I burnt my son

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Aw, sweetie, he will be okay. Please take it easy on yourself.

When difficult child was about 3 or so, I opened the oven to get out a pie and within a second's time, difficult child ran up and leaned on the inside of the oven door! Her entire hand was blistered up. I swear, I was ready for CPS to come a knockin' on my door to take her and easy child away.

Things happen, just follow the DR's orders, he will heal - sending up some healing thoughts.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Praying for a speedy recovery. As the others have said, don't beat yourself up. Accidents do happen. Hugs.


Former desparate mom
I can understand how badly you feel. It's going to be tough to see the scars but with time they will fade. Hugs to you. We carry some heavy loads of guilt.


New Member
Sorry I am so late in responding to this but I wanted to offer one more set of thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
