IEP meeting at 2:45


Fly away!
And I'm prepared with the new (to me) Prior Written Notice forms I got from Wrightslaw on Facebook.

I'm asking for:

  • partial school days until difficult child reaches stability
  • completed notes as opposed to guided notes currently in her IEP, in order to obtain FAPE - as noted in the Evaluation Team Report, difficult child has "weaker working memory skills" and "may benefit from having verbal presentations of materials supplemented by visuals when possible".
  • a paraprofessional in the classroom in order to obtain FAPE, as recommended by psychologist Dr. X and PCA [name], BA (also an educator) due to deficits with Executive Functioning and ADD. As noted in the Evaluation Team Report, difficult child has "weaker working memory skills" and "may benefit from having directions and key concepts in class repeated". A paraprofessional will also be able to step in and redirect difficult child when she is shutting down from anxiety and from getting lost in class.
  • a tutor to work with difficult child at home in order to obtain FAPE, as recommended by psychologist Dr. X and PCA [stated above], due to deficits with Executive Functioning and ADD. As noted in the Evaluation Team Report, difficult child has "weaker working memory skills" and requires repetition in order to learn complex concepts and tasks.
I'm using their report against them. It makes it harder to deny when I have it in writing from them.

Do I think I'm going to get all this? No. But I am starting a paper trail.

Wish me luck.


Active Member
I'd be surprised if you got all that, too, but it sounds like you are shooting more for the documentation. I heard about the importance of the prior written notice, but haven't quite figured out why this is so much more important- I have been told by others that it is though.

Anyway- good luck and I hope you can at least get some improvement!!


Active Member
I'm using their report against them. It makes it harder to deny when I have it in writing from them..

I can't wait to hear your report if they try! Hoping they don't, though, and that you get what is needed.

Wishing you good luck and heavy armor!


Fly away!
K - The importance of PWN is that the SD is required by IDEA 2004 to give reasons why they accept or refuse a proposal for the IEP. It is very easy for them to just say no, or to "table it" - which is usually their favorite way of doing it because it gets them out of saying no directly. The PWN forces them to put in writing their reason for rejection or tabling a request, which makes it much more difficult for them. Plus, it gives you a paper trail. Check out this link:

It even gives you a downloadable copy of the PWN form they recommend. I downloaded it right into word.

Gosh, I was soooooo nervous. My stress and anxiety levels have been so high and I've been dreading, yet looking forward to, this meeting. All weekend, I couldn't wait for Monday to get here (that's a bit different for weekends, huh?) to get this off my shoulders.

But, I was so nervous I was shaking and felt like I couldn't breathe. I called Linda who spent an hour and a half, bless her, talking me down, so to speak, and walking me through how to handle the meeting and giving me confidence. She was a *tremendous* help. Thank you so much, Linda. :)

However, we only addressed the partial days today. That is a go. At the last minute they changed the IEP writer, as difficult child doesn't have the original IEP writer for any class. And the new IEP writer, the SpEd Interventionist in difficult child's math class, wasn't available on such short notice. So, we are reconvening next Wednesday.

In the meantime, I have to get a letter from therapist to support the partial days. They are required by law to have that information to justify partial days - compulsory education laws which state how many hours of school are required every year.

As far as partial days go, difficult child is going to work on pre-algebra here at home. Her math teacher is *very* good at posting all assignments and notes on her webpage. She is going to do Social Studies via an online class at home. difficult child isn't going to like that part, but she'll have to get over it. I will sit with her the entire time to keep her focused and to help her. Oh joy. :whiteflag:

So, not the way I wanted it to go completely, but I'm already prepared for next week.


Active Member when they try to BS a parent by telling them things like "but we don't have an extra teacher to do that so we can't", they either have to document that or change the position. Now I get it! Thanks!

Wow- I'm impressed- I think you made a lot of headway, plus they are still willing to go back and work on more so that's great!! It shows a lot on your part to them that even though difficult child might not like all of this plan, you are trying to do what's in her best interest and you will be working with her, too.