More on the mom of Octuplets


Well-Known Member
Gcv and Andy, you're brilliant! :)
Now, get to work on the problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and then fix our economy!


This entire ordeal does a number on my nerves.
It's a close call, but I think I'm a little more upset with this "doctor" who I think is more like a "mad scientist."
He seems unethical and there is no accountability.
The Oprah interview should be "interesting." I wonder what his motives are.
The clip teaser she used showed him asking Oprah to get his daughter psychologically tested and she said she would like to do that.
by the way..I have heard social workers tell stories of birthmoms who have child after child...put them up for adoption...but then have another child expecting a DIFFERENT result.
I think there is some of that going on here...with a little extra twist on top.
None of it healthy.
Faulty thinking on top of faulty thinking...signs of narcissism....greed....
it's so disturbing.
Those children need prayers. If we can find it in our hearts, this mother needs prayers.
I think what scares most of this story is SO outrageous, it makes us wonder about the state of our society.
Perhaps there should be an inter-religious counsel set up to pray to address this. It's just "out there" big time in my book.
p.s. I appreciate the humor you guys have thrown in! I'm just not at that place as of yet. Hopefully, I'll get there. Humor is a good thing. Thank you!!!!


Roll With It
Personally I do not have a hard time at all praying for all 14 of the children. It broke my heart in the interview when the little girl said she wasn't looking forward to it, and several of the kids mentioned all the crying. Sadly, the oldest girl will problem end up doing a LOT of the child care. Just my guess.

So praying for the kids has been done here from day one.

It is one of the reasons I think the children should be adopted out. Nadya does not take the welfare of her children into account. Period. So they should get families where their welfare IS important.

Just in my opinion.

I do agree that Nadya should be forcibly sterilized unless doctor can produce test results saying that she 100% can not get pregnant with-o in vitro. It may "traumatize" her, but in my book that isn't a big deal.

All the lies. About help, about everything. It makes me sick.

I strongly feel that someone needs to find the sperm donor and speak with HIM about the fate of these children. It may take a DNA test and search to find him though. I doubt Nadya will give him up willingly.


Active Member
Terry, We will send octomom to Afghanistan and Pakistan. She will draw everyone's attention away from their focus of fighting. They will be too focused on her to do any more harm. She will be in the media every day (even have about 3 reality shows all about her) and everyone over there will be talking about what huge problems she has and their own struggles will seem a little more manageble. Those countries may even create media jobs that will support their economies and octomom will continue to be happy in her, "It's all about me" world - finally, people to take over her responsibilities and dote on her at the same time. Who needs violence to control a country? Just unbelievable ridiculousness. By the time the people over there figure her out, they should have forgotten their reason for fighting and hopefully figure out that living in peace (even peace with confusion) is a much better way to go.

Our economy will be a little stronger without taxpayers supporting her new home, dept store cosmetics, ect. - whatever she decides she needs at the moment.

For our economy, it will take more than one program to help, however, I think one program should be the government creating community service jobs and paying people to work on road improvements, create more teaching jobs, increase assistance for those who are unable to work, etc. One example: I have heard that dental care services will be decreased for those on assistance - the answer is to increase such services and pay people to be dentists, hygentists, ect. for this population. It is hard enough to find a dentist who will accept assistance as payment, now it will be worse. Instead of just giving out money, create jobs to meet needs. People can use their skills and education and those who need extra help will get it.

Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired
Susie, in the state of Ca. if you are a sperm donor you can not be held responsible for the resulting children and be made to pay child support.

I hope they don't find him and he can remain unnamed - he was asked by what he thought was a friend to be the sperm donor and am sure he had no clue she was going to go crazy - HE even asked her to stop. I am sure if she could not have talked anyone she knew into this, she would have been visiting the neighborhood sperm bank.



Roll With It
I didn't mean the sperm donor should be forced to pay child support, just that if he has any strong wishes, or if he wants some of the kids he should have that CHOICE. Even though he was a sperm donor, he was also a friend. And since he KNOWS about the kids he may want visitation or whatever.

He should NOT have to pay child support because he had NO control over how many children she had. That was totally on the doctor and Nadya's shoulders. If anything, I think the DOCTOR who implanted her so often with so many embryos should have to pay child support.

But if the sperm donor wants some kind of contact he should have that option. And if he doesn't, well, that is OK too.

house of cards

New Member
I haven't posted on this after finding out she already had 6 kids because sometimes I thing some people here think I have too many kids (8), but I see this as two seperate issues. 1) is having kids when you really shouldn't and 2) having too many fertilized eggs implanted.

