I'm hungry!!!


New Member
I seriously cannot hear those words out of V's mouth anymore without getting upset.
"I'm hungry" all day long. And then the endless battle during meal time to finish his plate. It does not make ANY sense. And I'm talking about food he likes. I don't even battle anymore about foods he does not like. I also give him very small portions so he can be successful in finishing his plate. But 90% of the time I get the usual "I'm full" and he only ate a bite.
And 10 minutes later: "I'm hungry"
Except for quick snacks (cereal bars, etc), V has no independence in getting his own food. He can't spread butter, open cheese wrappers, pour apple sauce in a bowl... So every five minutes He thinks I should be helping him with his snack and don't eat the meals I prepare.
And the constant snacking also create problem with Sweet Pea. She is a toddler: she sees it, she wants it. Can't blame her...
Unless I yell out of my lungs, V will not stop asking, crying and even having tantrums over food.
Tonight, before I lost it (sorry...), I tried to ask him where he felt the hunger. He had no clue. He even told me that being hungry feels good... After lots of question, he agreed that it had something to do with his belly (I asked him: "do you feel it in your hand?" He answred yes. I explained that it's not where he should feel it. He then laughed and started being goofy. I then asked if it was in his belly, and he said yes).
I know there are worst problems, but it is non stop. I also find that habit unhealthy (although he is growing real good and is never sick).
Any tips??

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I so understand and my difficult child is 14!! Wish I had some great advice but know that you are not alone. (((hugs)))


New Member
Set a timed schedule for meals and snacks.
Eating is only at these times.
Unlimited water in between
Have "free foods" carrot sticks, broccoli, celery, lettuce, cucumbers available for any in between 'hungry' times.

Stick to your guns no matter how bad he tantrums. The tantrum will end when the next feeding time rolls around. Be sure to point out the time (since he's so young, use a digital clock)

been there done that as recently as last summer with DD1 and she's 11!

on the other hand With DD2 I was a bit more lax because I was pretty sure that she has a "small stomach" Since birth she ate very little at a time. It was so bad she lost too much weight and I had to stop breast feeding and give her concentrated formula. Once she moved on to 'solids', it was two spoonfuls and she was done. If V is like that then I'd set up 8 meal/snacks, but otherwise 6 should be good - 3 meals and 3 snacks.


Yes the food issues can make you pull out your hair! difficult child has gone through some miserable meal/food issues in the past year or two. He also seems constantly hungry, but his constant hunger often comes from his not knowing what to do next. He paces and paces and finally comes up with the idea that he is hungry. He is more than capable getting his own food, thank goodness, but for a while all he would fill himself with was peanut butter, jelly and honey on various things. He didn't clean up either and he always got p.b. on everything! OOOhhh that drove me nuts. I started leaving the area when he started eating because it irked me so... and I realized the food was something I needed to let go. He also go through the gooey stuff stage. I also don't have it around and within reach for him.
He has always had trouble eating at dinner and then he would eat like a madman at snack (7:30) He would eat everything he didn't eat at dinner plus some. Often times this has to do with rebound effect of his medications. We found that he never ate much with the concerta in his system. He was/is very little so we let him eat when he is hungry, but he is expected to at least sit at dinner (for a while he was required to sit for ten minutes). That may work for some, but not others of course. We always eat at 5:30. It has always been that way.
Anyhow, as I said, food can make you crazy. Especially when you are the one serving them. No mother needs to be a short order cook! Ktlc, I feel your pain!


New Member
I guess I'm glad not to be the only one.
I don't believe he is really hungry. But he gets that idea in his mind and then obsesse over it. A bit like when he has a booboo: he keeps picking at it and just can't stop unless we find a way to really distract him.
The yelling actually is the needed distraction to kind "snap him out of it". VERY unpleasant.
I tried to let go of the issue, but then all he eats are sweet foods. Then I ended up not buying any sweet foods so he would not be tempted and make a diet out of it. But then the whole family feels "punished". I tried hiding the sweet foods and distrubuting as I felt appropriate. Well, that did not work either: he was obsessed about where the hidden place was and would ask non stop or eventually find it and make a bigger mess.
I will try the fix food schedule. what else??


Well-Known Member
Make the "snack" portions... "grazing" foods...
For example - a carrot stick is BIG, but peas are small.
A few frozen peas are better than a carrot stick... it's fun (for most kids) to eat them FROZEN. Provides a reason to not take TOO long to eat them (they thaw). It's still really healthy stuff. Frozen corn works this way, too. And finely diced frozen carrots.

Cherrios or similar small cereals - same concept.

Small dried fruits - cranberries, raisins.


I like Insane's ideas. difficult child 1 has a very small stomach so I have always had snacks in "individual" servings such as in snack baggies. I taught him very young that he only gets ONE and he has to ask but they are just sitting in the fridge for him to get (At first I had a "lock" on my fridge). The idea of set times would be great. Make a picture chart with digital numbers AND with what the hands on an analog clock should look like at "snack" time (teaching time-telling, hehe). That might help so he KNOWS when it's okay to ask. It's worth a shot.