Off to see the "special" school...will update


(if things dont get worse where he's at now)

ESY would be a perfect time to test the waters of this school. its a natural transition, i dont imagine his current school has the same social aspect he has now over the summer anyway, and its short enough to get a good feel for things.

and if i were a betting woman, i'd guess this new school has a full day ESY which could better address his goals and theraputic needs, vs the lousy, 2-3 hour public one :)

there is no rule saying you have to attend ESY in your home school if another program suits his needs better and they cant offer the continuity of services and the same structured day he has during the school year. :devil:

of course, provided you dont need to make a move right now.


New Member
I asked this very thing... four months of giving him a break at his middle school... I think the sp ed staff would, but the admin may still act up so I have to weigh if I want to be bullied for the next four months.

but to try it for ESY (which by the way was the plan last year but then they said no way he would ever need this because this program is working so well BLAH-UGG) and I said then dont ask me again because I dont want him to have to leave the school... YOU GUYS dont have to deal with the melt downs, hits, kicks and self esteem problems when he has to leave....

Here they run ESY as a summer program for most (unless you threaten them because it is not supposed to be like that) so they take kids from the entire district and put them in one place.... he LOVES it and does pretty well... M to thursday and it is half days ...

SO, yes.. they do their own ESY I did ask that.


Roll With It
Those do sound like huge problems. I wonder how often those codes happen? I wish there was a way to have that program in a building next door to where he is now so he could just go between them as needed.

As for being bullied for the next four mos, I would be documenting EVERYTHING. because then you can PROVE that they are doing a lot of this intentionally and in an organized fashion to get him out of the school. You might ask the lawyer and advocate how to keep them from bullying you.

Otherwise if you had the time I would suggest following Mr Principal for a while because I am sure he has some kind of nasty little secret. People who act like this do not limit it to one part of their lives. A few embarrassing pics that you don't send to his wife/boss/the paper MIGHT get you some breathing room.

Is it possible to let him do Special Olympics? Is there a YMCA within reasonable distance of your home? Those might provide some social options and help with that end of things. I know that the Y would probably give him a scholarship to do everything free, and you to do it with him. You have to apply, but most are pretty good about this.

Would Boy Scouts be an option? Maybe if an Integrated Listening Systems (ILS) or mentor attended with him? Those would be good social things also if you have the right troop. I know the big cities near us both have special Boy and Girl Scout troops for sp ed, and they also integrate them with reg troops when possible (and they see a lot more possible than most groups do, at least from what I ahve heard).

What extracurricular things are the neighborhood kids in? What could be done to integrate that into Q's life? Just a thought.

Google your area homeschool groups. NOT to homeschool, but to see if possibly you could join some of their activities. We were in a BIG group in Cincy and I have not met more tolerant people with one exception. Homeschool kids do NOT think that you should only be with kids your own age, they are far more tolerant generally and they often have a lot of cool activities. Our group had a prom, dances, sports teams, a two coop schools where the kids got together to learn things, just LOTS of all kind of activities. It wouldn't hurt to ask if you could do some things iwth them. NO ONE in our group EVER refused to do anything with Wiz no matter how he acted out. And he did. They knew, and their moms did, that we were doing all we could. and that was enough for them.


Active Member
Buddy, the school sounds very good. But, I can see your concern about Q missing out on social interaction. I am not sure I am in a place to give an usable opinions. I do know that you will do the very best for Q, even if it makes him upset at first. I didn't get to read through all of the other comments. So tired. I am going to ice some cupcakes and head to bed. It sounds like it was a very long day for both of us. Hugs.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, this sounds like a really neat place.
Are you looking to place Q, and alos get a teaching job there?


Well-Known Member
How long has that director been at the school?
And what is the average "turnover" time in your district? For example, here, both teachers and principals are expected to stay in one school "at least 5" years, "no more than 10", and the average is about 7.

