My son burned our house down.

Our son has a Medicaid mental health waiver through the state. It covers in home therapy and respite services, medications, but also covered most of the cost his two years in residential treatment. We only had to pay a few hundred dollars a month. Check and see if something similar is available in your state. Our health insurance company was only willing to pay for a month in the Residential Treatment Center (RTC). They claimed he no longer needed services. :eek: They might have a different view if they had to live with him for a few days when he hadn't been properly diagnosed and medicated and was assaulting people and raging nearly every day!


New Member
Second Time around, did your son have the Medicaid before starting Residential Treatment Center (RTC)? Our insurance (Cigna through Employer) has approved Residential Treatment Center (RTC), but the facility expects no more than a few weeks to be covered. So the last facility wanted $30,000 cash up front to guarantee at least 60 days there. Did you have any problems with Medicaid approving the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) after the Insurance company started denying coverage?
Second Time around, did your son have the Medicaid before starting Residential Treatment Center (Residential Treatment Center (RTC))? Our insurance (Cigna through Employer) has approved Residential Treatment Center (Residential Treatment Center (RTC)), but the facility expects no more than a few weeks to be covered. So the last facility wanted $30,000 cash up front to guarantee at least 60 days there. Did you have any problems with Medicaid approving the Residential Treatment Center (Residential Treatment Center (RTC)) after the Insurance company started denying coverage?

It's been a few years, but I think that we placed the application when he was admitted to the Residential Treatment facility. They advised us on the application and connected us with the Department of Human Services.


New Member
Ok, thanks! The treatment will be out of state and he is 18 now, so we were already thinking that if he didn't have it beforehand, he would probably be eligible there (Illinois) at the most, after 30 days or so of him being there. His SSI medicaid is supposed to be being expedited and they expect it to go through easily, but it's kind of a waiting game on when they will have it done of course. Thanks so much! Reading here has been really helpful :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've only read a few of the posts. Apologies if I'm repeating. I'm so very sorry for your very difficult troubles.
I would hire an attorney ASAP.
I would have your son evaluated.
I believe there is a method to reverse an adoption.
Since you have other children in the home, I think this has to be seriously considered.
I too have an adopted child, now an adult.
It has been extraordinarily difficult, although not to the degree you are describing.
Nevertheless, it has had a profound effect on my finances, marriage, career, health etc.
It is nothing short of a miracle we are more or less ok.
She has a good heart (usually), but is mentally ill, impulsive, and so forth. It took and takes its toll.
See an attorney, preferably with adoption experience, ASAP. If the first one won't help, see another.
PS I have a friend with an adopted child (from the state) and somehow she was able to get free residential treatment fully paid for by the state. This was helpful and appreciated. She (my friend, the adoptive mom) is now divorced and very sick. She never remarried. The father and the bio son don't speak. Their family is a mess. Extreme stress takes its toll.

Again, since you have other children in the home, you have to protect them and consider their safety and their futures.
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