It’s not my mental illness talking. It’s the truth!


Well-Known Member
Over the past 3 years I have lost my mom, one cousin, and a so called friend recently.
Often times as the relationship is coming to an end because of their behavior, they seem to twist things around and suggest my medications are not working or that I am having a manic episode.

I am so tired of my Bipolar disorder getting the blame when in reality I am just sharing my truth with them! They refuse to look in the mirror and accept any responsibility for how they have treated me. No apologies from them. I think they are narcissists.

Vent over



Do I understand you to say you are estranged from your mom? As well as the others. I am so sorry.

I don’t mean to hijack your thread, my friend, but since you mentioned bi-polar, I’ll post.

Yesterday, I lost my best friend here who had bi-polar although I was never affected by it In any way. In fact, I never knew she had it until recently and I had known her for five years. She committed suicide. I am devastated as are all who knew her. We knew she was hurting and we were there for her always, loved her like a sister, but that wasn’t enough for her to love herself.

As you know, I lost my son about 6 months ago and the unbearable grief is making a second wave. Crying has become a way of life for me. But I am ok. I have good support, thank God. And I have lots of good moments with my remaining family.

I admire you, LMS, because you are so honest and open about your mental illness. An illness that many, many people have. My friend had great difficulty accepting it and didn’t want to be labeled. I’m not sure if that’s why she wouldn‘t take the medication or complained about the doctors not knowing anything. She was probably self-perpetuating her depressed state and she struggled with alcohol as well, which might have affected how the medication worked—I really don’t know.

The truly sad part is that she was estranged from her daughter. Why, I don’t understand. There was no single incident but apparently, the daughter gradually wanted to spend less and less time with her mother. My friend never understood why. She had been a very young mother. I’m sure there must have been issues and I didn’t know her then. She offered to go to counseling with her daughter but the daughter would have none of it and insisted that she just needed to work on herself. My friend got fed up, totally detached from her daughter and actually wrote the daughter out of her will. And she has considerable assets. She left it all to a local non-profit.

And of course, now—all of the estranged parties, a sister included, want to be involved and they had to be told that my friend, the mother/sister had given someone else power of attorney and that she wanted them to have nothing to do with her death arrangements and were not included in her will. This sounds like the storyline out of a novel, but I assure you, it is real.

I imagine there is enough guilt to go around.

I am estranged somewhat from my sister too. She couldn’t seem to be there for me when my son, her nephew, died. It hurt me deeply. I don’t feel I can share anything with her because she can’t seem to take it. It didn’t used to be this way—we used to be best friends! There are other issues with controlling, criticism and sometimes just snarky comments she makes that have helped me make my decision.

But then I think about this, my friend’s death and all the pain it caused, and I wonder—When does estrangement become necessary in a relationship? Or maybe I should ask, why does it become necessary? I imagine we would all have some interesting answers.

I have a dear friend who is is as sweet as she can be, who puts up with verbal abuse from her sister but will not stand up to her for fear of the sister ending the relationship and she would have no one. She also has a zillion health problems! Is there a connection?

What makes a toxic person? My sister feels toxic to me, sometimes. Often I feel worse after talking to her than I did before. I’d love to hear what others think.

Love, Nandina
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When I said “best friend here,“ I didn’t mean on this forum but here in the SE city where I live. Most of my lifelong friends live in other states. We all spread out after college. This friend had the most in common with me; more than anyone I had met in a long time. It’s so sad that she didn’t know her worth.

When I last spoke with her, she was down but I am so relieved to remember that our last words to each other were “I love you,“ and “I love you too.“


Well-Known Member
I have lost my mom, one cousin, and a so called friend recently.

I am estranged somewhat from my sister too
I am so sorry, lms and Nandina.

I don't want a pity party for myself, but I will just comment briefly about how I feel in response to your posts.

