Well-Known Member
...expect my almost twelve year old to not torture the dogs, not scream every sentence, to not call me an "idiot", to not stick out his tongue to me, to not slam doors, to not kick an ouside ball against the windows... when his medications haven't kicked in yet? I have always struggled with this and here I am questioning it again. This morning was absolutely the PITS with difficult child. After repeated warnings of the consequences (no pool this afternoon with some friends we've not seen in several months), he continues to do the very things I have warned him about. I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND! After I tell him that I will go alone to meet them at the pool, he's all "oh, Mom, I'm so sorry. Give me one more chance..." etc. I told him no more chances and pushed him out the door to get on the bus. I have soooooo much trouble with guilt (uh oh, there goes that word again) of wondering if he really can't help it or if he's being an
and that's all. It's as if he gets on a roll at this "abuse" of me and can't stop it. I certainly would understand ONE slip up and being called on it and he remembers it from one second to the next, but it's as if I've never said a word as he continues on.
No, he won't be going to the pool (because I always follow through with my threats), but I AM going. He can sit here in this house by himself and think about the way he's treated me this morning. I only worry about the state of my house or my Yorkies when I return.
Please.....am I expecting too much?

No, he won't be going to the pool (because I always follow through with my threats), but I AM going. He can sit here in this house by himself and think about the way he's treated me this morning. I only worry about the state of my house or my Yorkies when I return.
Please.....am I expecting too much?