My Chloe going to be spayed today. Is it worse than neutering?


Roll With It
The vets here have always said it was normal for them not to eat for a day or so after the surgery. A female dog is given a hysterectomy, meaning that they take everything out. In the long run it is much better for their health. MUCH.

Pain medications are not optional. They just are NOT. Having had my own hysterectomy, no way would I EVER make an animal endure that with-o pain medications. Dogs do recover faster than people though. the dog we had growing up was spayed by a mobile vet. He did the males in his truck (my mom watched and helped as he did our male cat, and was super impressed by how sterile everything was - he was an awesome vet) but took the females to his office. He brought our dog back the next day (at that time the vets would keep the dog at elast overnight afterward) and gave a funny smile as he told my mom to keep her quiet and opened the cage door. we were ready to have to carry her down out of his van. NOT. She took a leap out of the van, ran a circle around the yard, ran back to the vet, jumped up on him and licked his face. My mom looked at him and asked "HOW?" All the vet said was "That's not my part of it, I don't know." Then he left. She had no problems.

I have yet to see another dog that energetic afterward. Generally you should let the dog dictate the general activity level. IF you think they are being too active, do what you can to calm them. If the dog welcomes your touch, a gentle massage will help with healing as long as you do NOT pull on the skino or muscles in the abdomen. There are studies that show that massage can help speed healing in both humans and animals. It can help release lactic acid in the muscles among other things.

She will be fine. Spayed dogs and neutered ones both live much longer than ones who are left intact.


Well-Known Member
Well, Chloe is home now and sleeping on my lap, wrapped in her favorite blankie (the Christmas one that we brought her home in). And she usually doesn't sleep in my lap! She's pooped! The doctor gave her pain medication so she doesn't need to start that until tomorrow. We always get it when our dogs have surgery, just in case. She is being such a good girl.