New Member
I was reading Randy's frazzled mom's post and she is right about difficult child wanting the same clothes all the time to control...but also for others it could be a sensory intregration disorder. These kids have a real problem with sensation...processing feel, smell, sight and sound. This is a true disorder that for whatever reason most people don't know about. Nate was also the same way...he would literally wear the same clothes all the time including sleeping in them. To get different and clean clothes on him I had to give him a bath.
He did go through a period of screaming the whole time he was taking a bath too. This is part of the sensory problem...they can't stand the feel of the water or soap or both. Can't stand having a washrag or whatever you use touching their skin. Nate's biggest problem was when I would wash his hair. He turly could not stand the water running on his head and if any got in his face he thought he was drowning.
He would go through a period of time of loving baths and staying in there forever and back to not beable to stand them. Right now he is back to liking them and he washes his own hair...he feels more in control doing it his way and that is fine with me as long as it gets washed. Its still hard to get him to do it but at least he isn't screaming bloodly murder anymore.
Another sign of Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) is sentivity to the tags in the backs of shirts, socks not on just right, not liking to even wear shoes or anything esle or their feet...or completely the opposite...can't stand to feel the ground under their feet. when little they tend to walk on their tiptoes for a lot longer then normal.
Being either too sentive to hot and cold..not beable to stand one or the other or both...or again the opposiote of not even noticing the heat or cold. Nate use to run outside in barefeet and only shorts in thrity degree wheather and not realize it was even cold out. I have also seen him walk on sidewalks in hundred degree heat in his bare feet and have no problems.
What you need to look for is way or the other and in each area it could be the opposite of another one. Like hating the air conditioner and always being cold...but NOT having tags or itchy clothes bother them. That is possible though I bet he is sentive to clothes also. The Occupational Therapist (OT) who worked with Nate on his Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) problems said it is very common for them to wear the same few clothes or even the same set as long as they can get away with it...not because they are trying to be difficult but because putting different clothes on mean getting used to the 'feel' of a different set of clothes which is VERY difficult and very stressful for them.
Kids with Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) also tend to eat the same kinds of food...because they are comfortable with the feel of those foods in their mouths. Nate will not eat fruit or rarely or raw vegatables like carrots...he does not like the feel of them in his mouth at all.
Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) can be diagnosis and treated by an occupational therapist. You can request the school do the testing..your reasons why...they pay for the testing and the therapy if needed. Past the age of seven the problems become more 'set' in the brain and harder to change but they can be changed.
Children with Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) are also more prone to developing learning problems in school and may also have gross (big) or fine (small) motor delays. Nate is very weak in his upper body and also has problems with his fine motor skills such in writing....he uses his whole arm clear up to the shoulder to move a penicl around instead of just the wrist, hands and fingers.
Nate was diagnosis last year and is getting services through the school system at no cost to me and he is getting better on the SI issues. He changes his clothes everyday now, does not fall everytime he turns around, doesn't freak out when another person bumps into him, ect. He still won't hardly eat fruit or vegatable...but he is slowly getting better in that.
Keeping this kind of kids clean is a major problem because they can't literally stand the feel of soap water and brushing their teeth. It can "hurt' like on that 20/20 show (I think) that was on what last summer?
One of our members sister was on their with her daughter. The poor girl would be screaming her head off just getting it her hair washed...because it did hurt.
Anyway didn't mean to make this so long..but you know me...
...there is treatment for this. These kids really aren't doing this just to annoy people..they have a real problem. Hope this helps. (oh and their are books out about this disorder too)
Julie with son named Nathan which mean a gift from God. Some gifts are hard one. He is allergic to eighteen different airborne things including mold, some grass, trees and dogs.Also food allergies: milk, eggs, soy and yeast. Motto: There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to find the right tunnel.
Nathan my difficult child, diagnosis with a senory intergration disorder and disruptive disorder, autiory processing disorder, gross and fine motor delays. Allergies medications only., now five yrs old. Ketcup makes him know because of the vingear in it (yeast)
Me, mom currently no medications. 39yrs old, an older mom but don't seem to be any wiser.
DEX: Nate's dad sitting in jail where he belongs.
He did go through a period of screaming the whole time he was taking a bath too. This is part of the sensory problem...they can't stand the feel of the water or soap or both. Can't stand having a washrag or whatever you use touching their skin. Nate's biggest problem was when I would wash his hair. He turly could not stand the water running on his head and if any got in his face he thought he was drowning.
He would go through a period of time of loving baths and staying in there forever and back to not beable to stand them. Right now he is back to liking them and he washes his own hair...he feels more in control doing it his way and that is fine with me as long as it gets washed. Its still hard to get him to do it but at least he isn't screaming bloodly murder anymore.
Another sign of Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) is sentivity to the tags in the backs of shirts, socks not on just right, not liking to even wear shoes or anything esle or their feet...or completely the opposite...can't stand to feel the ground under their feet. when little they tend to walk on their tiptoes for a lot longer then normal.
Being either too sentive to hot and cold..not beable to stand one or the other or both...or again the opposiote of not even noticing the heat or cold. Nate use to run outside in barefeet and only shorts in thrity degree wheather and not realize it was even cold out. I have also seen him walk on sidewalks in hundred degree heat in his bare feet and have no problems.
What you need to look for is way or the other and in each area it could be the opposite of another one. Like hating the air conditioner and always being cold...but NOT having tags or itchy clothes bother them. That is possible though I bet he is sentive to clothes also. The Occupational Therapist (OT) who worked with Nate on his Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) problems said it is very common for them to wear the same few clothes or even the same set as long as they can get away with it...not because they are trying to be difficult but because putting different clothes on mean getting used to the 'feel' of a different set of clothes which is VERY difficult and very stressful for them.
Kids with Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) also tend to eat the same kinds of food...because they are comfortable with the feel of those foods in their mouths. Nate will not eat fruit or rarely or raw vegatables like carrots...he does not like the feel of them in his mouth at all.
Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) can be diagnosis and treated by an occupational therapist. You can request the school do the testing..your reasons why...they pay for the testing and the therapy if needed. Past the age of seven the problems become more 'set' in the brain and harder to change but they can be changed.
Children with Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) are also more prone to developing learning problems in school and may also have gross (big) or fine (small) motor delays. Nate is very weak in his upper body and also has problems with his fine motor skills such in writing....he uses his whole arm clear up to the shoulder to move a penicl around instead of just the wrist, hands and fingers.
Nate was diagnosis last year and is getting services through the school system at no cost to me and he is getting better on the SI issues. He changes his clothes everyday now, does not fall everytime he turns around, doesn't freak out when another person bumps into him, ect. He still won't hardly eat fruit or vegatable...but he is slowly getting better in that.
Keeping this kind of kids clean is a major problem because they can't literally stand the feel of soap water and brushing their teeth. It can "hurt' like on that 20/20 show (I think) that was on what last summer?
One of our members sister was on their with her daughter. The poor girl would be screaming her head off just getting it her hair washed...because it did hurt.
Anyway didn't mean to make this so long..but you know me...
Julie with son named Nathan which mean a gift from God. Some gifts are hard one. He is allergic to eighteen different airborne things including mold, some grass, trees and dogs.Also food allergies: milk, eggs, soy and yeast. Motto: There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to find the right tunnel.
Nathan my difficult child, diagnosis with a senory intergration disorder and disruptive disorder, autiory processing disorder, gross and fine motor delays. Allergies medications only., now five yrs old. Ketcup makes him know because of the vingear in it (yeast)
Me, mom currently no medications. 39yrs old, an older mom but don't seem to be any wiser.
DEX: Nate's dad sitting in jail where he belongs.