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I just don't know what to do anymore. My son first started showing symptoms of social anxiety his junior year of high school. He is a very intelligent person, but his grades started to drop significantly. He lost many of his friends, quit the school football team and started to self medicate with pot. He started stealing to pay for his pot habit and almost wound up in jail. Our pediatrician referred us to a psychiatrist once his symptoms of depression started. He was under psychiatric care and taking Prozac for close to 4 years and was doing much better. He graduated, got a job and had a social life. The Prozac had a bad affect on his sexual drive and he convinced himself that it was also causing all sorts of physical problems and decided to stop taking it. By this point he was 22 years old. His sexual drive returned slowly, but after about a year his depression and anxiety started to return. He totaled 3 cars and has gotten so many tickets, he cannot afford car insurance on his own. I put his current vehicle in my name and he is now on my insurance. He is reckless and irresponsible, then fearful and reclusive by turn. He started stalking his girlfriend 24/7 thinking she was cheating, even during working hours, and soon lost his girlfriend and his job. He has now developed a pretty severe case of paranoia to the point that he is altering reality as he sees it. He has become obsessive compulsive and spends most of his day researching terminal illnesses on the internet and then tries to convince everyone that he has them. He is verbally abusive and disrespectful to me and I'm the only one he has left that still wants to help him. He has threatened to commit suicide on a daily bases and screams and cusses at me for trying to speak with him. He is intolerable of anything and everything. He has terrible bouts of crying and raging and breaks things in our home. I cannot sleep at night worried that he will hurt himself or someone else. My husband cannot even be in the same room with him anymore without losing his temper and they get into horrible screaming fights. He thinks my son is just faking all of this to avoid working and getting out on his own. He avoids being in the house for most of the day, so therefore, never sees all that I'm dealing with. Our marriage is suffering terribly from the strain and he keeps threatening to leave if our son doesn't get his life together. I've tried talking with my son, being sympathetic, giving him tough love, and even threatened to kick him out if he didn't get some help. He finally agreed to go see his psychiatrist last week after he threatened to commit suicide and rammed his head into a wall hurting his neck. It scared the crap our of him when he realized what he could have done to his neck!! I took him back to his psychiatrist and he was prescribed a lower dose of Prozac as well as Wellbutrin. He took the first dose the next day and was a different person! I felt like I was in a dream! Each day he got a more calm and focused, and was telling me how he did need the medications and that he felt better. Today is day 7 and he told me this morning he doesn't want to take them anymore. I told him if he didn't stay on them he had to move out, today! He had a screaming fit and tried to convince me that the drugs were damaging him. He won't even let me speak, he keeps telling me I don't listen and I just want him drugged. My husband won't even talk to me about it. He keeps telling me he needs to be locked away if he is really mentally off, that medications are ridiculous. He said our son is a sociopath and has been manipulating everyone for years. Who says that about their own son?!?! I feel like I'm in between to brewing storms. They both tell me they hate the other and constantly threatening all sorts of crap. They avoid actually talking to each other and scream at me instead. I can't take it anymore. I can't eat or sleep. My nerves are completely shot and I'm exhausted. My married daughter tells me to just pack up and leave them to each other. I don't have her ability to shut off emotions and walk away. Plus, she is working full time while getting her masters degree. She has a lot on her plate so I cannot burden her with my problems so, I haven't told her about today's fight. I don't have anyone else to talk to about this. What do I do? How do I convince my son that these drugs are his last recourse? Do I kick my son out onto the street? He has nowhere to go and no money. I couldn't live with myself if I did that! Do I let my husband leave? We have weathered so many storms in our marriage and it kills me that a problem with our son could destroy it, but how can he not want to understand that our son is mentally ill?! Not to mention, I'm in real estate and money isn't a constant. We rely on his steady income to pay the mortgage and bills when my business slows down in the winter. God, that sounds awful and shallow! Its not like I only want my husband around for his paycheck, I love my husband. We've been married for 26 years. I have lived with him longer than I haven't and I don't know how to be without him. I just can't take it anymore. Can anyone relate?? Can anyone help me??