I am new to this site and have sifted through a lot of threads that I can definitely relate to, but am still struggling with what to do. I have 2 boys ages 8 and 5. My oldest has always had behavior issues starting at the age of 3. He used to be set off by the smallest things and by set off I mean he would throw chairs, tables, and food during pre-school. It started at pre-school, I had never witnessed that behavior and then it started creeping into the home. I took him to a neuropsychologist when he was 5 and he was diagnosed with ADHD and I also determined he has sensory processing disorder (SPD) (sensory processing disorder). I tried eliminating all chemicals from his food in his diet and saw improvement, but not a fix. He is now on medication and I am still trying to figure that out. One week it seems like the medications are working, then the next week they don't. There are times where I see such improvement, and then there are times like I feel like I do today...helpless. He is so defiant, everything has to be how he wants it, he says such mean things to me and to his little brother, and he is so angry so much of the time. I just don't know what to do. And now I see these same behaviors in his little brother, who has not had the signs and behaviors that his older brother had as an infant and toddler. I read all these posts talking about ADHD, autism, ODD, etc.
Getting diagnoses are great and everything, but how do I help my son? I feel like all I do are behavior plans, and nothing seems to help for long periods of time. The first 2 weeks are always great, then the excitement and motivation go away. I need some concrete help and do not know where to get that. I feel like I have used ADHD and sensory processing disorder (SPD) as a crutch and haven't really figured out how to get both of my sons on a consistent behavior track. I should add that I am a single mom, no family in town, and my ex currently has supervised visits so he can work on his alcoholism. With all of that environment influence...it is always so hard for me to know if it's my son's diagnoses, the effects of a divorce, the effects of his dad being an alcoholic, or me being a bad parent.
I hope someone can relate and help me in some way shape or form.
Thank you.
Over the last 5 years, a lot has happened in our lives. His Dad became an alcoholic, a functioning alcoholic, but still...an alcoholic. We have been separated for 2 years and it seems this divorce will not happen fast enough. His dad had started working on his alcoholism, but then had a relapse and I had to take him to court to get custody and he has supervised visits.
Over the last 5 years, a lot has happened in our lives. His Dad became an alcoholic, a functioning alcoholic, but still...an alcoholic. We have been separated for 2 years and it seems this divorce will not happen fast enough. His dad had started working on his alcoholism, but then had a relapse and I had to take him to court to get custody and he has supervised visits.
Getting diagnoses are great and everything, but how do I help my son? I feel like all I do are behavior plans, and nothing seems to help for long periods of time. The first 2 weeks are always great, then the excitement and motivation go away. I need some concrete help and do not know where to get that. I feel like I have used ADHD and sensory processing disorder (SPD) as a crutch and haven't really figured out how to get both of my sons on a consistent behavior track. I should add that I am a single mom, no family in town, and my ex currently has supervised visits so he can work on his alcoholism. With all of that environment influence...it is always so hard for me to know if it's my son's diagnoses, the effects of a divorce, the effects of his dad being an alcoholic, or me being a bad parent.
I hope someone can relate and help me in some way shape or form.
Thank you.
Over the last 5 years, a lot has happened in our lives. His Dad became an alcoholic, a functioning alcoholic, but still...an alcoholic. We have been separated for 2 years and it seems this divorce will not happen fast enough. His dad had started working on his alcoholism, but then had a relapse and I had to take him to court to get custody and he has supervised visits.
Over the last 5 years, a lot has happened in our lives. His Dad became an alcoholic, a functioning alcoholic, but still...an alcoholic. We have been separated for 2 years and it seems this divorce will not happen fast enough. His dad had started working on his alcoholism, but then had a relapse and I had to take him to court to get custody and he has supervised visits.