mystery new words solved...yuck


New Member
Thanks guys. As usual, my sanity is here. I posted in my other thread and forgot to tell you here, Q started making the noises and laughing when he got his medications. he said again, is that really sex noises? I said no it just sounds dumb to me. Not angry or anything, just casual talk. He said, ok i asked where he was when leo told him (figured that would give me a big clue if there was a chance anything more had happened) he said, i'm not going to tell you because you will call the police. I assured him i wouldn't call the police (true) and he said he whispered into his ear so they talked by whispering. Yeah, I dont think it went beyond that and he also said he left a long time ago which means to me most of the time Q was there, Leo wasn't. But, clearly even after Leo was gone, Q was stuck on it and all the complaints of these weird phrases that he kept getting in trouble for never got investigated. I missed it totally too. As I said, just like with this case, it is really easy for me to eventually track down each and every phrase, song, noise etc. he perseverates on. Some of them sound so much like he is a bully, or a sexual preditor just because of the words. We have to find a way to help him gain more control. I fear it is just what we are doing, try to reduce anxiety so he can have more neurological control, use medications to help, distract and divert when he is stuck in these patterns. It is hard to do the last especially when the behaviors taht tend to go alone with it can be aggressive or totally inappropriate. Good thing he is cute and I love him.


Well-Known Member
I know. I used to say it was a good thing my boys were cute or people would have killed them long ago. Problem is they grow up and society isnt going to understand that he is mentally ill and neurologically challenged at some point in time. He will one day be away from you and say something wrong and it will be a nightmare. I dread that day for you.

I was so scared when Cory was a tween...say 11 and 12...because of his absolute lack of impulse control that he would end up date raping someone. If he couldnt understand the word no from me about eating cookies before dinner, how on earth was he going to understand that No meant No when it came to that? I was scared to death at that time. Thankfully my fears never came to pass. We must have done something right because my boys really are great with women. In fact, the women take advantage of Cory was a girl magnet. Oh the things I could tell All I can say is that good girls liking bad boys is true. However deep down he is a sweetheart and he wouldnt hurt a woman in anyway so that bad boy is just an image so they were really safe though their parents would have probably freaked.


New Member
HAHA that is kind of funny, there was a girl this summer who liked Q and it caught me off guard, but looking thru a young girls eyes (she was grade 4 or 5)...

I have thought those things too, not as much about a girl because it is hard to imagine he would be alone with a girl anyway...but i am sure as he gets older I will be able to think in those terms more easily. But I can imagine someone talking HIM into sex very easily, and smoking and using drugs. He is considered extremely vulnerable by the county and both his county plan and home plan say he must have direct line of site supervision (of course he can go to the bathroom etc. himself, but someone has to be outside and if too much time goes by they have to check) I could even get in trouble if I dont follow it. i have asked and they say since he is so disabiled, I will be able to have guardianship and he will always have a plan like that.... we will make sure his lack of impulse control makes him supervised closely to more than anything, protect him from himself.