My heart drops every time the phone rings and it's her


Active Member
That's how I was during the high school years. OMG there is the school again. Truly it took about a year after my youngest graduated before I was over it.



Former desparate mom
I still get a moment of panic when difficult child calls. My ringtone is "Walking On Broken Glass" LOL. It gives me a second to gird myself.


Well-Known Member
It started in the school years, sigh. Every day at work I would jump anticipating an issue and, of course, mostly it was customers. When it moved to s.a. issues etc. after school in the evening it was worse. Two years ago I started disconnecting the phone at eight each evening. At least I don't have to be startled, lol. on the other hand I have a cell and do get texts from difficult child#2 but they have been trauma free for quite awhile. It's a PTSD thing. DDD


Active Member
Yes-I dread the phone ringing. Today the phone rang and difficult child had quit her job. Oh why can't it ever ring with exciting good news!