Newlywed daughter having anxiety

My beautiful newly wed daughter told me she has anxiety. she is always thinking something is wrong with her. Bless her heart - her hubby is the opposite - he doesnt worry about anything - I just wonder why she worries so - she said she was going to talk to her GYN about it - I said that was a good idea - also I have a great counselor she can talk to - she didnt say no - so I will wait in the shadows and see - I cant rememeber her being so anxious when she was a young girl - Ihope everything is ok in their marriage.


Well-Known Member
Any newlywed who is enduring the first year of marriage is bound to have some anxiety. Did she say what she was worried about?


Well-Known Member
Susan, how lucky she is to have you as a M-I-L.
Is she anxious about everything? I went through a period like that and decided to quit all my newspaper subscriptions, quit watching TV, and quit listening to the radio. It made a huge diff.
I still have problems going to sleep at night--horrid thoughts that seem ridiculous in the a.m.--but cognitive therapy helps a great deal with-it.
I hope she takes your advice and goes to a therapist. It can be a great help.
Seems like she took your advice in the spirit it was intended.
Best of luck.


Active Member
Did she live at home before she got married? I know this is unusual but I know of a woman who was homesick on her honeymoon. It's not that she didn't love her husband or didn't want to be married...she just missed home and mom and dad.
Well number 1 - she worries about h er health - she is always wondering if she has cancer - she is very fit and exercises and eats healthy everyday - if she feels any lump or anything she gets all worried about it - one time she thought she had HIV - anyway - she has been with her husband as boyfriend and girlfriend for about 6 years - she lived with him for about a year before they got married - so basically she had a bed at home but she worked a lot and would go and see him - when he lived with his mom and stepfather she would go over there after work and hang out and then call and say she was staying over there - so I feel like during all that going and coming time she was just home here to sleep sometimes - for 5 years - now I am getting to spend time with her more - it is weird - I feel like for 5 years I was just an innocent bystander - not really involved - but know I feel like I want to be there for her but dont want to push her away by becoming more involved than she wants me too - so I called her tonight and she had just finished her run - she was taking a shower and said she didnt know what they were going to do tmmorrow and asked me what we were going to do - they never come over here - I told her we could all go see fireworks somewhere - but I am not going to press it - I told her if she wanted to go somewhere tonight - earlier - to call me - I didnt call her back - I havae to keep my distance in a way - anyway her husband is cute but he is very self centered I think - but she has been going with him long enough - her mother in law told her recently she should have stayed with the guy she was dating before because her son was a jerk!