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M has always been a master of telling you what you want to hear. Ironically, he's a terrible liar. But, over the years he's always been either resistant to saying how he feels or unable to (I'm not sure which) and instead he spits out what he knows is the "right" answer. The SW's & psychiatrists at the psychiatric hospital were suckers for this, by the way. I always had to explain to them that he was just regurgitating what they wanted to hear and that they could not take what he was saying at face value...I was quite amazed they couldn't figure that out for themselves.
Anyway, I guess this week I let my optimism get the best of me. M seemed to genuinely find things he liked about his new school and for the first day this week, I didn't have to have a defensive plan to get him out of bed to get ready. After a little gentle rousing, he got up and ready with no struggle. Things seemed to be falling into place. I BELIEVED what he was telling me...that he LIKED his new school.
Then, this afternoon I was resting on the couch with a headache and he and his little brother were in the kitchen whispering, trying not to disturb me...but let's be quiet can g'sfg really be! LOL So, I overheard the conversation I was obviously not supposed to.
M was asking C if he liked school. C, who absolutely LOVES his preschool, said, "YES!" and M, with such anger says, "Well I HATE school. Now do you STILL like school?" and C says, "YES!" (C being of few words LOL) and M says, "Well, I HATE it...don't you want to be like me? I HATE school. You're going to hate it too." :frown:
M bottles everything inside and I just don't know how to reach him. I don't know how to address this. The "voice" was so familiar that I felt fear inside me...I suddenly relived some of our worst rages...I'm almost afraid to bring it up. I'm not sure I want to risk going there. On the other hand, I don't want him to think it's OK to be a bottle his entire life. I tell him time and time again that it's OK to come to me about ANYTHING and he knows that he is never judged, punished, or anything about the things he speaks to me about.
M has one more day of school tomorrow, then two weeks off, and then his 3 week Summer Program starts there. I *think* he's looking forward to the Summer Program, but for all I know, he's just saying that.
M also has his first psychiatrist appointment post-discharge on Monday. He *says* he understands the importance of going and that he has no negative feels or issues with going and that he will go with no problems...but he's said that before and then that was where I had to call 911. Again, the master of telling you what you want to hear.
Any advice? Should I let him know I overheard the conversation? How much should I push the issue of the psychiatrist appointment on Monday to see if he'll talk about it? I am scared to death of that appointment....scared to death.
M has always been a master of telling you what you want to hear. Ironically, he's a terrible liar. But, over the years he's always been either resistant to saying how he feels or unable to (I'm not sure which) and instead he spits out what he knows is the "right" answer. The SW's & psychiatrists at the psychiatric hospital were suckers for this, by the way. I always had to explain to them that he was just regurgitating what they wanted to hear and that they could not take what he was saying at face value...I was quite amazed they couldn't figure that out for themselves.
Anyway, I guess this week I let my optimism get the best of me. M seemed to genuinely find things he liked about his new school and for the first day this week, I didn't have to have a defensive plan to get him out of bed to get ready. After a little gentle rousing, he got up and ready with no struggle. Things seemed to be falling into place. I BELIEVED what he was telling me...that he LIKED his new school.
Then, this afternoon I was resting on the couch with a headache and he and his little brother were in the kitchen whispering, trying not to disturb me...but let's be quiet can g'sfg really be! LOL So, I overheard the conversation I was obviously not supposed to.
M was asking C if he liked school. C, who absolutely LOVES his preschool, said, "YES!" and M, with such anger says, "Well I HATE school. Now do you STILL like school?" and C says, "YES!" (C being of few words LOL) and M says, "Well, I HATE it...don't you want to be like me? I HATE school. You're going to hate it too." :frown:
M bottles everything inside and I just don't know how to reach him. I don't know how to address this. The "voice" was so familiar that I felt fear inside me...I suddenly relived some of our worst rages...I'm almost afraid to bring it up. I'm not sure I want to risk going there. On the other hand, I don't want him to think it's OK to be a bottle his entire life. I tell him time and time again that it's OK to come to me about ANYTHING and he knows that he is never judged, punished, or anything about the things he speaks to me about.
M has one more day of school tomorrow, then two weeks off, and then his 3 week Summer Program starts there. I *think* he's looking forward to the Summer Program, but for all I know, he's just saying that.
M also has his first psychiatrist appointment post-discharge on Monday. He *says* he understands the importance of going and that he has no negative feels or issues with going and that he will go with no problems...but he's said that before and then that was where I had to call 911. Again, the master of telling you what you want to hear.
Any advice? Should I let him know I overheard the conversation? How much should I push the issue of the psychiatrist appointment on Monday to see if he'll talk about it? I am scared to death of that appointment....scared to death.