My 20 yr old daughter sexually assaulted again during a night of drinking


New Member
Sure..first of all, sorry for this hurts.

Sober living houses are businesses, where we are they are not controlled by any state or such. My son has been in two...they were both suggested by the treatment center.

Prices vary...usually by location. My son has no car, staff gets him to any appts. His they have 4 guys to an apartment , they have mandatory meditation, mtgs and must have a sponsor. At some point they have to get work...some use food stamps. We have found that rules are not too flexible, so visit and ask questions.

It was what my son asked for....He cannot be isolated..He is with many young guys. He left first house as it was in bad neighborhood and .most guys were much older....they are to find comm there.

It is a stepping stone from residential care to being more independent....does that help??

I wish we knew more at beginning!
Thanks Mof,def helps.My girl doesn't drive as I mentioned and we doubt that she will for a long time so the question is always,how does she work,have a life not living where she can get around.I'm tired of being her taxi can and the one that all of her frustration gets taken out on.I don't want her back home because I have to get a life of my own and cut the cord.I'm not sure she can live with others because Iif her stealing,lying,etc but I suppose she will have to gain control of that or be kicked out.So,you paid for the Sober living for your son?I'm willing to do that for a bit but honestly don't think I can continue for long.Thanks for your advice.One day at a time,right?It's the one mantra I cling to ; )


Yes..We pay the rent. Now, your daughter is older, some residents families pay for a time and tell them they need to pay once they get work. Like I said....Prices vary.

She will get rides with other residents...attend mtgs everyday. Lying comes with the disease, I think sometimes the lies flow before their brain even kicks in. Stealing...Let's say that if she's getting sober, that will go with the drink.

My son earns his own food money..but never found fun time work...he's 19 so has limited experience, if it were a cheaper area...He would pay towards rent...the owner can tell you the realistic cost. She can get food stamps too.

She shouldn't complain if she wants her sobriety...make it clear she can't come home, this is the beginning of her life journey. My son liked the freedom, but is drug tested regularly....they will push independent responsibility.

One day at a time is for them an us. Imagine someday celebrating her's the goal. I pray everyday for all our Difficult Child journeys.... hugs to you!!!

Treat YOURSELF matter!


New Member
Yes..We pay the rent. Now, your daughter is older, some residents families pay for a time and tell them they need to pay once they get work. Like I said....Prices vary.

She will get rides with other residents...attend mtgs everyday. Lying comes with the disease, I think sometimes the lies flow before their brain even kicks in. Stealing...Let's say that if she's getting sober, that will go with the drink.

My son earns his own food money..but never found fun time work...he's 19 so has limited experience, if it were a cheaper area...He would pay towards rent...the owner can tell you the realistic cost. She can get food stamps too.

She shouldn't complain if she wants her sobriety...make it clear she can't come home, this is the beginning of her life journey. My son liked the freedom, but is drug tested regularly....they will push independent responsibility.

One day at a time is for them an us. Imagine someday celebrating her's the goal. I pray everyday for all our Difficult Child journeys.... hugs to you!!!

Treat YOURSELF matter!
Yes..We pay the rent. Now, your daughter is older, some residents families pay for a time and tell them they need to pay once they get work. Like I said....Prices vary.

She will get rides with other residents...attend mtgs everyday. Lying comes with the disease, I think sometimes the lies flow before their brain even kicks in. Stealing...Let's say that if she's getting sober, that will go with the drink.

My son earns his own food money..but never found fun time work...he's 19 so has limited experience, if it were a cheaper area...He would pay towards rent...the owner can tell you the realistic cost. She can get food stamps too.

She shouldn't complain if she wants her sobriety...make it clear she can't come home, this is the beginning of her life journey. My son liked the freedom, but is drug tested regularly....they will push independent responsibility.

One day at a time is for them an us. Imagine someday celebrating her's the goal. I pray everyday for all our Difficult Child journeys.... hugs to you!!!

Treat YOURSELF matter!
Thanks mof.This helps me to know a bit of what to expect.She is angry at me right now because I refuse to hand over a bottle of clonipin that was prescribed for her anxiety,which has increased since the assault.I give her one at bedtime which she says is me controlling her.I tell her that she will not have a bottle on her nightstand in treatment to which she replied"Pills are not my problem and I don't think I even need treatment at this point" She will be court ordered if she does back out,so I have peace in that atleast.
Hugs and prayer for you and your Difficult Child!!


Well-Known Member
  • I will briefly share my story. it is very different, yet no less heartwrenching while I was going through it.
My daughter started using pot at twelve and escalated quickly. I never heard of this board. The internet was rather new. I listened to Al Anon. Im glad I had that.