You can't outright ask - but it would be good to know how long the director is likely to stay around.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, this sounds like a really neat place.
Are you looking to place Q, and alos get a teaching job there?

Terry - that was going to be my NEXT question...
If Buddy could work there, even part-time, it might also help the overall situation on all sides.


New Member
No, no teaching there, that would never work... very small school and can you imagine if there is a conflict?? I have no hopes of being able to teach because in sp ed you have to go to IEP meetings as we all know and I have to be home with my kid.

I have looked at special olympics and gotten the papers even for the doctor to sign... then we got into other adpated sports and I never followed up. I do think it would be good for him. He does have neighborhood kids... It is not after school I am worried about, it is during school. He does better behaviorally with typical peers than he does with special needs kids. when I heard the kid out in the hall swearing just like Q I thought, that is great that people will be used to that, but then I thought but as soon as Q hears that he will be doing it too, and louder and louder and more and more.... ugggg

Had a ball thrown at me while we were in the hall and for me, no biggie and no one got too upset but it was clear a few of them were not happy with the kid who tossed it but I doubt they would say anything to her while we were standing there.

Law advocate just called and she said that while I was finishing with the director she talked with the sp ed coordinator. Sp ed coordinator thanked her for calling the superintendent. HMMM??? Is that because she really has been trying to get him to back off and stop wrecking this team or is she trying to CYA so that lawyer doesn't go after her (which she has several times including telling the district that they should fire her because she is costing the district so much money.). I dont trust any of them now.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I can't give you a good foot-massage over the 'net, 'cause it's probably part of what you need right now.

too much information. Too little time. Not enough options.



Buddy, I cant give informative advice re the school system....
Their is a few things my mommyheart and gut is wondering about:
1. is the main reason for the shift your fear that they will victimize Q in his current school? Why I ask this.....does Q feel bullied or victimized by the staff or children? Because sometimes our issues with the staff luckily dont spill over to their relationship with our child?
2. Is Q happy in his current school?
3. In worry about the effect the lower functioning kids in new school will have on Q? This would upset my son alot?
4. Is Q reaching his accademic goals in his current school? Because this is the main reason he is in school?
5. I worry about the staffs answer regarding what the children see outside the window? She said that the kids are nonverbal and to low functioning to realize whats going on......I dont like her assumptions! How does she know what they feel?
6. I am also wondering about the few professional therapists at the new school.....this can lead to teachers playing therapist.....! How well and what training do they have?
7. What type of criteria do they use to decide what and where the children fit in?
8. The current school sets an example of what is expected in kids need to know what is acceptable behaviour.....not being allowed to behave the way they want....if they are expected to function in open market and not sheltered employment one day.....
9. I would think of shifting to a new school if the current school is doing more harm than good? Is this the case? And also if my child is really not coping withthe social demands in current school, but then just look for mainstreem with smaller classes?
10. Is their a way you could contact some of the parents to ask how they feel about the school service?

Sorry if I sound so negative, but I do think you might need to go and have a few more visits at this school because we tend to see things differently when the initial emotions is out of the way?

Plenty of hugs being send your way!


Oh the other thing I wanted to add Buddy....what is your gut feeling when walking through the school?
Is there ANYTHING that seems to good to be true or makes you wonder? Because by now....we as difficult child parents have a great 6 th sense!!!!!!


New Member
NO worries, these are good....

