Pink Champagne


Well-Known Member
Goodness. I feel just about as silly as I did a few years ago when I had to ask what a corn dog was.

You mean to tell me that there's a wine called Mad Dog 20/20? (Based on everyone's description, I imagine it makes Baby Duck seem refined)

I need to get out more...


Shooting from the Hip
Uhhh... MD 2020 is loosely - VERY loosely - termed wine... I think.

From wikipedia under "Fortified wine":
MD 20/20 is an American fortified wine. MD 20/20 has an alcohol content that varies by flavor from 13% to 18% (with most of the 18% varieties discontinued, although Red Grape is still available in 18% ABV). The MD actually stands for its producer, Mogen David, however, it is widely known as "Mad Dog." Originally, 20/20 stood for 20 oz @ 20% alcohol. Currently, MD 20/20 is not sold in 20 oz bottles nor at 20% alcohol by volume. A slogan was made about it by U.S.S. Brumby sailors in 1988: "20 twice aint nothing nice, put in my hand my friend."