For many years I was estranged from my sister and my mother. I never regained a relationship with my sister but I was able to have a relationship with my mother after I adopted my son. I ended up caring for my mom as I died, (I mean, she died--this was a Freudian slip to say, I died) which really broke me in half. My earliest "best friend" Colleen; I met her when I was 9. I have not seen or spoken to her for nearly 20 years. One day I had had enough. I had to face she had treated me meanly for my whole life. It took me 40 years to face it and say no more. But I never told her why. I just stopped. She called my mother and asked her "What did I do?" At that point, there were no words. How do you tell somebody that their whole life they've been mean, self-serving, and self-absorbed? I couldn't do it. I should have.

My sister hasn't spoken with me since my Mother died, which was almost 11 years ago.

Who is toxic, here? Is it me?

I have experience with estrangement too. My father abandoned us.

lms, I think it takes real guts to have boundaries. Most people don't take responsibility for who they are or what they need. You do. It is truly a pity if people can't take that, but it's their loss. I wish your mother and cousin and friend could have found a way to talk to you in a way that is respectful and caring. What they did was scapegoat you. What in the world were you supposed to do?

Nandina. I am so deeply sorry about your friend. She was so blessed to have you as a friend. Your love for her, and your loving nature just reaches through the page to me, all across the USA. It is such a sad, sad story. I feel bad for her child and family, too. What a wound to have your mother's last act to be dis-inheriting, closing out family. Yet, in my will I wrote that I did not want my sister or children to receive anything. I wanted to protect my son. I fear them. I fear my sister's sense of entitlement and sense she deserves everything. Am I doing the same thing?

I ask myself. Could I have greater generosity, greater flexibility, a bigger heart? I don't think so. I think we owe it to ourselves to protect our hearts. I guess that is what we learn here.

Nandina, I wish your friend had found us. Maybe we could have helped give her the love and acceptance she craved. That we all crave and need.


Well-Known Member
Oh no Nandina! I am so sorry you just lost your best friend to suicide. How truly sad. I am sure you were such a blessing to her and probably even extended some of her remaining days.

People with Bipolar Disorder have intense emotions. They have low lows and high highs. They need medication to keep these intense emotions balanced.

Alcohol I’m sure played a role in your friends despair. It is a depressant. And only makes sadness deepen.

I had a psychotic breakdown in 2007. Complete with all kinds of evil hallucinations. It was horrifying. Before this happened to me, I did not know I had bipolar disorder. I thought I had just been deeply depressed over my son’s drug addiction problems and the war zone our household lived in for years.
After I was hospitalized I began taking medications for bipolar disorder and have been on them ever since. I will always be required to take medication. The doctors told my family if I did not, they might not be able to “bring me back” if I were to ever have another psychotic breakdown.

Estrangement is necessary for me. Especially with my mother. She is a very selfish and stingy person. And like your sister Nandina, I often feel worse about myself after a conversation with her.

My last text to her was this…

I want to tell you why I have been so angry with you the last couple of years. Please hear me out.

When Jarod was out on the streets and you were with your friend in Arkansas, Jarod called you out of desperation and asked for $50. You said no. That was his last call to you ever. He was homeless and in the streets and you couldn’t spare $50 for him.

When Jarod I knew was close to death (a month before he died) I asked you if you would go with me to pick him up in California I would pay for everything. You again said no. You said Jarod was no better off in a bedroom in our house than the streets. A month later he was dead.

So I bury my precious child. And desperately want to escape to the casino for some stress free relief from the pain and loss.
You and I for years had an agreed upon monthly outing to the casino which I so looked forward to and now desperately needed.
You took that away from me because I was trying too hard to go to the casino with you and your boyfriend for months. This made me angry and hurt beyond comprehension.
You know how much I looked forward to this and now how much I needed it. But you still took it away from me. A monthly outing that you had agreed on at a counselors previously.

Then you make $47,000 winning a jackpot and don’t share any of those good times with me at the casino. Even though you were there nearly every other weekend with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend got my good times. And so did my cousins. I got nothing when I desperately needed it.

