Nothing like a stay in the hospital

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
to make you sicker than a dog. I was home no more than 24 hours & was hit by the crud. Ick.......I feel awful. Look even worse. (I had been lucky so far this winter - no colds or anything thus far.)

I've been walking about since yesterday afternoon with vick's vaporub slathered on my neck & chest; that wrapped in a big warm scarf, my hoodie sweatshirt, sweatpants & fuzzy slippers. Not the prettiest picture but it's soothing. (I've got the vaporizer running or I'm in the bathroom steaming myself by running the shower really long.)

I have a home health nurse stopping in this morning; she can call my GP if I need anything for this. in my humble opinion, it's just the hospital crud following me home & needs to play itself out. Ick.......

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ick is right! No fun fighting the crud but sounds like you are doing a good job battling it. I'm glad a nurse is coming over so she can check to make sure if you do need a doctor or not. Feel better soon!


Active Member
I got home from my crazy travel schedule and am sick with the crud/flu too.:sick: It stinks to be sick - sorry.


Welcome to my jungle!
I am sorry you are not up to par. another one here down with the crud, feel horrid, look worse!

maybe we can all go to a spa somewhere and sit in a sauna with eucaliptus (no idea how to spell that).

Hugs, Vickie