I was just wondering what possible medication combinations would work for a child diagnosed with anxiety (social, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and separation) and ADHD, AS signs and the possibility of underlying bipolar. I have to get back into the psychiatrist because the prozac just made him more oppositional and hyper so I didn't give it a full run. psychiatrist then perscribed celexa but I've been afraid to try it. He already has weight issues as he uses food to comfort (self medicate as I see it) himself. I have taken to hiding the sugar dispenser and coming to the conclusion that I just can't even have it or anything with sugar in the house. It's hard because husband isn't willing to go that far as he has his own attachment to some things like pepsi. So weight gain medications would be of major concern to me.
I am waiting for our insurance to change in January. We are DONE with our current plan. Though they have done some things for us (paid for our evaluation at JFK autism research center), they just don't have the necessary supports in place for mental health once you find the diagnosis. Also, since the doctor doesn't really know the extent of things, I get the sense that he would give me anything I wanted in terms of medications. Wierd. I don't want to be the doctor, I want him to.
I am not asking any of you to be the doctor either. I just was wondering what possiblities in terms of medication cocktails might be an option. Perhaps some of you have a difficult child with similar symptoms and have found something that works?
Any feedback is much appreciated.
I am waiting for our insurance to change in January. We are DONE with our current plan. Though they have done some things for us (paid for our evaluation at JFK autism research center), they just don't have the necessary supports in place for mental health once you find the diagnosis. Also, since the doctor doesn't really know the extent of things, I get the sense that he would give me anything I wanted in terms of medications. Wierd. I don't want to be the doctor, I want him to.
I am not asking any of you to be the doctor either. I just was wondering what possiblities in terms of medication cocktails might be an option. Perhaps some of you have a difficult child with similar symptoms and have found something that works?
Any feedback is much appreciated.