Question for all parents


Active Member
There is one person I have dealt with in all this that does seem to "get it". I was thinking about asking this person about having a conversation to bridge some of these gaps. I want to do this for myself, but would be happy to also ask if she'd be willing to come on board and converse about some of these issues, too. It sounds like there are only a few parents who are interested, though, and I would want there to be more of a benefit from it for everyone and not focused on negativity. I would trust this person not to give out the board name to people who would make trouble and would ask a moderator about it beforehand, to make sure it's ok, but I wanted to see if there was interest from other parents first.


Active Member
You snuck in on me Nancy- that is what I was afraid of.

It doesn't have to be pursued- no big deal. This person does know there is mental illness though, that wasn't the concern I had. The discussion I'm most interested in is what can we as parents can do to 1) prevent legal involvement and 2) if legal involvement is necessary, how can we work together instead of against each other. I thought it might also lead to a subtle way of making it obvious that many in the system don't get it and need training or something.

I don't think there would be an issue of this person being on here as a continuous thing- I think it would take some encouragement to get her on here once or twice, if at all.
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Well-Known Member
klmno, don't get me wrong, I would love to talk to such a person. I don't think I have all the answers, nor do I think I always handle things correctly. I would love to talk to someone on the inside to get their perspective. Maybe you could talk to Cheryl and see if there is a temporary forum that can be set up for those of us who would like to be involved and then close it down after the discussion.



Active Member
Thanks, Nancy! If there is enough interest, I'll PM a moderator or Cheryl. I personally don't think anything "special" would be needed because I doubt this person would have time or be interested in being here on a regular basis or gossiping about it or anything else like that. It might be that she woul;dn't even do it once, I don't know, but I think it's possible. I understood that a few seemed it might be worthwhile, it just seemed like there were more people who didn't. The last thing I'd want is to ask a "guest" to come here to really try to help us, then have her "dumped on".