Is this good?


New Member
Is this a good template letter to use for requesting an IEP evaluation? Letter below with link...

[INSERT: date]

Dear [INSERT: Principal's name]

I am writing to request that my child, [INSERT: your child's full name and date of birth], be evaluated for special education services and/or accommodations granted under Section 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). I am concerned that [INSERT: child's name] is having difficulty and may need special help in order to learn.

For the last [INSERT: number of years] years [his/her] classroom teachers have noted that [he/she] has difficulty completing assignments, is experiencing problems with excessive impulsivity and/or is unable to sit still and stay focused. Please note that [INSERT: name of health care professional] has recently diagnosed my [son/daughter] as having Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). [INSERT: name of health care professional] is concerned that [INSERT: child's name]'s AD/HD is resulting in decreased alertness in the classroom and may be significantly impacting [her/his] school performance, learning, and behavior. [NOTE: if your child does not have a diagnosis from a health care professional, you may still request an evaluation from the school. Simply skip this section or state that you, the parent, have concerns that your child is having attentional difficulties that you believe are impacting school performance, learning and/or behavior.]

I would like to meet with the people who will be doing the evaluation before my child is tested so that I may share information about [INSERT: child's name] with them. I understand that the evaluation is provided at no cost to me. I also understand that I must provide written permission for these tests to be administered and I will be happy to do so once I have received all the appropriate forms and an explanation of the process. I will also expect a copy of the written report generated by each evaluator so that I may review them before the IEP or 504 planning meeting.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience so that we may begin preparations for the evaluation.

[INSERT: your name, address and phone number]


You want an IEP, not a 504 plan, so you should not mention 504 at all in your letter. I also wouldn't go into too much detail about ADHD because you want the school evaluation to cover all areas of suspected educational impact.

Here's the text of the letter I recently submitted to get my daughter's IEP process started:

We suspect that our daughter, M, has a disability based on continued academic struggles and recent psychological and educational testing that we will provide to the school under separate cover. As a result, we are requesting that a full and initial evaluation in accordance with IDEA be conducted to determine if M is eligible for special education and related services.

This letter serves as parental consent for the evaluation. If additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

You should send the letter certified mail or hand-deliver it. The date it is received starts a timeline under which the evaluation must be completed.

Hope that helps. Please feel free to post any further questions.



New Member
when I first requested an IEP. I walked in to school and told the guidance councler I wanted one she gave me an application to fill out and said get it back to school asap.


Charmed, that's great it worked out that way for you, but it is always better to document everything in writing with the school. That way you can prove what you did and when in case the school doesn't follow up with what it needs to do as required by federal law.