As far as the doctor, I think regulations need to be tightened and if he broke any he should lose his license. Either way, he is scum.

As far as this woman, would you be as upset if she had given birth to a single baby? Would you have even known about it? I have adopted kids from 3 different birth moms, they have given birth to 15 kids to date, (two birth mom's are still quite young and will probably still continue to have more children that someone else will need to raise. Children who will bear the burden of living life with the effects of drug exposure on a developing brain as well as any mental hwealth issues they may inherit.

Putting any restrictions on a woman's "right" to reproduce is a societal no-no. I can't count the times I've told case workers I wish the birth moms could be forced to take birth control for 5 years after being involved with child protection services. I felt that would actually give them time to get their stuff together, yet still allow them another opportunity to have kids.

As far as these kids, I think the agency offering child care sounds good as well as the idea to seperate the babies and select adoptive homes for them. But even if the babies were placed, somebody needs to keep a watch on the other kids.

I don't have the outrage toward her that many of you have because I've seen too many like her. It isn't any less awful when a woman walks away from 3 kids saying they were mistakes and then goes and gets pregnant again within a year.


call 911
I saw the interview on Larry King Live with the PR company woman and she said "Absolutely, positively NOT did Ms. Suleman take payment for her interviews."

This woman thinks the entire WORLD (see her web site mention world) is a mosh pit for her to land in with 14 kids and survive. And she'll do it too -because there are people out there who will donate, have donated, and I'm sure this is why she's looking at a million dollar house. I TOLD YOU ALL THAT HOUSE SHE HAD THE INTERVIEW IN WAS NOT HERS!

Sadly - having 8 children at once is a sensation now, will be a sensation in 18 she'll survive and so will these kids.

Her answer as to whether she would ever have another child? NOT a very convincing no.

To ask the Duggar family what they thought of this woman was just a waste of time - You're asking someone who already has 18 kids - and believes in the power of prayer about someone else who did it without a husband, a home, etc? I think that gets the lamest question of the year award. Also - think about the Duggar house - she HAS at least 5 daughters that help her RAISE the others. If you have that much help then I could see having more kids.


New Member
For those of you saying she should be forcibly sterilized, do you believe your own children should have the same done? Not trying to start an argument---more intellectually curious, but MANY of our difficult children have done the same (perhaps not to such an extreme!! ;)), or worse (crime, abuse, murder, etc) to other people. Should our difficult children be exposed to the possibility of sterilization for their bad choices (probably due to their mental illnesses)?

I guess I just see this as another example of GFGness allowed to run rampant. But instead of stealing, or drugs, she's child-focused to get her attention and "love".
I believe this woman has some serious mental illness issues that have apparently never been addressed with- any success. And it doesn't look like anyone ever did an intervention with her, instead, she's been enabled all the way. But for me, just because the expression of her illness is multiple children, I don't see why she should be sterilized any more than one of our difficult children should have, I dunno, their hands cut off for stealing. Or lobotomized for doing drugs. Or maimed because they hurt someone in a car accident. Our culture just doesn't work that way.

Put the kids up for adoption, as she is absolutely unable to care for them. I'm sure they'd all end up in decent homes, with all the publicity they've been given. But I don't think I'd punish this woman too harshly, personally. I feel for her. She's been allowed to wallow in her illness, whatever it may be. She's probably a lost cause by now, and that's just a horrific thought. Sigh.


I think the last poster makes very good points and am grateful that it was mentioned.
This is a difficult situation. I know that I have always felt grateful when people were non judgmental toward our unwell child. It bugs me how many times I went around asking for help/advice...but no one had it for me. It bugs me that so many people instead judged me. It took me a long time to find the right people to help me. And there are few people who really "get it."

I do not know what the right answers are here. Adoption does seem like a good possiblity. Perhaps significant supervised assistsance. We can only hope that this mother gets the help that she herself needs. It's hard to find it in our hearts to be hopeful that this mother has a breakthrough. Mental illness is not a pleasant topic and many of us know that this is a possibility here. Perhaps a personality issue. On top of that, it seems we have a physician with his own set of issues. Disturbing.

Our hearts turn first to the children and that is fine. But she herself seems to need treatment. She is human being and therefore it is sad and unfortunate that her thinking is problematic and has caused so much turmoil for those around her. How many of us really understand that one???? Surely, her family has had very difficult times. It is likely that her parents have not known what to do in order to cope with this confusion and maybe they have made it worse.