Then I am called to take care of you when you got sick…but “not that sick” according to what your boyfriend told me that morning. While we only had one vehicle and it was a Thursday so my husband had a payroll meeting he absolutely had to do. I demanded he leave his meeting at Starbucks when I realized you really were in an emergency situation and needed me there now. But I got the blame for showing up an hour or so too late and not cleaning up your diarrhea mess which I could barely stomach the smell through trying to help you and get help. For goodness sake! We live in another state! An hour and a half away from you!

Now we are trying to help your great grandchildren have a future. Out of our remaining years after all we went through with our own children. You made a snide remark that I could do research and file necessary legal paperwork on my own but that that was my choice if I did so or not. All the while I am telling you it costs $8,500 for a retainer fee with the family law firm and asked you to pay for.
Now you tell my daughter that you will contribute one forth. Husbands dad, you, us and my daughter.
But my husband’s dad is now out of our lives. He sold my husband his Financial Advisory firm and it was not a legal company due to yearly paperwork that he didn’t file this time and now expected my husband to pay for and file. We were even due $23,000 that my husband gave back to his dad and told his dad to keep his company and clean up his own mess. So my husband will no longer be a financial advisor after all the years of studying and working towards this as a way to help support us once he chose to stop working for our son Josh.

Now we only have Josh to save us for retirement. We only have a $100,000 saved at the end of this year. We need $300,000 more in order for my husband to retire in a few years.

We can’t afford the $8,500 retainer fee. We can’t afford 1/2 of it. We need to be saving as much of our money as we can if my husband is ever going to retire. And honestly I don’t know how many more years his body has left. And the work he does for Josh is very labor intensive.

This is why I have been so angry with you mom. I have been hurt by you very badly over the last couple of years. This is why I have been hurting you in return. And the one time I step up to save the day and help you when you are sick I instead got the blame.

Do you see where I’m coming from mom? Hurt people hurt people. And I have been very hurt by you since Jarod. Jarod, the casino, your sickness, and now trying still to do the right thing and help our grandchildren with what time we all have left.

I hope you understand where I am coming from. I have given you all my reasons for being so angry over the last couple of years. I would really like it if I could stop being so angry at you.”

I got no response from her. So I said goodbye. That was 3 months ago.
As you can see yes I am a gambler. And so is she. I needed some relief after my son her grandson died and she took all of the casino good times with her away.
This hurt me badly. She can definitely afford to share her wealth but chooses to keep it for herself.

Nandina I think your sister is jealous of you. I believe you are a very strong person and your sister is not. She struggles with her own pains and they are all encompassing. She can’t look outside herself and see yours.
I am so sorry you have lost this relationship for now. Maybe there is room in the future for reconciliation.

I too was abandoned by my bio dad. Didn’t meet him till I was 16. He was a selfish alcoholic. He too never had an apology for me.

I think it is best to let go of relationships that bring us down. That cost too much in terms of our own self respect. I want peace with the ones I love. I now concentrate on my grandchildren who seem to thrive by my guidance. That is where I choose to invest my love and time now. That is where I see the best results and get the most satisfaction out of.

Mental illness is a health condition. I treat it. I wish all people did. I am not ashamed of it. Actually many great minds have had bipolar disorder throughout history. I am amongst a special group of people.

Nandina and Copa…
We have to protect ourselves from more pain. We have already experienced more than enough trauma in this lifetime. We don’t deserve anymore.
May peace be with us all.

Love you gals,

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Nandina so sorry for the loss of your friend. Prayers going up for God to wrap you in His gracious love and comfort you.
New Leaf


Sorry about that mess above your post, New Leaf!

I was leaning on my ipad screen unknowingly on some quotes, and that’s what happened! Maybe I can get it removed. I didn’t even realize until just now that it had copied, I guess when I left the site.

Thank you for your kind words. I’ve learned a lot of things about my friend that I was unaware of and she was suffering more than I or anyone knew.

We’re starting vacation in a week and I’m trying to get back in the spirit. I am re-connecting with a cousin who I have not seen in like 50 years! She got in touch with me after my son’s death and invited us to spend a week with them.

