It is official!



difficult child is 18 today!!! We actually survived to see the day! :)

She did end up having the landlord fax me a copy of the lease, so I did help her with her portion of the rent - wrote the check out directly to the landlord.

She is supposed to start bartending school today. I am planning on picking her up, taking her out to dinner and then to class. It will be a lot for me to be working, and bringing her back and forth to school each night this week but it is only for one week and it will be worth it if she gets a job!

Happy day everyone!! :D


Well-Known Member
Congratulations. I truly hope this is a new beginning for her. I remember that day difficult child turned 18. While I knew our troubles were far from over there was a sense of relief that we were no longer legally responsible for her.

I'm glad there really was a landlord and you got a copy of the lease.


Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired

When mine turned 18 he announced he could now do what he wanted, go where he wanted (mmm, like he didn't do that before he turned 18) The end result of that was he always comes home now, and if he will be out for the night calls and lets me know. Go figure