I hold the doctor even more accountable for the situation. One would think that he is in a position of responsibility and accountability. However, it may be that other motives were at play here and they certainly don't seem to be in the best interest of this woman, her family, these children or society. Yet, he gets to hide his face. He is no where to be found. We either don't know who he is or barely know who he is. Yet, he is really the one that is mostly responsible. He knew that she had six other children. He likely knew that this woman was financially unstable and likely knew that there were other concerns. Yet...he moved forward with his plans. What is wrong with this picture? We are angry with this woman...yet where is this doctor? Hopefully, the doctor will have to shoulder some of the responsibility. Was this doctor reponsible at all? Is he fit to be a doctor? Has he contributed to hurting their least partially?

I heard about that group that has come forward with a plan to help the children...even the mother. She shows no interest. Perhaps someone can talk some sense into take a good look. Maybe something like this could work. It is hard to say. Maybe the parents will be forthcoming with information in the coming days. Who knows. I bet they have seen a lot. Now I heard on GMA a man claiming to be the sperm donor has stepped forward...but Nadia says he is not the one. I'm wondering if the DA should be called in. Could this be some sort of weird profit making business?

All this family and community can do is move forward. Perhaps something can be done to prevent this from happening again...and my thought is that it starts with this doctor and others like him. It will take much thought and work. Part of that plan perhaps should be that the mother also receive treatment and that laws are put into effect to change invitro fertilization. Perhaps they could be in the form of "standards." I think the outrage needs to be placed more on the doctor and on the industry. They had some controls and they chose not to use them. They are at least equally to blame and few are looking in their direction. I think energy needs to be placed there (so this doesn't happen again) for the babies (their safety and futures) and lastly for this mother and possible treatment. She is a potential maker of babies...but this doctor is a potential maker of cities. in my humble opinion, this is a complicated and sad situation and it really concerns me.
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house of cards

New Member
Eeky, If my girls were having trouble raising the kids they had, I think it would be a huge kindness to NOT allow them to get pregnant again for 5 years. I truly believe it would give them the opportunity to get their life together. I think I am a realist and I don't think the majority would turn their lives around in a major way, but even then, it would result in less kids overall for society to deal with which would help us to be able to do more for the ones that needed help (of course that doesn't mean we would, just that financially, it would be possible).
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Active Member
It is an interesting point you raise, Eeky. Why do we seem to have one standard for a woman like this, clearly a difficult child, who is enjoying her 15 minutes of fame (and yes, probably at the expense of her kids) and yet we get upset at the imposition of others (or well-meaning interference by others) into the lives of our own difficult children?

Forcible sterilisation, removing her children for adoption, forcing her to hve treatment - it's all moot. She has had these kids, they now exist, they are now needing to be loved andcared for. Somehow. THIS case is in the news. How many othes are not, simply because the babies are born in fewer numbers at a time?

We can dreeam, and want to fix it and make it better for those children. After all, so many of us are fixers. But if we really did waltz in and try to fix it all, it would be almost impossible to make any of this right, now. And to try to do so would be to remove her freedom of choice, one of the hallmarks of what we value in western society. If she is not cpaable of making her own sensible choices, perhaps tat is anothermatter. But we all know - whatever is achieved by imposing it on someone from "on high" is not achieved at all, not in the heart of the person who needs to learn to make change in their lives.

The doctor - I think some changes need to be made, perhaps tightening up regulations. If those regulations were not already in existence, you can't punish him retrospectively. Ufortunately. But perhaps society and the various surgical fraternities can learn from this and perhaps set up some necessary checks and balances in order to ensure that applicants for IVF are screened psychologically (in the same way adopting families are screened, at least in our neck of the woods); that there are strict, enforceable limits on how many embryos can be implanted at the one time; and some sort of effective deterrent can be put in place that will actually be able to be implemented, to make sure that regulations are enforced and will work.

THis is a complex situation. If we're going to lay blame, it must be laid at more than just the feet of Octo-Mum. The more I read about tihs, the more she seems to be to be unwell. And we all know, that is not a bar to having children. Unfortunately.

Every so often the debae is riased - do we have the right to sterilise the mentally infirm, or the retarded, or the handicapped? It's not a black-and-white issue. Some parents generally worry about what will happen to their very incapable child when puberty hits. It wasn't very long ago that it was perfectly acceptable for parents to request their mentally handicapped daughters be given hysterectomies, to spare them the risk of pregnancy and the trauma of shedding blood every month. But now - it's seen as a major violation of human rights. We all are given the right to reproduce ourselves.