Thank you again for the love and virtual hugs. It means a lot to me.


Nandina. I am so deeply sorry about your friend. She was so blessed to have you as a friend. Your love for her, and your loving nature just reaches through the page to me, all across the USA.
Wow, Copa, what a lovely thing to say. Thank you!

The problem with having a sensitive nature like mine is sometimes you get taken advantage of. People think you’re a pushover. But since I’ve been in counseling, I am getting much better at standing up for myself. In fact, part of the reason I haven’t heard much from my sister is that I stood up to her recently when she was being critical for no reason. I think her jaw must have dropped to the floor! We were on the phone, so I couldn’t see, lol.
Nandina, I wish your friend had found us. Maybe we could have helped give her the love and acceptance she craved. That we all crave and need.
oh, I wish…but I knew this side of her too well. She probably would try to handle it all herself. Thank you for the kind thoughts, though. We reach who we can, don’t we?


. I am sure you were such a blessing to her and probably even extended some of her remaining days.
Thank you for the kind thoughts. I tried to be a good friend, but it was a different kind of friendship recently because I could hardly get her out of her house.
They have low lows and high highs. They need medication to keep these intense emotions balanced.
Yes, I’ve heard, but I just saw her lows, and when I thought she was back to normal I find out later some of what I thought of as normal was really her manic behavior. She also kept a lot of it hidden.
Estrangement is necessary for me. Especially with my mother
Whatever it takes to keep your peace. I’m sorry your mother treats you the way she does.
Nandina I think your sister is jealous of you. I believe you are a very strong person and your sister is not.
Yes, I am strong inside. My sister gives the outer impression that she is strong (bossy is more like it) but I am finding out she is actually quite fragile.
think it is best to let go of relationships that bring us down
I totally agree. My sister sent me pics of her flowers yesterday, first time she has contacted me in months. I thanked her, told her they came at a good time and briefly mentioned my friend’s death. She told me she would pray for me and my family. As long as she is respectful of me I can have a relationship with her, but the minute she starts criticizing me, and acting like her old self—the self that always got away with it—she’s gonna meet this here new sister again!


Well-Known Member
Good for you Nandina for sticking up for yourself regarding your sister!
I often say now, that I grew a backbone after my son Jarod’s death 2 1/2 years ago. I am a new person in this respect.

My son had a tattoo across the top of his chest that said, “Stand Tall Fade All.”
I’m thinking of getting this tattooed on me.

Again I’m so sorry about your friend. Mental illness can be so hard on the person with it as well as those who love them who might feel helpless.

Relax and enjoy your upcoming vacation. Sounds like you’re really looking forward to re-connecting with your cousin! How fun!



Thanks, LMS. I grew up with these cousins (two on my dad’s side) and my female cousin is close to my age. I moved away when I was in my early 20s and we lost touch. But she has been with me every step of the way after she learned of my son’s death. Calling, texting, just making sure I was ok. She lost a son about 15 years ago so she knows what it’s like and her compassion is overwhelming. She has a very strong faith as well.

My cousin has a son who is in his forties, addicted to drugs, in and out of rehab. She is raising his kids. Their mother is deceased (od’d). Her husband is in poor health and she is taking care of him as well. She has the best attitude, the most loving disposition—she is a remarkable human being. Plus she is hilarious and makes me laugh. I will always be grateful to her for being the “sister” that I needed but didn’t have during that (this) very painful time in my life.

So yes, LMS, I am excited to get to know this person as an adult! We have so much in common—even sisters who behave the same way. Her sister treats her kind of like mine treats me. So she appreciates the friendship as well.


Well-Known Member
Nice to meet you Kate and thank you. Yes that is why I am still here on our Conduct Disorders Board. It is a safe and supportive place for my heart and mind. So many good folks here that understand and care. I have been here since my sons were teens and started using drugs. A very long time. I don’t know what I have done without the support along the way.

