I am not trying to start an argument here, but why can't his actions be, just part of Bipolar Disorder? sensory processing disorder (SPD) is usually in the umbrella of this Disorder. When reading about Bipolar Disorder lots of kids are Highly intelligent and fixate on things... they have sensitivity to things and are just plane weird acting... I would hate for a parent to run and demand to have their child placed on the Spectrum just because they had Sensory issues or were fixated on things... lots of kids with special needs are this way.
I also think just because a child who is on the Spectrum of Autism has rages or is showing what some one thinks is manic like symptoms, should not automatically be called Bipolar.
I think some Doctors are too quick to diagnosis these kids, I think part of it is funding, where the dollars are at the time. I know for a fact this is true, K could get lots of help if we "just" called her Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified. Which she did not qualify for but they were willing to do just so she could get some therapy.
I agree we need to treat the symptoms, and the diagnosis does not make our child, but for treatments sometimes the diagnosis does matter.
I personally think most Autism treatments can help most of our kids...
But as we have painfully seen, Some of the wrong medications for the wrong diagnosis's can hurt these kids...
I think waiting as long as possible is the best approach with as much therapy as possible. I wish we could all wait to medicate our children so much so much longer... unfortunately most of us do not have access to these therapies... or the Doctors who will take the time to give a proper and thorough diagnosis.
SO sad. His diagnosis could be completely wrong I don't know??? I just feel bad for the poor kid.