Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Well-Known Member
I couldn't resist this! And I'll understand if it's not considered to be appropriate. It's a film clip from Graham Chapman's funeral, a very somber occasion until John Cleese makes a little speech, a tribute to his good friend. And because it's John Cleese, there are a few naughty words, so if you're easily offended better skip it.



Well-Known Member
"I should go back and face the peril."
"No you shouldn't."
"Yes, I should go back and face the peril."
"No you shouldn't."
"I bet you're gay."


Well-Known Member
"Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."


Well-Known Member
"Hee hee heh. Stop. What... is your name?"
"It is 'Arthur', King of the Britons.."
"WHAT is your quest?"
"To seek the Holy Grail."
"WHAT is the air speed velocity of an un-laden swallow?"
"What do you mean? An African our European swallow?"
"Huh?..I, I don't know that....AIEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
"How do you know so much about swallows?"
"Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know."


Quid me anxia?
I endured six years of Latin in the French school system. Students were called to the blackboard to translate French sentences in Latin and were often humiliated by the teacher. This scene from Brain is BRILLIANT!


Roll With It
This reminds me of Latin class my sophomore year. We each brought in 3 MP quotes and then got into groups and translated them into Latin. I don't remember them in Latin, just how much fun it was. I loved our teacher - she had a ton of ideas like this AND she baked homemade chocolate chip cookies for us.


Active Member
And now for something completely different...

My favorite. I got a little desk bell for a friend who'd just been promoted to department manager, and he didn't get it. So I lent him my VHS tape of the episode cued up at that skit.

From then on, whenever we had a horrid day at work, and I was showing stress, he would look at me from across the room, tinkle his little bell and say, "Good niiiiiiight, dinga dinga dinga diiiiing!"