Nandina…your cousin sounds like a godsend.
She knows exactly what you are going through and is extending her heart to you.

One thing I have learned about losing a child is that it is by far the worst pain I have ever experienced on this planet. I almost feel super human these days as it also sounds like your cousin does too. There will never be another pain greater than this…so you begin to feel like everything else is easy peasy.
Maybe this is the gift that losing a child gives us in return.

I’m so glad you have good support Nandina.
Keep letting the light shine on your soul. Keep letting God open new doors and show you new things about yourself.

Love you,


Well-Known Member
Hey Nandina!

How did your vacation with your cousin go? Did you have an awesome time? Was your cousin able to pull you out of your depression some? I hope so. She sounds like the perfect person to come along at the perfect time. Like God sent her into your life…which I believe He did.

Anyway just wanted you to know I was thinking about you this morning. Would love to hear about your vacation and time with your cousin.

Stay well my friend.


Hi LMS, I am still on vacation! Thanks for asking. We will be back home the 10th. But right now I have some quiet time and I have been checking email, etc.

We are in a real family oriented RV park in Michigan where my cousins go every year and one cousin brings her grandkids, whom they are raising. We rented an RV to see if we might want to buy one someday after my husband retires and this one turned out to be a real dud! Lol. It has multiple issues, one being a smoke detector that is unhooked and sitting in a cupboard.

I won’t bore you with details, but we know this is not the RV for us. It is tiny. My husband didn’t want to drive anything bigger than about 24 ft. but after squeezing around in this cardboard box on wheels, he quickly changed his mind! But he decided next one he will pull, which will give us more space. Live and learn. But I have heard about enough of his complaining every time he tries to turn his 6 ft. body around in the 2x2 bathroom! “Yes, dear, I know it’s tiny—you picked it out…remember?” He’s kinda mad at himself.

My two other children joined us and met this part of my family for the first time. We will probably make this a yearly thing. There has been laughter, food and even a little drama from at least one of my kids. I mean what vacation wouldn’t be complete without the big D? But my cousin keeps everyone in stitches and it’s been fun. I have friends driving up tomorrow and we’ll spend some time with them and then the final night we booked a room at the hotel where they’re staying. Ahhhh.. a real bed and a full size shower! Not sure this RV life is for me. At least not this one.

Thank you for checking on me though!

Love, Nandina
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I re-read my post and I should have said my two other adult children joined us. I guess they are no longer “children” at ages 33 and 36, although they act like them at times! haha


Well-Known Member
Hi Nandina!
Glad you’re having so much fun with your cousin and the rest of family. Though sorry to hear about the RV experience. But at least you’re getting this experience in this one that maybe will help you make a good decision in the future regarding an RV.

Enjoy your hotel stay and friends. We’ll be here when you get back to civilization lol



Thank you Copa. And, surprisingly, one of the people here who is bringing the most joy and laughter has a drug addicted son age 46, is raising his kids, and her husband has the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s. If she can do it, maybe any of us can. She has a strong faith, reads her Bible daily and lives a godly life, often putting others before herself. I find her remarkable and am honored that i am related to her.


Well-Known Member
Nandina you are so blessed with good cousins in your family. I wish mine were more like yours.

As I said before on another post…After losing a child you can begin to feel as though nothing in life will ever be more painful to bear. Life begins to feel easy and you almost feel superhuman! But yes, I think a lot of it depends on your faith or lack-thereof.
Sure I still have bad days…but they’re not continuously bad days like they were in the first year.

I’m so glad you got this opportunity to spend time with the people God knew you needed right now.



Dear Friends, my cousin that I just spent a week with on vacation texted me to let me know she had just been contacted by the police and her son od’d and died. He was 46 and a crack addict. We just spent the week with her, her husband and grandkids. This was their father. They lost their mother to an overdose several years ago.

I am in shock. I did not know him but I have been hearing about him for months now and my cousin’s concern for him.

This is the second son my cousin has lost. Please pray for her. Thank you, Nandina