Came across this forum during web search. Thought I would join after seeing not alone in this battle. Will try to make a long story short. Have a 15 y/o daughter who was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age. Has always been a little difficult but overall a good kid. This past yr things just got out of control. Partly my fault. She entered high school last yr without her best friend being there. Her friend was hospitalized for cutting herself. She then blamed my daughter for her actions. So made it thru freshman yr and she did ok. Gave her her laptop back over summer and that was a mistake. She got so involved in minecraft and chatting with friends online I couldn't get her off. Finally my wife tried taking it away at night to prepare her for school well the next thing I know I'm getting a call at work saying the cops are at our house. It seems my daughter pulled a kitchen knife out and threaten her mom unless she got the computer back. They took her to the hospital which has a paych ward for kids. She was admitted and ended up being there a week because she was just stubborn and would follow instructions, take medications or shower because the showers were dirty. She was angry at us for letting her stay there. Finally was D/C after 10'days. She seemed to be better and was back at school but that lasted only a few weeks. On top of this the detective that came to scene decided to charge her with assault with weapon so we could get proper help we needed. So we had to go to court 3 times because my daughter wouldn't admit to anything. Says mom was at fault for yelling at her. Finally they dropped the charges free and clear. We had a case manager and therapist come to house. Still have them coming. Daughter started missing school though making excuses not doing any homework. She stopped taking medications saying didn't make her feel good and doesent engage in therapy. Finally school decided she needed an alternative school. We saw two of them and she hated them both. She has an IEP. So they felt home instruction would start until could find a residential facility for her. She is moody and I can't get her off her computer without a fight. She has completely reversed her sleep cycle since some of her friends are in different time zones. She can be sweet as pie at times and angry again in no time. She doesent do drugs, drink , smoke or anything like that. She just plays minecraft and talks online. We have been told this is her social outlet since has few friends at school. Sometimes can't even get her to shower. I started researching residential facilities in NJ since we live there. Her case manager is looking for a proper fit as well. Not much around our area. This is very disheartening. I've explain to my daughter what may happen and she just wants to be left alone and feels we need therapy. My wife and I do see a therapist to help with parenting. My wife does have a short fuse but also suffered a severe concussion a few hrs ago and still has symptoms. So basically have been looking for a residential facility so she can be out of house and get treated and educated. I know she will not go voluntarily and may need to be hospitalized first then transferred. If anyone can PM me with any facilities in NJ that they can recommend. To me she doesent fit into a normal patient population since just behavior issue and no substance abuse or anything. I have one in mind that I like but might not be covered. Thanks in advance and I'm glad to see im not alone in this struggle.