

(the future) MRS. GERE
P.S. The earlier suggestion to keep a journal is also a good one. I kept one ongoing. It proved to be invaluable when it came time for further placements.



Active Member
I could see calling and leaving a message for PO if we hadn't just spoken yesterday and him telling me that he would be out until Monday so I could call him then and tell him if difficult child had any issues over the weekend - that kind of means to me that I should just talk to him Monday unless there is an emergency requiring a 911 call. Or a missing person/runaway report. And since difficult child isn't home yet, that could happen real soon. He is digging himself in so deep. But oh yeah- this is the kid who had it all figured out about how to be cool now and make lots of friends once he was released because he had been getting all this input from the guys in Department of Juvenile Justice- and THIS was his plan? Gee- I sure hope it was worth it and that his real goal was just to have more to "brag" about once he's re-incarcerated. Does he honestly beleive that these high school kids are going to be impressed with him going back to Department of Juvenile Justice- even if they are giggling over his brazon actions right now? He wouldn't listen to one word I said about this issue even when I tried to talk to him about friends and high school before his release- so be it- he knows somewhere inside of him that he has no one tto blame but himself. My guess is that he's realizing now how bad he has messed up and now he's just throwing in the towel- he knows I will report him and that PO will violate him.

CPS needs a wake-up call- we'd all be better off if I'd just used the duct tape method. LOL!


New Member
I like duct tape. ;)

That said, good luck...I mean that. My difficult child's major issues started a week or so before he turned 15, he's 17 now - 8 months and 8 days until he's 18. Saw him today. Police came over with him so he could pick up clothes and a debit card which, by the way, I did NOT give him and the police agreed with me. He told them that he expects the judge to put him back in detention for a few days (court is Weds.) then emancipate him.


He's about to be up on charges of trespassing, breaking and entering, and maybe a few other things. Found out today that he made a bonfire in the machine barn - yes, it's full of equipment - and has been partying down at my mom's farm. Where he EMPHATICALLY is not supposed to be! Oh, and playing with BB guns, again a no-no re his CO, shooting out windows, trashing the place, and getting into, God forbid, the GRAIN BINS. Fun, fun.

And the reason I mention this, not to hijack your thread, but because my difficult child started out a lot like yours. You've heard of gateway drugs, of course - this is gateway behavior, in my humble opinion.