Whichever way society chooses to go - we all have to wear the outcome. It's never going to be perfect. But surely, whichever way it goes, we should value personal choice? Perhaps we need a more effective, more appropriately-placed system of checks and balances, to preseve people's rights but also protect them from themselves, as well as from unscrupulous opportunitism. And maybe while we're talking checks and balances, we could include the media in our scrutiny and make them more accountable for the outcomes of their over-zealous attention.

The situation of the very young father in Britain has been at least partly dealt with by court order insisting the media back off.

It would perhaps be a really good thing for the many children of Octo-Mum also. As things stand at the moment, all the publicity is only making her worse, it seems. Perhaps out of the intense glare of the public spotlight, some common sense could prevail.

We can only hope.



What I learned from the media reporting is the woman pursued this meathod for conception as she was unable to conceive naturally due to blockage in her fallopian tubes.
The attorney for the contraversial physician had advised the physician to go ahead and implant all of the embryos because they belonged to her. Her remark in her first interview (which she had agreed to for payment) was something about that.
The public uproar over this mother who hit the medias interest because of the eight premature infants she delivered was due to the number in the multiple birth.
Outrage that she is single, that she was living on disability, that she had six children under eight.
Eugenics, which is what an 'intellectual discussion' about forced sterilization is all about when controlling reproductive lives by, well, force.
With this woman the means, were they used, would require either forcing her to take a medication to prevent further pregancies, or monitoring her reproduction. these meathods have risks. And some of those are mental health consiquences when they are. Removal of her ovaries is another, sence a tubal ligation would not be useful as she can not concieve by that means anyway. And that would throw her into menapause, seems harsh at her age. OR remove her uterus. Which is not really a spare part for women.
On a practical level she does as a parent with 14 children and unemployed and her family does need her now for quite a long time to come. She may be earning quite a bit of money over this next year that willl go along way toward keeping her afloat.
I am not clear that the conjecture and the critism she is getting even from
talk show host DR. Phil, is all that relavant. Time will tell if she is able to muster the help and pull off the safe care.
None of this would have been possible without her for pay physician and his legal advisor.
And her cooperative donor.
Other women are essentially doing the same thing without the fancy doctor and the media attention when after having one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifeteen + children they are waiting to see what creator wants.
And certainly hoards of men are reproducing via non-paticipatory relationships both voluntary and non. i read about donors mailing sperm from prison in Texus and how reproduction was a right.
I think that looking to women to self regulate is still by far more useful. And the moral delema that the Octomom faced between using or distroying her frozen embryos has more to do with the ethics of IV practises and less about how to control women who would pay for the service.
Even if it were illegal here, eventually it will be availble for pay elsewhere and the babies will keep on coming.
Interesting that brokering her offspring now that they are here is also tradiing in human lives. In the courtroom of public opinion this woman who was on TV when just a week post partum (how many women would look sane in the first week after birth, anyway? I remember it as this emotional twightly time.)
We embark on out lives as mothers with the love of our children.
The other larger than regular families all started in houses that were to small. She has a place to live. That is something. Hopefully she will get the help she needs for her children and for herself and make something good out of this legal/medical funnybusiness.


call 911
I'm not for invading anyones rights to anything......but I am ALL for enhancing someones lives by ........mmmmmmm.......lets give someone like this woman eight of our top problem difficult child's......on her own, On welfare.......I mean FOODSTAMPS......and lets just for kicks give her a court system to deal with like.....klmno is dealing with, and a biofather er sperm donor like my x.......and then lets just for the heck of it give her an HMO......with restrictions, and a hospital that is county and wants to move the babies NOW due to lack of funding - and a home that is in foreclosure and no car, no plan.

I know exactly what her plan is - she's waiting for interview, book deals, and reality show money to roll in. No one is going to convince me otherwise. I believe also she has been paid for EVERY interview, her pictoral spread with pics of every baby in Star or people. Like I said before - I don't despise her, I don'teven want to really talk about her - I'm just jealous that it's okay for HER to have a dillusional dream and go for it and I can't. lol. OH wait - except for the additional 13 children I about HAVE her dream. :ashamed:

She'll make it - she's a master manipulator - MASTER.

Heck - doesn't anyone SEE that this woman is just living the American dream?