By nineteen she had to leave. She was affecting my two younger kids and keeping her with us wasn't working. We made her leave and offered no money or help or anything because we were told...tough love. She found a rather unsympathetic relative in another state to stay with and before she left she screamed, "I will hate you forever!"

I cried for three weeks.

Her drugs of choice were any speed or meth and she snorted it. She was afraid of needles, which probably saved her from being a heroin addict because she tried it twice, but did not inject it She had been on parole twice. Didnt phaze her. She was being chased by drug dealers. We didn't know how bad it had been until she told us, after she quit. She had been dragged to a park and assaulted there, but she didn't tell us that either. Drug addicts don't let us know how bad it is and anything they do tell us is usually a lie. Or part lie.

My daughter quit everything once she moved out. She cut contact with every single drug using friend and stayed drug free. Her new boyfriend helped her detox, she says. She never went to rehab. I didn't even know about them. She didnt go to NA meetings. She just hated her life and turned it completely around. She says once she decided she was truly done, she was done. She is very strong willed and stubborn and was going to do this.

Twelve years later she is still with her boyfriend and they have a two year old sweetie, my granddaughter. My daughter put herself through a two year pastry chef college course. She took out a loan. She paid it back on her own. She and boyfriend own a house. It is hard to believe she was ever a druggie but she was.

These are my thoughts and combined with those of my daughter.

Drug users dont quit when we make ultimatums or even if we send them to rehab unless they truly want to quit. You will not have to wonder if they mean it when they are done with drugs. You will see a new person.

Trolli, if you only have enough money for one go at rehab, be careful. It is unusual to quit the first try. My daughter had tried three other times. but was obviously not serious enough or, as she says, her cronies pressured her back into drug use. She had to leave the state with no forwarding address. And stay away fron druggies in her new state, which she did. She was lonely for a long job with nothing much to do but walk to work and back.

This is not for the faint of heared parents nor should anyone think going to rehab will do the trick. Some of our kids dont even admit to themselves that they are addicts. They have to be ready to quit; they need to want to quit more than we want them to. Or they won't. It's hard.

in my opinion the worst thing we can do is act like we feel sorry for them, even though we do. The more we do for them, the more they manipulate us and don't suffer snd suffering is in my opinion necessary to quit.

Keep expectations low the first time. Dont spend all your money. Don't do things for them that they can do for themselves. Cut to the, toys, extras. Make using drugs so awful for them that they really, truly feel they need to quit.

I know that this is not what most want to hear but I brlieve its truthful. Hugs to all.

Good luck
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Treatment will decide what medications she needs...and she will not have controll.

Anxiety is awful with addiction....thank you!


New Member
  • I will briefly share my story. it is very different, yet no less heartwrenching while I was going through it.
My daughter started using pot at twelve and escalated quickly. I never heard of this board. The internet was rather new. I listened to Al Anon. Im glad I had that.

By nineteen she had to leave. She was affecting my two younger kids and keeping her with us wasn't working. We made her leave and offered no money or help or anything because we were told...tough love. She found a rather unsympathetic relative in another state to stay with and before she left she screamed, "I will hate you forever!"

I cried for three weeks.

Her drugs of choice were any speed or meth and she snorted it. She was afraid of needles, which probably saved her from being a heroin addict because she tried it twice, but did not inject it She had been on parole twice. Didnt phaze her. She was being chased by drug dealers. We didn't know how bad it had been until she told us, after she quit. She had been dragged to a park and assaulted there, but she didn't tell us that either. Drug addicts don't let us know how bad it is and anything they do tell us is usually a lie. Or part lie.

My daughter quit everything once she moved out. She cut contact with every single drug using friend and stayed drug free. Her new boyfriend helped her detox, she says. She never went to rehab. I didn't even know about them. She didnt go to NA meetings. She just hated her life and turned it completely around. She says once she decided she was truly done, she was done. She is very strong willed and stubborn and was going to do this.

Twelve years later she is still with her boyfriend and they have a two year old sweetie, my granddaughter. My daughter put herself through a two year pastry chef college course. She took out a loan. She paid it back on her own. She and boyfriend own a house. It is hard to believe she was ever a druggie but she was.

These are my thoughts and combined with those of my daughter.

Drug users dont quit when we make ultimatums or even if we send them to rehab unless they truly want to quit. You will not have to wonder if they mean it when they are done with drugs. You will see a new person.

