Just need to vent


Well-Known Member
Sandy's post brings up another point... you ARE keeping a log or a journal, no? So many of us around here found that useful in finding - and proving - patterns of behavior and cause-and-effect. Activities, food, sleep, etc. should all be in the log, as well as behavior.
i actually was thinking what sandy said too since in your initial post you said he was good for an hour after he wakes up.....

it might be worth tracking breakfasts for a while to see if there is any correlation....it wouldnt shock me at all if his love of the pediasure man isnt some kind of self-protective mode from allergens on top of the sensory issues.

its funny how kids are instinctive like that.


I stopped keeping a log. :(

The psychologist that evaluates for home services accused me of searching for something wrong. I dropped him from my son's case, but that final appointment still looms over me.

Other then the pediasure, he is dye free, gluten free, and free of almost anything that comes packaged. He was dairy free for a few years, but that did not do anything for behavior.

Today's long awaited appointment is going to look at cerebral palsy, cerebellar cognitive affective disorder, genetic disorders, and anything else they can come up with.

He had an endoscopy looking for an eos disorder, but that was negative. It is possible that not enough biopsies were taken, but he's growing and doesnt show many symptoms of eos anymore.

I will restart his log after our appointment today.


New Member
The psychologist that evaluates for home services accused me of searching for something wrong. I dropped him from my son's case, but that final appointment still looms over me.
:rofl: they can be such pieces of work! The first therapist we worked with, that came to my home to see all three kids, accused me of being too rigid, and that I needed to relax my schedules a bit. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Oh, she learned VERY quickly that I was the most flexible in the house!


I hope the appointment goes well.

difficult child 1 had a therapist convinced that we were the problem. She told us to do a much less structured time out and that the way we were doing time out was abusive. My response to her was "if we do it your way he will come out and attack the other kids." She didn't believe me. We changed tdocs. Everyone here has had horrible docs and great docs. Sounds like that one you had was a horrible one.

I'm impressed that you are able to do a dye free, gluten free, ect... diet. That is a lot of work and shows your commitment to your child.


Well-Known Member
Welcome, and many hugs.
I agree ... you need to take care of yourself.
I am thinking along the lines of food allergies, too. And later, different medications, once he's a teen and his metabolism changes.
It sounds like you are really working hard to get him help and I applaud you.
The shower/bath thing sounds very Sensory Integration Disorder (SID), and I'm thinking that he may have reactions to certain lights, as well.
My son is Aspie lite (so far) and he learned to tie his shoes at age 7. We didn't know what was wrong with-him at that time and thought he was just impatient and impulsive, but we did start therapy when he was about 6.
I wish I could be more helpful.


New Member
I stopped keeping a log. :(

The psychologist that evaluates for home services accused me of searching for something wrong. I dropped him from my son's case, but that final appointment still looms over me.


I remember a neuropsychologist evaluation when Q was inpatient for a three day seizure evaluation in third grade. There was a sentence in there about my exaggerating symptoms and I always felt like I was looking for the positive, THEN only a month later the in home psychiatric evaluation said that he was so difficult it was doubtful he could ever be maintained in a home setting. Good GRIEF... I thought I'd lose my mind....one end or the other. I was hoping the second one just gave the county evidence to pay for lots of in home care and we did get that! LOL...they sure dont want to pay for out of home so....whatever. I never released that one to anyone.


New Member
HUGE Hugs. He sounds SO much like my 7 year old difficult child. My pediatrician. is certain it's ADHD but he doesn't act anything like my other child with ADHD or my daughter with ADD.
I LOVE him but I certainly don't like him right now. How could I? How did yesterday's appointment go?


His appointment webt fairly well. We did some genetic testing, but shes fairly sure if he has a mutation, its not going to be anything big. She said he is probably "just" autistic. She wants us to go to a neuropsychologist, and to track down a peds neuro sleep dr.

The neuropsychologist should have been done years ago. The sleep for his fragmentation on the studies.

I am going to look into starting an ABA program with him. Well, ive been looking but its hard to find more specific info other than verbal behavior.

So no new news.