i'Tourette's Syndrome a forever thing they all agree


New Member
wow did you go to their website sharon?? LOL

listen i do think the ppl here are great. im not upset, i've calmed. i've come into acceptance mode. all great ideas you guys have truly. yet you dont' want to inididate the kid with 5 days a week of doctors' either. she needs to learn to live a little now, she's been in the cave for mos. and mos.

i am def. going to look into the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) stuff when i return home. i'm struggling from here with the internet. it's up one day down the next. I said mos. ago when this first happened we won't just "cure" this and it'll be all gone. I was right. :)

Im open to a different type of therapy for her we've tried alot so far. i'm always open. yet as i said from here it's laughable. my cell bill's becoming unmanagable and internet is' a pain. we've done so many different types of therapy and exposure.

what mom said they had to lay with their daughter?? i never did that yet I would sit with her to calm her before bed till i said to myself ok this is silly shes' too old for this insanity. i was in the room for an hr or so. problem with my kid is shes lazy doesn't want to use coping skills just wants to be "regular" she calls it. she wants mom to bail her out of her bucket all the time. she's gottta learn to pick herself up from her boot straps it's time now. she has a little bit here i've seen which is great.

i don't know i could go on and on about this kid, her dad who never got help and drives anyone within five feet of him literally mad with all his issues. i personally think difficult child belongs in a special school not mainstreamed yet i can't convince her yet. she's still holding onto the thought of living a non medicated life without therapists etc. getting her to accept who she is and be good with it is the hardest job of all