Buddy, I cant give informative advice re the school system....
Their is a few things my mommyheart and gut is wondering about:
1. is the main reason for the shift your fear that they will victimize Q in his current school? Why I ask this.....does Q feel bullied or victimized by the staff or children? Because sometimes our issues with the staff luckily dont spill over to their relationship with our child? Yes, this IS part of it. I should not have to worry about it, he should be safe at school, but I am not the only one who thinks (four others) and the principal has said he is going to tell his staff to press charges or go to hr to claim an unsafe work environment, (lawyer says to let them because none of what he does rises to the level of severe bodily harm... it is mostly words and ripping the notebooks that I provide and there is too much documentation that this is a manifestation of his disability but do I want to go through that stress??? Do I want him to go through that???)
2. Is Q happy in his current school? Q likes his routine. Happy would be an overstatement. He is sad about not being with his friends, not being in his mainstream (not even the homeroom time anymore) etc. He loves one girl who acts as a mentor and he calls a friend but she is a friend to him like she is to the kids in the wheel chairs that she goes to help. She is from the EBD class for anxiety disorder. A very kind hearted girl.
3. In worry about the effect the lower functioning kids in new school will have on Q? This would upset my son alot? Yes, I think it will bother him if he thinks that he is part of their program, but there are kids even lower functioning (kids with severe medical conditions and NO language not even pecs or anything) in his school right now along with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and many other special needs kids so it would not be NEW to him to see them. Down the other end of the hall is a full school of kids who similar to his level and higher in the EBD classes. He has been kind to kids who are very much lower than he is and only would get upset about their noises...and he imitates their stereotyped behaviors like hand flapping, verbal sounds, etc...and he keeps these forever as far as how things have gone so far.... He never flapped hands or did that until he was in music or adapted sports where they were mixed together. In this situaiton they do not mix the kids, they would only see each other in the halls. The rooms are very very thick brick walls and heavy doors and I did appreciate that when closed you could not hear outside of the room because he is so bothered by others talking and noise.
4. Is Q reaching his accademic goals in his current school? Because this is the main reason he is in school?No, never has. Not in any school. He makes progress usually but last year they said he didn't make any after telling me at conferences and in emails that he was working...they wrote his periodic review which is the inbetween report on the IEP goals that he was not making any progress. This last meeting the ironic thing is that they all reported he was doing more work and doing it well, each and every teacher... but that took about five minutes and the rest of the two hours was people reading lists of words he says repeatedly and how rude he is. then the principal threatening etc... I have always said that a private teacher for one hour would probably get more done with Quinton on average (he has days when he does amazingly all day so it is not always this way) if we only needed to work on academics. So it is a no brainer that he will likely do better academically but he is not going to ever do the school full curriculum so that to be honest is not a concern as much....he does make progress and learns and it is despite what they do I feel.
5. I worry about the staffs answer regarding what the children see outside the window? She said that the kids are nonverbal and to low functioning to realize whats going on......I dont like her assumptions! How does she know what they feel?I hear you, it was not really like that... it is just that there are two sides of that wing, one side has windows that look out onto the front of the school and so you can see people coming and going which is normally no biggie. But if there were to be a situation, then the kids who are more aware see that and get anxious and upset. I saw the other kids, I promise you, they are in their swing spinning, or being squished in the sensory room, they have more than an 1:1 staff ratio and the windows dont open so it is not that they can hear any of it. They are adding film etc. for better privacy but still allowing light too. the rooms are equal, they, especially if Q comes because a window where he can sit and count planes and buses etc. (hey it is right next to the bus gargage!), said that they felt it would be a good thing to just put the east side class on the west side and the west side class on the east.... If I was a kid that severely disabled, THIS would be the place I would want to be. I saw one of the girls walk down the hall on her knees and then up to the director who is not her teacher obviously knew her and just hugged and could not let go.... she was so happy to see her.