Trolli, if you only have enough money for one go at rehab, be careful. It is unusual to quit the first try. My daughter had tried three other times. but was obviously not serious enough or, as she says, her cronies pressured her back into drug use. She had to leave the state with no forwarding address. And stay away fron druggies in her new state, which she did. She was lonely for a long job with nothing much to do but walk to work and back.

This is not for the faint of heared parents nor should anyone think going to rehab will do the trick. Some of our kids dont even admit to themselves that they are addicts. They have to be ready to quit; they need to want to quit more than we want them to. Or they won't. It's hard.

in my opinion the worst thing we can do is act like we feel sorry for them, even though we do. The more we do for them, the more they manipulate us and don't suffer snd suffering is in my opinion necessary to quit.

Keep expectations low the first time. Dont spend all your money. Don't do things for them that they can do for themselves. Cut to the, toys, extras. Make using drugs so awful for them that they really, truly feel they need to quit.

I know that this is not what most want to hear but I brlieve its truthful. Hugs to all.

Good luck
  • I will briefly share my story. it is very different, yet no less heartwrenching while I was going through it.
My daughter started using pot at twelve and escalated quickly. I never heard of this board. The internet was rather new. I listened to Al Anon. Im glad I had that.

By nineteen she had to leave. She was affecting my two younger kids and keeping her with us wasn't working. We made her leave and offered no money or help or anything because we were told...tough love. She found a rather unsympathetic relative in another state to stay with and before she left she screamed, "I will hate you forever!"

I cried for three weeks.

Her drugs of choice were any speed or meth and she snorted it. She was afraid of needles, which probably saved her from being a heroin addict because she tried it twice, but did not inject it She had been on parole twice. Didnt phaze her. She was being chased by drug dealers. We didn't know how bad it had been until she told us, after she quit. She had been dragged to a park and assaulted there, but she didn't tell us that either. Drug addicts don't let us know how bad it is and anything they do tell us is usually a lie. Or part lie.

My daughter quit everything once she moved out. She cut contact with every single drug using friend and stayed drug free. Her new boyfriend helped her detox, she says. She never went to rehab. I didn't even know about them. She didnt go to NA meetings. She just hated her life and turned it completely around. She says once she decided she was truly done, she was done. She is very strong willed and stubborn and was going to do this.

Twelve years later she is still with her boyfriend and they have a two year old sweetie, my granddaughter. My daughter put herself through a two year pastry chef college course. She took out a loan. She paid it back on her own. She and boyfriend own a house. It is hard to believe she was ever a druggie but she was.

These are my thoughts and combined with those of my daughter.

Drug users dont quit when we make ultimatums or even if we send them to rehab unless they truly want to quit. You will not have to wonder if they mean it when they are done with drugs. You will see a new person.

Trolli, if you only have enough money for one go at rehab, be careful. It is unusual to quit the first try. My daughter had tried three other times. but was obviously not serious enough or, as she says, her cronies pressured her back into drug use. She had to leave the state with no forwarding address. And stay away fron druggies in her new state, which she did. She was lonely for a long job with nothing much to do but walk to work and back.

This is not for the faint of heared parents nor should anyone think going to rehab will do the trick. Some of our kids dont even admit to themselves that they are addicts. They have to be ready to quit; they need to want to quit more than we want them to. Or they won't. It's hard.

in my opinion the worst thing we can do is act like we feel sorry for them, even though we do. The more we do for them, the more they manipulate us and don't suffer snd suffering is in my opinion necessary to quit.

Keep expectations low the first time. Dont spend all your money. Don't do things for them that they can do for themselves. Cut to the, toys, extras. Make using drugs so awful for them that they really, truly feel they need to quit.

I know that this is not what most want to hear but I brlieve its truthful. Hugs to all.

Good luck
Stubborn is the word I def use the most to describe my dsughter.Your daughter beat the odds,incredible! I think we have to do this one last thing for her,whether she gets anything out of it is on her,but I need the peace of mind that we gave her this opportunity.I am admittedly very doubtful that it will completely change her and even expect that she maybe kicked out,but at rhat point I know I did everything and I can let go a ill easier,so I think honestly it's as much for us as for her.Is that wrong?We are done with anymore legal fees,DONE!I We agree if she slips up and winds up in jail we will leave her there,and sleep soundly.The week that we did on the last charge was the most peaceful week we had in a long time and honestly if we had it to do over,would have left her until her court date,no bonding her out,no attorneys.I truly hope that like your daughter,Somewhereoutthere,she will take that extreme stubbornness and channel it into making a good life for herself.Thank You for your prayers and wise words.Hugs!!!


New Member
Treatment will decide what medications she needs...and she will not have controll.

