It's 8:50 AM



and I'm eating a Weight Watchers Slow Roasted Turkey breast and mashed potatoes meal.

I tell ya, I've been craving meat so much. I'm not normally a big meat eater, but this just isn't letting up. When my mom was here Thursday, she made taco meat for Devon to heat up. I ended up eating it all right out of the container - no shell, cheese, sour cream, nothing - in 3 servings. Hamburgers, roast beef - some chicken and pork - but I want red meat.

What is my body telling me that I need?


Are you low in iron? Have you been losing weight? I go through times like that and it is kind of cyclical what I want to eat. It could be worse!!!!



The last time my iron was checked it was fine, but that could have changed. The only time I've been anemic was when I was pregnant. I did lose 4 pounds in one week (weighed at doctor's office both times), but other than craving meat, I don't have much of an appetite. I eat about once or twice a day and it's usually later in the evening or night.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Most people I know go through periods where they crave certain foods - can't get enough. For instance, for a few MONTHS I was craving non-stop avacados. I ate a whole one nearly every day. Surprisingly, I didn't gain weight or have any adverse affects from eating them so much. You would have thought with all that fat, I would have gained a little. My APRN said that my body was likely needing a component or protien or simply the fats from the avacados, thus the craving and no weight gain.

When I used to eat meat regularly, I always craved red meat right around the onset of my periods - every month. I had to have bloody steaks and hamburgers. It was almost obscene that way I ate red meats during that time of the month. And my iron levels always come back normal.

Unless you have had any adverse reactions to eating all that meat, I wouldn't worry too much about it. However, I know that you have some other health concerns, so it may be worth at least a phone call to the DR.


Spork Queen
I am a huge craver of foods for a period of time. Right now it is pickles and saurkraut. Weird, huh? I'll sit with a big old jar of pickles on my belly and occasionally snag some kraut. No, I'm not pregnant.;)

Then there was the PBJ's were the hit.

Part of the problem is living alone. You just don't do the 3 meals a deal thing. When I'm hungry I eat. It's not by the clock. It's probably not the healthiest way to live, but I guess I'm just lazy.
