Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! My throats is starting to hurt......


Active Member
I do not want to get sick!!! I have plans!!!!!!!!!!

I need nekkid chicken dancing to make this go away!!!!!!!


Active Member
OK I'll try- but just as a fore-warning, something has been going around, at leasst in the region I live in, and it's a 'knock-you-on-your-rear' sort of thing. So just in case, you might want to prepare accordingly. So sorry...

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dancing here (and boy am I getting strange looks-lol). Seriously, I hope you feel better soon!


Active Member
I had the knock-you-on-your-butt thing two weeks ago. This feels more like a run of the mill cold but with my lung issues, it always gets nasty :(


New Member
Ok.... i just KNOW this is a 12 hour deal (do i sound convincing??) You will be fine in the morning...:hypnosis:

on the other hand, tis the season


Well-Known Member
Tell ya what, send yer germies my way. I just had my flu shot so I should be pretty good to go right now. But...I can only keep them till the end of the week because I have to go see the baby then.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Salt water can work wonders.

This is why I clipped coupons and have been scouring the sale ads for cold/flu medications soon as they started showing up. Seems like the past 2 yrs or so I catch more than I have in my whole life (seriously I never used to get colds or flu) and I figure with watching easy child's boys.......whew boy, I'd better be prepared!

Handing you a big fluffy pillow, pushes up a comfy foot stool, covers you with a soft comfy blanket, orders you to gargle with a tsp of salt in an 8 oz glass of fairly warm water before bed, and to get plenty of rest.

And my dogs are cracking up while I'm chicken dancin for ya. :help: <<<< now you gotta stay well, they can't take much more. LOL



Well-Known Member
Keep up the Airborne, and drink warm water with-vinegar and honey. It changes your pH to make it more alkaline, which will help keep the virus away.


Active Member
Glad you are feeling better. Can you send some of that my way now? I have no voice and my throat is killing me. A killer sinus infection strikes again.

Got an appointment with the ENT at 2. Blech!