NO! It's too soon! Rewind! NOT "fair"!


New Member
my daughter got hers at 11. about 3 weeks after i explained it all to her, i knew it was coming soon because she suddenly had the need for a bra.

as for ear careful where you take her, the best spot, beleive it or not is usually a tattoo/peircing place. sounds a bit too grown up but the reason why is because all the equipment on hand will FOR SURE be sterilized. the peircers are trained to know how to do it best and they have to have a certificate in blood born pathogens and alot of training. the entire work area is medically sterilized(not like salons who often use lysol wipes) after each person, they will use a sterile needle most likely and not a gun. the guns are often not sterilized in stores or salons and can spread disease or infection. a tattoo shop is routinely inspected for health and safety so they make sure to keep everything clean because they never know when someone is going to drop in with a blue light and look for germs. salons/jewellery stores are not and often have young untrained people doing the peircings. they also have to have an autoclave on site to pre-sterilize everything themselves instead of depending on peircings pre-sterilized in japan or who knows where.


Well-Known Member
Wow! I never realized I was such a late bloomer. I got mine at 14 years and 2 months old. I was horrified and thought I was the only one who had gotten it...LOL. I wanted an immediate sex change too.

My easy child got hers at 12. She was just awesome about it.

Good luck with the ear piercing.


New Member
Oh My... my baby girl is just 1 year old and I REALLY hope she takes after me: 17 when I got my first period! LOL My parents must have been so at peace!
Good luck and good for you that you already taught her about it.


New Member
So nice hearing everyone's stories. I'm more at peace with it today after getting used to the idea. It's just one of those things where no matter how prepared you think you are, it just takes you by surprise!

Our pediatrician's office doesn't do piercings. I'm going to investigate the "Piercing Pagoda" (national chain) and one of our bigger local tat shops. I do like the comfort of all the sterilizing and licensing of the tat shop, but am very concerned that it would really freak her out - even if we got a quiet appointment with nothing else going on. The chain has a national reputation to worry about so it comes down to local staff. UHG! Sometimes I hate being responsible. Wish I could be as impulsive (not in a horribly bad way) as I was when I was single.


Well-Known Member
My granddaughter is only 5 so no period we got her ears pierced at a chain store in the mall called Claire's and I believe that is a national store. They did a wonderful job. She loves them. She had them done at 4 and we only waited so late because none of us took the time to do it before! I wanted to do it but was afraid to ask her momma and then when I did ask she told me she was gonna take her the next


I got mine when I was 10, and now that Kiddo is 10... *shudder* There's a lot of literature out there that the hormones and all in foods has been edging kids (especially girls) towards early physical maturity. I've had her on organic milk for a couple years now, I'm hoping that might help give us more time before she hits it. If her PMS is anything like mine was PLUS her current issues... oh honey, it's not gonna be fun.

I have a metal allergy and can't have my ears pierced (tried it twice, yes with hypoallergenic stuff like surgical steel and titanium, both times baaaaad results). Worried she might have the same, so never got hers done and she's scared/not interested. I have promised to pay for her first tattoo when she's 18 (within reason) if she wants one.