psychiatrist says no medications!


New Member
It's not that I am opposed, because I am not. By the way, is psychiatrist pediatrician??? That's what I meant for it to be. Psychiatrist said maybe we need to treat anxiety, but she is not comfortable doing so. She said she's just not experienced enough and truly thinks we need to be looking at occupational therapy for Sensory Integration Disorder (SID). She thinks that maybe the ODD and hyperactivity seem to be triggered by anxiety that he feels when he's overstimulated by noise, pain, or the issues he has with textures (his clothes). So, I will be looking for a good O/T today to start that. I'm just hoping that his lack of medications at school are not affecting him too badly there. His teacher hasn't called (kinda good sign), and we have his conference next week.


Well-Known Member
psychiatrist is psychiatrist.

Therapy sounds like a good start if you agree with the diagnosis by psychiatrist. Do you?


psychiatrist = psychiatrist
pediatrician = pediatrician

So who is saying no medications? A pediatrician shouldn't be prescribing psychotropic medications -- he isn't skilled enough. A child psychiatrist who isn't comfortable prescribing medications isn't worth much -- that's what they're supposed to do. You need to get a second opinion from a new psychiatrist if you're interesting in pursuing this avenue.

FWIW, the combination of your difficult child's symptoms -- anxiety, hyperactivity and Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) -- might point to a high-functioning autism diagnosis. Has your difficult child been evaluated for that? You might want to see a neuropsychologist or developmental pediatrician.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't trust a pediatrician to diagnose or decide on medication. ODD and Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) are both diagnoses that usually tag along with other disorders and I doubt if you have the whole picture. I'd take your child to a neuropsychologist. They do more intensive testing than either Psychiatrists or regular Psycologists. My son had twelve hours of testing, and, boy, was it helpful! It turns out my son is on the autism spectrum and doesn't even NEED medications (he doesn't have bad behaviors) however he certainly needed special interventions that he wouldn't have gotten if we hadn't explored it further.
Our pediatrician won't even touch these disorders. It's not his field and he knows it.
Take care :smile:

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I agree with the others.

However don't stop looking for a good Occupational Therapist (OT). That can also be alot of help to difficult child.



New Member
Just because psychiatrists prescribe medication doesn't mean they HAVE to prescribe medication to every child they see. I wouldn't NOT see a psychiatrist because they were not comfortable prescribing medications with good reason.

I say start with the recommended therapies, keep notes of progress or decline, and continue to see the current psychiatrist in case things don't improve. Not everything is fixable with pills, and sometimes pills do nothing but cause more problems in the long run.


New Member
Thank you... and the psychiatrist (used correctly this time) did suggest high functioning autism. That word scares me, though, really. However, the neuropsychologist did not think (only via a 45 min. interview and some random tests and 3 different inventories) that he was in the autism spectrum but that he has "mild signs" and he could not rule out a mild form of asperger's. God, I feel like there are so many possibilities and no freaking answers!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the while my son's teacher is losing her wits, he's feeling horrible about school and his behaviors sometimes and I just feel lost and powerless.


I think I had a different interpretation of what Indianamom was suggesting the psychiatrist said. I read it that the psychiatrist was never comfortable prescribing medications for anxiety, not just in this difficult child's case. If that is the case, it might be wise to consult a second psychiatrist. My apologies if I misread the post.


New Member
smallworld: he said he didn't want to write the prescription without the pediatrician being involved in the decision. Why? I have no idea. I am going to call to inform him that we are going to try O/T and that, at least for right now, we won't be seeing him for therapy.

I am so scared to face his teachers. I don't know what to say to them. My SO was telling me last night that it's not as if I am sitting back and not trying, that I'm just letting him be that way without trying to figure out what's wrong and do something about it. I think the teachers are just so used to medicating kids who look to be disruptive and unfocused that they look at me strangely that I'm not medicating him. I've heard it in their voices. Not every kid is the same and, like my SO said, it's going to take time and I feel so awful that they have to deal with his behavior in the meantime :frown: But, what other option do I have???