show how they all got along in a three bedroom apartment on the third floor for a small building.....
All the girls married - some went to college, some a few times....due to death or divorce. All had kids that turned out to be decent....
All the men got jobs, came home from the war, NONE tried to kill themselves, or were druggies or boozers....and all married nice women
and no one ever put them on a blanket and smacked their hands ......
They used to put ME on a blanket and take my shoes because I hated grass so much I wouldn't move off the blanket...but.....

You can bet if this show was on 40 years ago - it would have bombed.

Some days I think God must sit up on his throne and look down on us and really REALLY want to throw THE BOOK at us. How we are tolerated as humans who do things under the GUISE of religious faith? All I can say is We're lucky we're all not little black smoldering spots on the grass after a rain storm. Eeeeesch.

I never saw the Duggars want to open their home in a "faith" based way to show Nadia Suleman how to do what they do. And watching someones kids in a bus built for 20 barf into a paper bag? Gosh THATS entertainment. Coudln't wait to see next weeks episode.

at the risk .....of being harsh...this has been one of my all time favorite demotivational posters.