Anxiety is awful with addiction....thank you!
Yes,the anxiety component is what OkI believe,often drives her to the alcohol abuse,so it's a crazy cycle.I don't want her trading one addiction for anotherto (benzos)but self medicating with alcohol is killing her,so it's a slippery slope.My brain is fried from trying to reason this all out.This maybe another thread,I suppose,the whole anxiety component.Uuuuggghh


My son does not use Benzodiazepines...addiction centers shouldn't give them. He does take antidepressants, and effector. Non addictive...after things are under control, I hope cognitive therapy can help.

Actually, something has to take place of the alcohol. A healthy alternative...My son turned to sugar, then didn't like all the weight, he enjoys cooking and swimming. But, does this point Ill take it. The end result of who he will be will take awhile!

Take care of you, u can't control her, but u can control how u handle her. Hugs!


New Member
My son does not use Benzodiazepines...addiction centers shouldn't give them. He does take antidepressants, and effector. Non addictive...after things are under control, I hope cognitive therapy can help.

Actually, something has to take place of the alcohol. A healthy alternative...My son turned to sugar, then didn't like all the weight, he enjoys cooking and swimming. But, does this point Ill take it. The end result of who he will be will take awhile!

Take care of you, u can't control her, but u can control how u handle her. Hugs!
Thanks again for your help.Yes,she has started effexir as well,hoping that will help and no benzos.Hugs!


Well-Known Member
in my opinion the best way to learn to deal with anxiety is through coping based therapy, like cognitive behavioral or dialectal behavioral.

I have generalized anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) thoughts, panic attacks and panic disorder and medications did not help as well for anxiety as for depression. You need new ways of thinking.

Anxiety disorder is the most common and one of the most treatable mental health issues. Millions have it. That doesnt give them an excuse to use dangerous drugs.

Frankly, my anxiety disorder made me afraid of dangerous self medication. I always wonder if truly anxious people would take this risk. Sometimes i think certain users just say they have anxiety disorder to get sympathy. Anxiety sufferers are not normally risk takers.

I especially believe anxiety is used as an excuse to overdrink or smoke daily pot. I am very cynical when it comes to those who say they have serious anxiety, risking their lives.


Anxiety...which we now see as back as age 4 resulted in panic attacks. I don't know about the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)....but his self medicating....came when he spiraled into severe depression.

I read recently that a third of all drug users have forms of mental illness...Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD),such is a perfect storm. I agree....never been a risk taker, but the drive to escape the pain of it all must be strong, then they can't get out. I know many pot smokers who do it for that exact reason....right? Not necessarily

We hope with maturity therapy can help, right now, medications does.

Thanks for your personal input, gives me hope for therapy.


Well-Known Member
Just dont use his anxiety disorder as an excuse for his behavior. it isnt one. If you excuse him, he would ll urltilize that excuse and not work as hard to wuit.

Mental illness is in almost every family. Not all of the mentallily ill take drugs. There are much saner ways to treat anxiety or depressiob (I was hospitaluzed three times for suicidal depression). I have had mental illness all my life. Recreational drug use of any kind is foolish. it makes mental illness worse. Many mentally ill, like me, never got into the trouble your son did. I have the same mental illnesses as your son. It is a common combination. I am one of those "they" that you talk about. There is help for all of us without using dangerous street drugs.

Pot can cause paranoia. it did me.

Nothing on earth could have talked this anxiety riddled person into sticking a needle with heroin into my arm. Would have terrified me.

Dont let him use that as sn excuse for had behavior.

Good luck. I wish you both well.
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it fueled his choices. I wish he had asked for help, he did but we didn't understand and he wasn't being forthright.

He is so much more sane on medications, and luckily he respects them for what they do. I have to remember he is young and his thought process doesn't always work like mine.

Even people d without illness abuse drugs..heck, some people abuse food, but that's legal. Everyone has a vice I believe.


Well-Known Member
I would rather have my kid turn to food than heroin.

Honestly, mof, I have no idea what fuels people to abuse drugs. Abusing anything to get high is so far from what I'd do that I cant even guess. I am thinking that peer pressure is a part often with young people.

I can more understand using pot to see if it helps anxiety, but not hetoin.

At any rate, I truly, truly hope he never abuses anything again. Im totally cheering for him.


thanks...We were explained the broken brain. I'm sure your aware of it. Heroine did it for him..but also almost ended his life. I can see him staying away from opiates...but with the popularity of will be his biggest challenge...then again, I have a thing for sugar.

I believe all our children have a chance to beat their demons....just not on the timeline we would want....thank you swot