6. I am also wondering about the few professional therapists at the new school.....this can lead to teachers playing therapist.....! How well and what training do they have? They have the same and more as what he has in his current school. And the director is a psychologist who has worked with our beloved home psychologist so I will get his take on her. He will be honest. All of the teachers are Master's degreed in this SUN program. They all have extra Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) certification. The one in SUN2 though, is getting married and is marrying a guy in the service and they will be moved this year so she is gone. No clue who will be there and THAT is a huge worry. If the teeny tiny teacher with the BIG knowledge that I talked to in the other class were to switch I would move him in a second. The Occupational Therapist (OT)'s go between schools and this school would increase if it was in the IEP of course, but as of now they only need the 1.5 days because when you are an autism specialist your class is often set up AS a complete sensory room... and these rooms are like that. In fact even the EBD side is like that. ALL of the kids, EBD andASD have sensory throughout the day. they have bouncy balls instead of chairs (for those who want it) and alternative lighting, and they practice with the kids how to move to the other areas of classes when NO ONE is having issues so it becomes routine if one of them is having a hard day. I actually saw two classes turn lights out, they had their lamps on etc.
7. What type of criteria do they use to decide what and where the children fit? It is 100% individualized in the SUN program. All of the kids have to have been in a level 3 (like Q is in now, a placement in a gen ed school and there have to be several trials of other plans before the district will allow the child to be placed in this school) It is of concern that one reason they want to build this school up is to bring the kids who are being placed out of the district now (so more expensive) back to this school so it will grow over the next four years. That could be an issue. A BIG issue. It is exactly why we moved from our other district after his third grade year.
8. The current school sets an example of what is expected in kids need to know what is acceptable behaviour.....not being allowed to behave the way they want....if they are expected to function in open market and not sheltered employment one day.... Yes, but this school is not a school with kids who have developmental delays except for the SUN ! class, and of course some of them have learning issues but are not overall delayed. The two kids with Q's side are ahead of him academically. I do not want to seemlike I have Q in a pigeon hole but he is not likely to ever be in an unsupported work environment. Same for living environment. His brain injury is too severe. I think he will reach a point where he wont need constant visual supervision, but check ins for sure... These kids are not allowed to just behave the way they want, but of course are corrected on the basis of their individual plans and since there are are so many para's and teachers and specialists, there is not as much of the inappropriate methods like being sent to the principal, suspensions which many of them LOVE etc.
9. I would think of shifting to a new school if the current school is doing more harm than good? could be a huge problem, he is freaking out as he has since last year that they would send him away. He is not doing great there, true, but will this traumatize him and make it so that if we do want him there, he will not ever adjust? He can really have some deep obsessive fears and anger than lasts years so it could blow our only chance to move him at a natural break. Is this the case? And also if my child is really not coping withthe social demands in current school, but then just look for mainstreem with smaller classes? My wish exactly, and they have not done their jobs in this respect. They just bow to political pressure to keep those words away from the other kids.
10. Is their a way you could contact some of the parents to ask how they feel about the school service?That is a great thing to add to my list. I would love to talk to other parents and of course they always pick the ones who like the school but I can at least ask questions.

