New Member
Just another frustrated parent with a troubled son who had the world of opportunity to thrive and succeed and he chose to throw it away and do his own thing.. definitely a prodigal son! He is 23, the eldest of 3 kids. He has moved out a few times and tried to launch unsuccessfully on his own. Somehow has delusions of getting rich quick. He's always hanging with- the wealthy crowd and a real "sweet talker" to the ladies and anyone who will listen to his stories. He has deluded many bosses into hiring him even though he has only finished high school with no job training other than the jobs we made him do at home and small things like lifeguard, mowing lawns, working at Home Depot. He said hes not meant for blue collar work and he's going to get rich quick so he's conned many friends and associates into thinking that he's really legit and they invest only to be swindled by him. He is currently living with us and had us convinced he's working a legit job only to discover that was a lie and he has recently been using our credit card. We have forced his hand and he has the option of joining the military or moving out. He can't live here anymore and we are cutting all financial help to him. He is no longer allowed in the house if we aren't home. He was diagnosed his Junior year with ADD, depression and dissociative disorder. He was put on a few drugs which appeared to help until we discovered that he was selling them. He then proceeded to sell drugs after he was kicked out of our house and landed with- his "buddies" only to get into more trouble with- girls etc.. this last time we allowed him home after his girlfriend died of drug induced lukemia and he came home to detox and heal. He was doing really well for 4 months but now has slipped into old habits. We are done with his lies and done being used and we are ready for Peace in our home. My youngest son just left for college and it should be an empty nest. Our oldest refuses medical help and still takes "street medications" to cope with his depression and marijuana to help him eat and sleep. I don't know what I am looking for here.. just reading your stories has helped me see that there are MANY parents like me! We wonder what we could have done different to help our child.. only to discover that the CHILD is difficult and has done this to themselves and we are NOT the problem! We have prayed, bent over backwards, to help them succeed and they throw it away... Like jewels before swine.