My babygirl came to me with ....and thank you all

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
This is hard for all parents. That first dicussion is always the hardest, too. But as you talk more, I promise, it WILL get easier for the both of you.

I don't see it as such a huge deal that kt's first "kiss" was with a girl. Could have been as innocent as each of them seeing what it was like to kiss someone other than family "in that way". At this point, I don't think I'd give it much thought. However, it seems to be one of the hot topics amoung young people these days. So, I can understand why she feels comfused about the issue.

You'll also have to consider her background. Kt may find that she feels safer and less intimidated by the same sex than with boys. This could serve to add to the confusion, especially as she ages.

I'm so proud of her for coming to you, and being able to sit down and talk with both you and husband. That just screams at what such a supremely AWESOME job you've done. I'm just sitting here beaming!


timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Thank you for all your very thoughtful & understanding responses. I really don't care what sexual orientation kt is - I'm more concerned about the timing of this entire thing. Her ability to handle the anxiety behind this.

More importantly, after husband's visit with wm yesterday, I'm extremely concerned that the tweedles visits together may be what's prompting all of this.

Apparently wm is having some very challenging & sexualized behaviors as well. Foster mum & I discussed stopping the visits or at the very least making them once a month.

I spent time with kt this weekend & let her talk. We discussed the responsibility of having sex. We discussed the people we choose to be in our lives & how they treat us. I let kt know that if anyone hurts her (physically, mentally, sexually or is emotionally abusive) that person doesn't belong in her life - period. She's already suffered through that - life is too short to do it again.

I'm done discussing this unless kt brings it up again. I'll make her therapist aware of what is going on - just to make her aware. therapist isn't the type to bring this up unless kt brings it up. kt is becoming less willing to work in therapy unless the topic is "her" idea.

Again thank you - all of your responses have given me a great deal to consider. I'll be printing out a copy of this thread for future reference.