I'm starting a pool


Going Green
Janet....I may consider that because of ONE thing.


I have a very strong suspiscion that Cloe would NOT like Buck. And when she doesn't like someone? She makes them verrrrrry nervous.

Hmmm.....maybe I should come for a visit and bring her. :angel:


Going Green
Oh and I just overheard difficult child on the phone with a buddy. Apparently, difficult child has recorded a few of his comedy skits and posted them on youtube.

I'm askeered.


Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Aww heck Stang. I dunno if difficult child is a funny or not, but if Jeff Foxworthy can make comedy work...............(or was it Tim the toolman dude?)

The real problem is, that even IF this is his dream, he somehow has got to realize that everyone has to pay their dues. Some people pay their dues straight to retirement without ever making it.

Maybe you could "support" his dream while encouraging a backup plan? Something else he's got a knack for / interest in.....

on the other hand, Star needs to hit a local comedy club. She's looking for work in all the wrong places. LOL


Well-Known Member
'Stang... maybe. Or... maybe he just needs 20 years to perfect his act. Either way, he's gonna need an "in the mean time" plan.


Shooting from the Hip
OK - I just got the hint that I should NOT look for him on youtube. I do NOT like bad comedy. In fact... Unless it's truly funny, not insulting or dirty... Think Cosby...

I did like some Carlin, but not a lot...

We've still got 8 weeks till my date choice!!!


Going Green
It wasn't that the potential for comedy isn't there, it is. difficult child can be funny. It's his choice of material. He has about 3 or 4 skits made using the same character, Dougie, that he's come up with. Problem is that Dougie is, shall we say, challenged. I found it in bad taste at best but mostly just offensive and demeaning.


call 911........call 911
Preacher man rides a horse was good -

The camera man needs to get a tripod -
difficult child needs to tell himself his jokes over an over and over and over until he's so comfortable telling the story -it's acutally like a lie hes telling to convince someone he's actually seen the preacher man and the man ride the horse. Calm down, less body movement (no ride the horse) - Actually I think with this horse fetish you should take him somewhere to ride a horse and get it out of his system or let him see what riding horses is really like. LOL -

But the way he FINISHES a joke????? BRILLIANT! His comedic timing at the end was awesome! And he's got a handsome face - and with those glasses? He's could be rather funny.

But the Dougie stuff? Nah.....

Son - anytime you have to stick a pole between your legs to be entertaining? You should know how to hang upside down from it and be able to pick your tips up in your teeth or butt crack. I'm just sayin'


call 911........call 911
The child was wearing a pointy blue racing bike helmet.........

Walking & 1/2 trotting down the main drag of his town........

With a butterscotch colored, Dollar General, childs, stick horse wedged high between his legs

Talking like a simpleton named Dougie, whist flailing his arms

Attempting to put together a comedy skit at 22 years of age

While a rather unsteady or inebri, enebria, drunk camera man filmed him

PEOPLE at the other end of the bridge? Turned around. They was askeered.

He HAS talent - It's just not as Duggie the cowboy. He has natural talent.....He is a gifted story teller. And he has charisma. He just needs to hone his craft. And stay away from sticks.


Going Green
I had to dig this up to see who won.


Yep.....he's back in jail. He called us last night to let us know and asked us to come pick up his apartment keys and phone. Seems he and friends (not sure of the whole story yet) were breaking into cars. Among other items they got a laptop and camcorder. Coincidently these were items that he has been wanting.

So....it looks like JJJ won.