Sorry if I sound so negative, but I do think you might need to go and have a few more visits at this school because we tend to see things differently when the initial emotions is out of the way?

And of course, there is still the issue that he will see more behaviors and so he will likely pick up even more awful things. It does seem like they are separated pretty well but in the halls, that was where I saw 5 serious behaviors that, while handled beautifully, for Q would be triggers. That is a huge huge huge concern. I will say that the SUN kids were NO WHERE around that. Their schedules do not follow a bell or anything so they were not in the halls when the other kids were transitioning. So I am planning to pay attention to see if that is really the case.
Plenty of hugs being send your way!


New Member
Oh the other thing I wanted to add Buddy....what is your gut feeling when walking through the school?
Is there ANYTHING that seems to good to be true or makes you wonder? Because by now....we as difficult child parents have a great 6 th sense!!!!!!

My gut feeling was really mixed. I liked much of it for many reasons that are great for some kids and even would be great for Q. There are things that are very worrisome, not that they are doing anything wrong, but as a match for Q. I dont want him there just because it will be easier to contain him or even because people will not get as frustrated and call ME or put stress on ME... that is not a fair reason to move him.


New Member
I dont want him there just because it will be easier to contain him or even because people will not get as frustrated and call ME or put stress on ME... that is not a fair reason to move him.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

No that would not be fair but that isn't the reason you were looking into it. He is being treated badly where he is due to ignorance and ego. They are not following his plan. They are ostrisizing him and isolating him. It is unlikely that you are going to get anywhere with that administration. And it is only half way through the school year. I know first hand what damage a principal can do to a child when gunning for the student. They know what they can do legally and they have no hesitation doing it when they want to make the child "go away". Maybe it is time to write out a weighted pros and cons list. Most important things weighing in more heavily. I find that when i am faced with a very difficultt decison this is what I do and it helps.

I understand the social issues and for my son we enrolled him in Boy Scouts and baseball and other things to fill that gap. -RM


New Member
Thanks, that is my process for sure. The social issues are not about what he LIKES as much as that when he is surrounded by behaviorally challenged kids he picks up every single thing and once he does that, it is nearly forever.... He has already been around these six CIP kids and what's done is done....but a school full of eighty kids who do this??? Not that all of them have those kinds of issues but in the time I was there, there were several incidents in the halls and classes that would have pulled Q in for sure.

To be fair, the SUN2 kids were not around when those things happened because their schedules were so individualized that they were doing other things and not in the halls. They dont frequently walk down the halls so unless those kids come out their end of the hall (which happened twice) AND they were in the hall, they wouldn't have known. If Q had seen his clone doing that... yelling in frustration and going out the doors, he would then do that every day.... no more trying to get in the green zone, lol... now he has a buddy.

Just talked to the home psychiatric and he will come with me to see this next week. I told him the good and the concerning... he does not think this would be a good choice long term. He is wanting us to move him if we need to but not to accept that this is the only option. there is a school in another city/district that is opening next year...he wants us to go there to compare.


Well-Known Member
Just talked to the home psychiatric and he will come with me to see this next week.
I think this is a VERY important part of the process. The home psychiatric doesn't have the emotional and ptsd effects... but does have a vested interest in Q doing well. If home psychiatric vetos this - current school doesn't have the option to force it. If home psychiatric supports, its different. And... like he said, maybe there's got to be a multi-step plan.

I know Q doesn't transition well. But ... maybe, if there were some transitioning required that was "positive", he might adapt a bit? It would make his longer-term future easier...

And... its really tough sitting with all this hanging over your head on a weekend!. Hope you can keep busy and not stew too much...


New Member
thanks... well yes I will try to not think too much. He had a TERRIBLE day at school but they didn't call me, I think they love those days now so they can write ti all out...

Turns out he had a rash again... along with that the girl from teh ebd class who is his "mentor" left early today to go to fla for a week. He is really really upset. He did a ton of jumping on the tramp (which is IN the class and is a gross motor thing which means he will yell out...I just dont get that...)

And she said that he went for a walk with the psychiatric alone! I blew a gasket.


Well-Known Member
Document, document, document.
Share with home psychiatric, as well as with atty and sp ed higher-ups...
Leverage every tidbit. Its "cost" you enough already.


Roll With It
They let him go for a walk alone with a man who has physically ABUSED him in ways that are against the law? OMG wtH do they want? It seems they are BEGGING to write you a mulit-million dollar check to create a school just for him and a group of other kids who would be good influences!!! The law person NEEDS to know about this, you NEED to send a letter from you and law person saying that due to the abusive restraints that psychiatric is to NEVER be with Q esp alone and if he is EVER alone with Q you will get a restraining order. in my opinion that report that they didn't give you from last year that proves in HIS words that he broke the law should be enough to get the RO.

Plus you don't really need that much in many places to get a TRO. It may only hold until a hearing is scheduled, but they are going to far.

I know you need some time away from him, but you might think about shadowing him at school to "help" them handle Q appropriately. If I lived near you I would try to do partial days of this to help you. I HATE that this is happening. Are you anywhere near TimerLady? She might also have some info that could be helpful from all she went through wtih the Tweedles. Her situation was very different, of course, but also somewhat similar.